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Everything posted by BonJovi®

  1. A ready (probably resized) wp? Dude stop ripping seriously
  2. Vazelos' was the best wish.
  3. Don't add custom items, let it a clear GR3 client. Farm Zones -> Parnassus, Anomic Foundry, Cursed Village
  4. Happy Birthday 8) Have fun today ^^
  5. Total time logged in: 14 days, 20 hours and 36 minutes.
  6. I didn't say, replace the texts with screens. Though it's good
  7. Indeed the bg is nice 3 hours? Rofl, this doesn't need more than 10 mins xD Read some TUTS!
  8. Much better now, but as I said before you should change the fonts of "Freya" & "Interlude" + the images and put something more related to the client, and more beautiful. Keep trying!
  9. It doesn't look like your work to me sorry. If it is then it's quite nice
  10. Moderate design. It's nice, Just change the Fonts of the menu. Keep trying it's good 5.3/10
  11. The BG is nice. The "Forum" option sucks at all, remove it. The texts are bad as well. Change the 2 images with something better. good try though
  12. Better w/o text. Keep going
  13. Αν και δε το έχει το σουτ, τα βάζει :Ρ
  14. Oh my god, I lost my light damn Indeed LOL designs as you mentioned
  15. Φαντάσου αντί για τις Iron Women, τις cheerleaders του Θρύλου :Ρ
  16. Το γάμησες :Ρ Καλό όμως πετυχημένο
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