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Everything posted by BonJovi®

  1. You should be thankful for not being permant after all these abuses dude. Hm seems that you'll be unbanned on my birthday xD. Anyway let me point you out the abuses: InTheEndॐ (5) •BrazZe®s• (6) - He request Karmas via pm In PM July 31, 2012, 03:06:14 am InTheEndॐ (5) ElephantGun (0) - Spammer In topic August 03, 2012, 04:38:10 am InTheEndॐ (5) Dask (2) + Prince Of Trolling,i think he deserve this karma. In topic Today at 04:25:16 am
  2. Well I don't think that 5% bonus at a players stats would bring unbalance to the PVP but you ain't wrong, I like your suggestion as well and I'll keep it on my mind. The many target is to increase the competition & to keep the interesting in sieges as much higher as we can
  3. Call of Duty, no matter which version.
  4. Not really, well I don't even know that server, but it's other to use it on masks and it's other to be used on castles circlets. Castle Circlets will be equiped only by the clan members who owns a castle. If you get what I mean
  5. Well, hello mates. Lately I've been working with a friend on an Interlude project, and being inspired by the new clients, I've came up with a unique (I think idea). Well so the idea is like this: Each castle Circlet (which can be equiped by only members who own castle) to increase about 5% a status. For example: Giran Circlet: Increases 5% Attack Speed Aden Circlet: Increases 5% Casting Speed Rune Circlet: Increases 5% Magic Attack Goddard Circlet: Increases 5% P. Attack Dion Circlet: Increases 5% Evasion Gludio Circlet: Increases 5% Speed So what do you think? Would you like such a feature? We were looking for unique features and I think that this is a unique idea but I want your opinion as well since you're players who likes to play in Interlude Servers.
  6. I've been playing on Epilogue/Freya servers long time now, and I can tell you that max attribute level 9 is perfectly fine to keep a server balanced. I've seen servers using max level attri 9 and been balanced greatly. Btw I've seen servers with lvl 12 attris xD
  7. Και έλεγα και εγώ γιατί δεν μπορώ να κοιμηθώ ήρεμα τα βράδια
  8. Such drinks are obviously dangerous for a human being's and not only health. They contain anabolics, it's not that simple, Red Bull, Monster and such energy drinks should be permantly punished by the law. I never drunk one for the record
  9. Soul Barrier Long Shot Counter Defense This is my recommendation
  10. Locked after Author's Request.
  11. You have no idea what a 'Normal Server' means
  12. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=247177.0;topicseen
  13. You didn't get me. Attribute system isn't design to stay in a lower level than level 9. If you set max element level 4, it won't make the server more balanced. Balance will come by fixing all issues, bugs, errors & skills.
  14. Max Element Level 4? Is this any kind of joke? Your balance will suck if you set Max Element level 4.
  15. Retail gameplay, will be always the most attractive for the old school players
  16. Bob Segar - Old Time Rock N' Roll Έπος
  17. AlexKiss will replace the president of Russia Federation & ex-KGB agent, Vladimir Putin. So no promote in mxc ;(
  18. Best forever alone pic so far
  19. Έχεις έτοιμη φώτο με το crest? Αν ναι, πόσταρε την και θα προσπαθήσω.
  20. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=245513.0
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