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Everything posted by BonJovi®

  1. Sorry, but this is terrible ;D
  2. At least it's his own creation.
  3. Ο ένας πιο άσχημος από τον άλλον. Αν και τους έχουν σε λάθος μέρος τον καθένα. Έπρεπε να τους παρατάξουν με βάση την αραίωση
  4. Pro text maker spoken :D. Well It's a good try, bad text indeed but I would rate it about 6.5/10
  5. As Observer mentioned above, you used wrong effects. Though I like the text, it's improved I can say. 5/10
  6. Εσύ το έβαλες στη Wiki ρε μαλάκα; :Ρ
  7. I am glad cause you're mature enough, that gives you a professional behavior as well. Keep trying :D
  8. Well I didn't like any of his design (except the one with greeks.bg) which i find decent. Though, here in mxc as you know the forum's concept is gaming, so there are more people who cares about cheap but quality Gaming Templates instead of some music/etc templates.
  9. Ugly, all of them. Most of the people here care about the gaming websites. So you should show us some gaming templates or create gaming templates. If you want to find customers...
  10. Έχω να πω πως τα δικά μας ήταν πιο εύκολα xD
  11. It's really beautiful, and I like texts as well. Amazing effects. Nice one
  12. Λογικά θα σου κόψει μόρια, Τι ύλη είχατε... Α σήμερα συνάντησα 2 παλιούς γνώριμους του Ολυμπιακού, ένας εκ των 2 αγωνίζεται στην ΑΕΚ πλέον xD Ο άλλος αποσύρθηκε το 1997 xD Και τον αιώνιο πελάτη, τον Μανωλάκη
  13. Taking into account that there is a hidden pron section, and someday you might get VIP Membership, No. xD But, until then who cares. I didn't say that you haven't the right to post here, I said that's it's stupid & useless. Plus childish regarding the competition Ty for the share anyway.
  14. In what language are you contacting your clan members dude?
  15. Stupid & useless. Also about competition, it proves that you're a kid and also immature.
  16. Sometimes simple things are nice, but not in this design. For instance, check the "Server Login/Game Status", see where is placed. Does this seem ok to you dude? And if you want my personal opinion, use & follow all the advice that Drac gives you, he is a professional, skilled & trusted designer and it's very kind from his side that he is willing to help you to get improved. He might be a very good teacher for you.
  17. It's quite nice, I like it. 8/10
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