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Everything posted by Kelly

  1. Thank you. I suppose the latest l2asrv will work with all versions right?
  2. First of all, i DID search : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=search2 Now someone please tell me which versions of walker i need for a c5 server. There's a whole lot of them here : http://www.4shared.com/account/home.jsp I just don't know which ones i need. So the question is, which IG and OOG versions of walker do i need to download from there to bot on a c5 server? Thanks.
  3. lvl 32 kamael trooper already :D Cheers for this mate. btw, try to minimize the time u use it cause NCsoft already swinged the banhammer once when they restarted the server.
  4. Looks very nice but can we edit the stats?
  5. Good but kinda useless :/
  6. Chaotic Throne 2 : Gracia is my motivation right now :P Fucking hell they are changing the game even more in a couple months.
  7. Btw u can buy the kamael client in game stores for like 2 euros.If u cant download it etc etc... And about kamael classes, berseker hits hard so does arbalester but its better when they work together and they become quite overpowered with an inspector in the party. Inspector is the hidden kamael class btw.
  8. Wow! Somehow i had never seen this thread. Gj Maxtor i was looking for some of those links.
  9. Photoshop is better. And will always be.
  10. Olympiad = Gladiator and all the summoners. Mass pvp = Archer(maybe some nuker too if u are good at it)
  11. I know there's a way to dupe items using a pet(any of them) and it still works in some c4 servers like the one im playing on atm. Its l2dominion.com. I saw other ppl using it. I searched but all i found was exploits that were hidden and marked as fixed.Can anyone pm me here how to do it before its completely fixed? In Greek : Loipon paidia, einai enas server kai kserw oti douleyei to exploit alla de mou lene pws ginetai.Eida kapoious na exoun 50k+ custom materials pou theloun mhnes farming gia ta mazepseis. O server anoikse prin 2 evdomades... O server einai o L2dominion.com. An kapoios kserei pws ginetei peite mou prin to ftiaksoun i kleisei o server. Thelw na spasw ligh plaka.
  12. Can someone make a serious guide please? This videos are completely retarded and for some reason i cannot save the files i make. I try to save a file and it gives me an error that the file's name contains spaces.Which doesnt. If someone has the time to do it , please make an EASY to follow guide, step by step for noobs like me. In english would be nice as well...
  13. I dont want to mod the colors or the looks of the shields, i want big ones like D.Shield :P Someone must have tried it so far i'll just w8 till he reads my post :)
  14. I would really appreciate it if someone could explain me how to change the size of a shield/weapon. I dont care about changing colors etc etc. Just to make stuff bigger/smaller. I tried to change the size of the textures in photoshop(used the texture editing guides step by step) but i am either doing something wrong or its not possible. If this helps i want to make imperial crusader's shield as big as the dusk shield is.For starters :P Will be waiting for some serious help here since all the custom weaps/armors ive seen look astonishing.
  15. lol its awesome! For the anime fans around the world :P
  16. How can i change the size of a weapon or shield?
  17. For the 1st time in my life i figured it out and made myself a working walker. Cheers bud.
  18. Its good Arthes but it always depends on what u want from a game. There WERE hacks before episode 2 came out so yeah... There is a chinese bot(exactly the same as l2walker) but u have to buy it and then pay a monthly fee to use it. Oh, u have to be a chinese citizen too..... There's plenty of gold sellers around for it too. Just another mmo in my opinion but its not unplayable or dead like others.
  19. Got fixed last night. GG mengz.
  20. I dont wanna buy the mats out of a random br and make him rich too :P I just farmed like 20 bil adena and stored em so i can buy moonstones and helfire oils later on :P BTW donations are opening sept 1st so i dont even know if im staying on retribution,maybe it turns out to be extremely imbalanced like vengeance...
  21. Cool.Btw this still works...I made a lot of weapons and shit but i cant make s grade stuff cause i dont have enough materials and ppl sell them for too high prices. Oh btw, EVERYONE seems to know about it but GMs do nothing.
  22. I pmed u Arthes but i will ask here as well. Did u got banned for doing this or for some other reason?
  23. Very useful, i vote for sticky what u guys think?
  24. Cant be more true than that.Hero glow in the eyes of a noob is like honey for bears.U'll have everyone flagging on u and shit. But like i said if u mod the client so u can have only the glow for u,its still gonna look stupid in 2-3 days.
  25. Like other ppl said u cant choose the core u using.Lets hope for and update on it but i really doubt it.
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