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Everything posted by Eu8uMhSDeV®

  1. it's a good game i see... i try to buy or download it :)
  2. L2Raviel Of Course.
  3. PRoblem sold, just needed to run program as admin lock please . Ty
  4. Paidia akouste.. anoigw to phx prota afou to exw balei sto system , anoigw l2 alla dn exei connection to phx me to l2. mporei na m pei kapoios gt plz ?
  5. Geia sas paidia. Mporei kapoios na m pei kanena server na dokimasw phx ? Ty ;D
  6. pou mporoume na broume keylogger? Psaxnw ke egw
  7. xaxaxaaxa gamato !
  8. *Da*Best*CheateR* scammed me staff +35 in l2 mafia 04 stuck sub (I made 1 topic about selling items) . Can anyone punish him ? Also if dont believe me i have Screen Shots Ty MXC :)
  9. sorry wrong section lock it :(
  10. *Da*Best*CheateR* Scammed me staff +35 in l2 mafia stuck sub (as i made 1 topic with i sell items there) can punish him ? Ty..
  11. pm me with offer. i accept other chars and money :)
  12. Char Name : ~Wh1t3AnGeL*~ Class Bishop PvP / Pk : 15300 / 15099 Active Skills: Empower, Wild Magic , Heal Empower , Shield , Magic Barrier , Agility , Spell Refresh , Rerfesh , B roar , Reflect Damage , Stone , Shadow Flare , Ritual . Passive Skills: Empower , WIld Magic , Heal Empower , Shield , Magic Barrier. Items : Dms +30 , Armor +30 , all Rb +30 , tattoo +30 . (max wpn armor normal +25 and donate +30) Some Fotos Of Char: http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/6848/shot00007xq.jpg[/img]
  13. spam for life re :P
  14. char exists and you sell him and now? i am interest.
  15. Mporeis na grapseis sto Search tou mxc L2 Interlude Pack k 8a breis ekatomuria ;)
  16. Teleio File :)
  17. Den kserw posa 89eleis pes m esy :)
  18. add some photos.
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