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Everything posted by Valve

  1. so I setup for fun an server using l2jfrozen pack but when I try to login with an char I get error on gameserver db and disconnect in-game on login. It tells me access denied related to my jdk. Whoever helps me fix this gets +1 karma 8)
  2. I don't like bitc hes that tell that they do something at the beginning and after a time they change and after some little more time they change again, and from how I know Maxtor, he's that type of person.
  3. I don't like bitc hes that tell that they do something at the beginning and after a time they change and after some little more time they change again, and from how I know Maxtor, he's that type of person.
  4. 1. you must be new here 2. instead of supporting other servers better create l2mxc? for what? for another corrupted server and close in ~ months 3. you must be new here
  5. 1. you must be new here 2. instead of supporting other servers better create l2mxc? for what? for another corrupted server and close in ~ months 3. you must be new here
  6. maybe he could have been a potential customer for the pack, but with your atitude you pushed him away, keep the good job, lol.
  7. maybe he could have been a potential customer for the pack, but with your atitude you pushed him away, keep the good job, lol.
  8. noobs, karma doesn't apply in spam section and noob vazelos go make a random share, I give you 1 karma because I can 8)
  9. hip hopul e muzica si stil de viata, daca nu ai simtit pe pielea ta nu ai de unde sa stii iar legat de rap, nu e doar muzica e si ea un stil de viata, fanii inraiti stiu cel mai bine, dar eu nu ma pot pronunta in rap, doar in hip hop am experienta in spate
  10. Eu ascult din 2001 bug mafia si parazitii iar un prieten de-al meu asculta cedry2k din 2002 iar eu de acum 2 ani m-am apucat si eu de rap la insistentele prietenului meu si stiu cum sa le combin pe amandoua si nu ma intereseaza ce crezi tu sau altcineva.
  11. Probabil ca tu stai la casa, dar eu am fost crescut la blocuri si n-ai idee cum a fost unde stau eu si daca n-ai fost acolo, nu vorbi despre asta.
  12. nu coaie, stii tu stai in casa si asculti muzica la PC, hahahaha, vai de capul tau, n-ai idee cum sta treaba, ai fost la 2 showuri underground de la omu gnom si nu mai stiu cine
  13. Dude, it's not about who's more kewl and speaks truth and shit like this. E vorba de show in pula mea, ai fost la concerte la parazitii si bug mafia? Daca nu, nu-mi zi mie cum e, ca am fost si m-am luat prea bine cu prietenii si femeia.
  14. Respect Parazitii,BUG Mafia iar restul din hip hop nu merita sa-i mentionez iar cei din RAP se stie care-s numele grele.
  15. I listen to what I feel on the moment, don't care about genre. Too much rap can cause brain damage `_`
  16. @ raule too much rap, time to change a bit to hip hop coaie uita-te la tine ti-au crescut pe spate pene, esti papagal
  17. glumeam, au schimbat serverele `_` modern age
  18. GREEK URBAN GROOVE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd3iG0Q1HGA# YOU WISH? hahahaha
  19. SkySkase don't do it ! it's a trap !
  20. but I like hatchling, don't like strider
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