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Everything posted by Eu8uMhSDeV®

  1. 8a h8ela na agorasw Enan donate char stn L2mafia me extra sub k skills.. dinw Char ken Orwen i paysafe analoga posa xrhmata tn dinei.
  2. i will speak you tommorw just let me think
  3. @Fanky it is in ken orwen it is created by real tectonik (toddi his name) i'm now at laptop I WIll Add Photos Just Be Patient :D
  4. Char L2 Mafia Ken Orwen : Name: xTeCkToNiK Pvp / Pk : 2.9k pvp / 3k pk , noblesse. Items: BOW +35 with b roar active armor +20 Rb set +21 Tattoo soul/doom +20 rapier dha staff +30 50 gd and 2k gb etc. Item Skills: Might Active , Duel Might Active , Shield Active , Magic Barrier Active , Guidance Active , Agility Active , Focus Active , Heal Active se dms , B roar Active , Heal Empower Active , Empower Active , Wild Magic Active. I sell Them For 100 / 150 euros (i think ken orwen char for ken orwen is cheap because 1 skill = 40 euros) I Accept PaySaFeCard not paypal because i have problem . Thanks :) Soon i will add and photos. Char L2 mafia Stuck sub. Items: 10 weapon +31 , Staff +35 , Zombie / Dusk Shields , 2,4k gd (for Hero) , Armor Heavy / Light / Robe +21 , and rb set +25 etc. Pvp / Pk : 10k / 3k Char name: 3l3ktr0n1k Item Skill: Empower passive , Agility passive all at dms +31 and Might Active. (Items are at bot But if anyone buys char i add to char) i dont know how much cost, so do me offer for stuck sub char :) http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/6708/shot00001aq.jpg[/img] http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/5841/shot00002vt.jpg[/img]
  5. works and ty for scripts!!
  6. Btw U have 4 actives. Tell us what are all actives please :)
  7. Thanks Very useful post Because some pp dont know :/
  8. nice char. i will pm u in msn
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