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  1. Removed Again ¬¬ Google: http://www.4shared.com/rar/eP96uIKm/l2lobbychanger_v26_for_interlu.html My 4SHARED: http://www.4shared.com/rar/wKXepcGYce/l2lobbychanger_v26_for_interlu.html
  2. Since the site was offline, I need .m2 repository folder in order to compile L2jFree. Could someone share this? Thanks in advance.
  3. Thanks for all. This code is part of Nexus Event Engine. Anyway, I will to fix this "error" =)
  4. When to use HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap Basic Example: private Map<String, Map<Integer, Integer>> _aviableBuffs; private FastMap<Integer, Map<String, List<Integer>>> _buffs; private Map<Integer, String> _activeSchemes; private Map<Integer, String> _activePetSchemes; private Map<Integer, List<String>> _modified; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private DataUpdater _dataUpdater; public EventBuffer() { _aviableBuffs = new FastMap<>(); _buffs = new FastMap<>(); _modified = new FastMap<>(); _activeSchemes = new FastMap<>(); _activePetSchemes = new FastMap<>(); _dataUpdater = new DataUpdater(); loadAviableBuffs(true); }
  5. This code was created by me! http://pastebin.com/SkRSXU4g There is another code with an new version and announce only on same region ;) http://pastebin.com/rUATUF3m
  6. damn! Its the Npc Template <_< I changed to the first npc template (31324) and work successfully. Thanks to all :)
  7. Thanks to all, but not work :/ What I want is the NPC cast the skill on the player, so I have to use "this"
  8. I want my npc cast the skills by this way... ...but when I click to buff it do this way: My code for buff + action: MagicSkillUse mgc = new MagicSkillUse(this, player, buffId, buffLevel, 5, 0); SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffId, buffLevel).getEffects(player, player); player.broadcastPacket(mgc); Someone knows how to solve this? Thanks a lot (And sorry for my english)
  9. [2] Captcha is 'Anti Player' and not 'Anti Bot'
  10. Here you can found the diff for Safe Admin.
  11. The time can be chosen, just change the value of column 'duration' on database. If your revision runs with xml, you must edit the following line: <set name="duration" val="90" />
  12. Hello Justin Bieber fan's!! This is the Item Enchanter NPC. It uses the Icon Parser to generate the icons Configs: # Npc Id = 56 # Enable Enchant Items NPC. Default: False EnableNpcEnchantItems = False # Level of Weapon and Armor enchantment. WeaponEnchantLevel = 20 ArmorEnchantLevel = 16 # Price ID IngredientID = 6393 # Price Weapon Count IngredientAmountWeapon = 50 # Price Armor Count IngredientAmountArmor = 10 # Chance to augment item automatically on enchantment process. AugmentItemChance = 30 # List of Items that cannot be enchanted. NonEnchantableItemList = 0 ModifyItemEnchant = False ModifyItemEnchantList = 0,0; PASTEBIN BASE: Drake2wow
  13. Hello Justin Bieber fan's!! I'm here to post the icon parser for interlude. In the second image, you can see what appear in case of non existent items on database. PASTEBIN
  14. This is an old project. Your last update was in mid of 2011~2012. Has many customs and very few retail stuffs. Sorry my english :D
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