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Everything posted by Extreamer

  1. Right I have L2tower, and I want to use the Iaugment on interlude. I got the code so it works until the augment box appears in order to put items in. Then the script goes mad and starts spamming the dialogue to the box but does not put the items in. How do I fix it ?! Here is the script! Thanks in advance ! iaugment.zip
  2. ASAP response would be appriciated !
  3. Right I have L2tower, and I want to use the Iaugment on interlude. I got the code so it works until the augment box appears in order to put items in. Then the script goes mad and starts spamming the dialogue to the box but does not put the items in. How do I fix it ?! Here is the script! Thanks in advance ! iaugment.zip
  4. I might as well share all the customs that you have used :) Great job at opening a piece of shit :D
  5. Right are you seriously stupid or acting like it. I tried so called your vote system with VM and different ips, I got about 150 vote coins :L Blessed are 100% which is a fail All items can be enchanted to +20 which is a fail Endless amount of skill bugs, and item bugs which I am not going to name for obvious reasons. No GK in major towns, NPCS can be hit in pvp areas :L and you can heal whilst pvp This server is an absolute fail and I don't recomend it to anyone !
  6. L2 boyd - my review At first L2boyd looks like a well made server, the customs are nice, the prices are pretty low and the farm zones are okey. However... Customs do not work at all. They give no stats, Aka no bonuses apart from the standard defence ! Tier 1 armors/weapons are useless since tier 2 is so easy to get :) Vote system is terrible. It gives the reward to everyone online. E.G i can make 15 bots, and transfer the vote medals over :) Not going to speak of balance since in L2 it never existed :) Gameplay is ok, farm pvp, farm more, pvp, farm more, pvp. Standard gameplay, nothing special that wants to play the server for longer. Admins mix and match greek with english which is kinda funny, and annoying at the same time. Trying to communicate with them and give them advice on how to improve, is very limited.
  7. Why does this look like one of N1ghty's servers :L?
  8. Yeah it is, I found a pretty good BOT with source, and reworked it myself to bypass some more loggers. Got rid of the useless back tracking. and made sure to add some sequences for skills for faster kills.
  9. The response was from my phone so it was unclear, I run 12 VMs, 1 account on each VM with a Proxy server on each one. 12 VMS = 12 Accounts, = 2 games running at the same time. 12 accounts 1-10 in 6 hours , I am using a different bot to you, and it takes shorter. 12 x 4 = 48 refs just by running the bot on 12 vms. My PC pulled 24 VMS max, 1GB each VM. 48x2 = 96 Refs a day.
  10. One, The hardware doesn't costs thousands! I can run 10 VM's on my PC with not a single problem, so before saying all that , well I Can prove you wrong. How is $72 cheap ? Its not is it really? full tracking, thats as far as I say its good ! Email on order? = simple HTML code. Email when its done? = skype for real time contact.
  11. Nice website, but apart from that the quality of the service is not that great. Lets face it, you can get LoL bots for free, and the prices that the guy has are sky high. Good luck anyway sir.
  12. This service is amazing! I have bought 150 referrals and this service is 100% legit. Trusted & Fast in responding. I can vouch for him! Best Regards Extreamer
  13. Hey guys, I would like to announce that my project is running great so far. So I would like you know from you guys (The community), Whether you would want to see this type of the server. Stuck Sub server 1+1 Customized Items Customized Armors/Weapons. Nothing Star Wars with over 2k Cast speed/Attack speed. Rates and All the features I will upload soon. The project I started from was L2J Frozen! Best Regards Extreamer
  14. Its hard but there is something about this server that I want to play on it and get better , its awesome, progressive, and fun join guys !
  15. Well its your server thats bad , stop crying , shut it down, and find something useful to do with yourself ;)
  16. 90% of those accounts are boxes/yours its not hard to get someone to feed for you on this server, anyway good luck pros
  17. Your knowledge about l2 is close to 0 , your developing skills if i can even call them that , they are trash. No feature is your original concept "NOTHING". You got all the free shares put them into one pack and trying to open a server that will fail within 1-2 weeks, because you haven't got a clue on how to fix sh1t. Keep saying balance but really you DONT even know what the term means. l2OFF never had balance, and if you are using L2OFF formulas , but you don't and I know that for sure, then your server will be just as bad as running on L2j Formulas without touching them. To the Point if ZOEY the keeper of L2j project couldn't get the hands on L2OFF proper files, and not some extenders, then you have NOT got the ability to get hold of such things. Its people like you that I feel for the most. Also L2 private packs should not be sold or gotten for free to some Dev Wannabes like yourself, without some knowledge of Java coding or C++(L2OFF) Besides "Im not good java developer" THEN WHAT ARE YOU AT C++, Nothing just a piece of trash. I hope I warned some decent players not to join this server, and even by Karasu's answers back to me as are dumb as he is. Best Regards.
  18. hahahahaha Karasu you are so fucking dumb its unreal. I got bored of having a pointless conversation to you about "balance" If I did have the funds and the TIME to put into my project a bit more, it would be x100000 better than your piece of shit :)
  19. Well i know more than you DEV WANNABE :), the stuff you said here are full of sh1t just like you. Good luck with the failure that you are and get more than 100 without dualboxes for 2 weeks xD
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