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  1. Hi guys, I know it's wandering somewhere on the net but I've tried to find with no luck Does anyone have orig. Rgrade weapons for h5 ? If ican recall atleas couple of names are HELIOS,AMARANTHINE, REQUEM ,KALIEL ? Thanks in advance!
  2. HI Celestine! first of all, thanks for this amazing share, I was wondering, any tips for editing these effects? Is it hard to remove them?
  3. In what way? any facts?
  4. so which is better L2J Eternity or L2J Sunrise?
  5. So you mean I have to edit weapongrp? , ok then my question is, which values are the true ones? XML or WEAPONGRP? If I understand correctly - PATK is actually that I've set in .xml, and weapongrp is only the visual part? What damage will it do? the one stated on .xml or weapongrp ? EDIT: nevermind, I've just checked weapongrp: Will fix it. Thanks for your support
  6. Yeah sure, So, I've decided to add R110 Weapons to my current Hobby project, there was no stats.xml (which is needed for L2jSunrise, they don't use .sql) So simply i took vesper.weapons.stat.xml copied this file, changed names, stats, and ID so it suits SYSTEM files. Weapons works, no problem, I can use them etc etc but there is one BUT. In stats/items/R110.xml PATK for my weapons for example are: Krishna SLASHER 1075 in game Krishna SLASHER 654 it doesn't add up. So my question is: Is there are any other places where i must add stats for my freshly added item? There are no ITEMS.SQL in my database, since this revision uses XML for stats and so on. this is how my .xml looks: And this is what i get in game: I mean it doesn't even stand with VESPER weapon stats, It feels like server config somehow decrease my stats
  7. anyone has stats xml for sunrise?
  8. Hi there guys, so first things first: I've added custom items f.eg. R110 Weapons, there were no serverside xml so I took Vesper weapons xml and edited on behalf of new items, Problem is that Patk and other stats stays the same... like org. vesper. Have no idea how?! I mean my custom weapons uses ID to identify what info to get from XML. right? so how it can stay the same?
  9. Guys stop asking for geodata, if u own a server, do a favor and respect an author of this map, buy geodata.
  10. Hi I was wondering, anybody knows how to make that when a player starts with new char, he gets a letter in mail (mailsystem) with specific items?
  11. Thank you! you made my day and saves shitloads of GOOGLE stuff
  12. Any Idea how to open Itemname-E in fileedit?
  13. Is there anyway to reduce Map effects when you enter those spheres? like its impossible to see when you enter dvarwen sphere or kamael sphere, anyhow great SHARE!
  14. what about creating GEODATA for custom map?
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