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Everything posted by Waster

  1. If you have smartguard on your server doesn't work.
  2. So when you do add new functions on manager just add and frozen files too :D cause newbies work on frozen cause of custom e.t.c
  3. Its shared for acis, no for frozen. Newbies can't adapt easy..
  4. Maybe if you click vote , pop up the internet panel to vote?
  5. works fine on my server, without api i dont have any delay problem or anything.. manager and mass reward works fine.
  6. Ok, the codes i have atm is working perfect but if API is better its fine to update them. But with this its work perfect.
  7. Where is the difference between API and no API , i have vote rewards without API and works just fine (mass reward/manager) ...
  8. Its nothing, its for 1-2 seconds dont give a shit.
  9. This happens on Hopzone cause it needs 2-3 seconds to connect and check if you are vote its not bug or something.
  10. Hello , i would like to ask all of you people. What is the best atm for your opinion No Custom Interlude Server or with custom items? I know the must things its to have balance but to have an idea.
  11. Maybe you should try the interval between checks maybe there is a mistake
  12. Can someone help me with that? I can offer 10 euro.
  13. I want on ranking this : http://prntscr.com/5jkbl2 show how much match/points they have and be update every match. Budget 10 euro anyone? Pack : L2J Frozen
  14. Hello i would like to have a code to stackable code for all enchants scrolls like this http://pastebin.com/wRLDrW0G P.S I have already ls and bogs stackable with code that i say up. P.S i will need a patch edit too or if is that the same with bogs ls i know how can i do it.
  15. Stats: <add val='50' order='0x40' stat='DEX'/> <add val='30' order='0x40' stat='STR'/> <mul val='1.50' order='0x30' stat='pAtkSpd'/> <mul val='1.50' order='0x20' stat='mAtk'/> <mul val='1.40' order='0x20' stat='maxHp'/> <mul val='1.25' order='0x40' stat='rCrit'/> <add val="98" order="0x40" stat='runSpd'/> <mul val='1.50' order='0x20' stat='mDef'/> <mul val='1.50' order='0x20' stat='pAtk'/> <add val='30' order='0x40' stat='MEN'/> <add val='30' order='0x40' stat='WIT'/> <add val='30' order='0x40' stat='INT'/> <mul val='1.50' order='0x20' stat='mAtkSpd'/> <add val='80' order='0x40' stat='rEvas'/> <mul val='1.80' order='0x20' stat='maxMp'/> <add val='5' order='0x40' stat='CON'/> <add val='15' order='0x40' stat='reflectDam'/> <mul val='1.80' order='0x30' stat='stunVuln'/> <mul val='1.80' order='0x30' stat='rootVuln'/> <mul val='1.80' order='0x30' stat='sleepVuln'/> <mul val='1.80' order='0x40' stat='bleedVuln'/> <mul val='1.50' order='0x20' stat='pDef'/> <mul val='1.20' order='0x40' stat='paralyzeVuln'/> <mul val='1.20' order='0x40' stat='derangementVuln'/> <add val='15' order='0x40' stat='accCombat'/> Values: 2.0 +100% 1.90 +90% 1.80 +80% 1.70 +70% 1.60 +60% 1.50 +50% 1.40 +40% 1.30 +30% 1.20 +20% 1.10 +10% 1.0 0% 0.90 -10% 0.80 -20% 0.70 -30% 0.60 -40% 0.50 -50% 0.40 -60% 0.30 -70% 0.20 -80% 0.10 -90% 0.0 -100% Hp/cp/mp: Maximum HP - maxHp Maximum CP - maxCp Maximum MP - maxMp HP Regeneration - regHp CP Regeneration - regCp MP Regeneration - regMp Heal Effectivness - gainHp Heal Proficiency - giveHp Heal Bonus - bonusHp PvP Bonus: Physical Damage - pvpPhysDmg Magical Damage - pvpMagicalDmg Physical Skill Dmg. - pvpPhysSkillsDmg Atk. & Def. rates: Evasion - rEvas Power Skill Evasion - pSkillEvas Shield Rate - rShld Critical Rate - rCrit Blow Rate - blowRate Lethal Rate - lethalRate Magic Critical Rate - mCritRate (mCrit doesn't work!!) EXP,SP Rate - rExp Cancel attacks - cancel Accuracy and Range: Accuracy - accCombat Attack Range - pAtkRange (for fighters) Attack Range - mAtkRange (for mages) Attack Angle - pAtkAngle (for fighters) Attack Count Max - atkCountMax (example:if you use pole you can attack more monster than normal) Attack Reuse - atkReuse (make bows hit simple hits way slower and will not affect skills) Speed: Run Speed - runSpd Walk Speed - walkSpd PLAYER-ONLY Stats: STR - STR (Physical power,physical skill's crit rate) DEX - DEX (Atk. spd., physical skill spd, accuracy, evasion, critical hit rate, dagger skill'z success (such as deadly dlow), shield block rate and run spd) WIT - WIT (Magic critical rate, casting spd, resistance to hold, curses (such as HP regeneration,decreased HP recovery rate, skill re-use time, and decreased effect of heals). INT - INT (magic dmg) MEN - MEN (magic defense,max Mp, mp recovery speed, poison resistance, poison resist., concentration) Resistances, vulnerability: Aggression - aggressionVuln Bleed - bleedVuln Poison - poisonVuln Stun - stunVuln Paralyze - paralyzeVuln Hold,Root,ETC. - rootVuln Sleep - sleepVuln Confusion -confusionVuln Movement - movementVuln fire - fireVuln wind - windVuln water - waterVuln earth - earthVuln holy - holyVuln dark - darkVuln cancel - cancelVuln (resist. for cancel skills) debuff - debuffVuln Critical - critVuln (resistence to Crit dmg.) Weapon resist: noneWpnVuln - Shields swordWpnVuln bluntWpnVuln daggerWpnVuln bowWpnVuln crossbowWpnVuln poleWpnVuln etcWpnVuln fistWpnVuln dualWpnVuln dualFistWpnVuln bigSwordWpnVuln Reflects: Reflect Damage Percent - reflectDam Absorbs Damage Percent - absorbDam Transfer Damage Percent - transDam Reflect Skill Magic - reflectSkillMagic Reflect Skill Physical - reflectSkillPhysic ExSkillz: Inv. Limit - inventoryLimit WH. Limit - whLimit Freight L. - FreightLimit Private Sell L. - PrivateSellLimit Private Buy L. - PrivateBuyLimit Rec. Dwarf L. - DwarfRecipeLimit Rec. Common L. - CommonRecipeLimit Consume Rates: Phys. Mp. Consume Rate - PhysicalMpConsumeRate Magical Mp. Consume Rate - MagicalMpConsumeRate Dance Mp. Consume Rate - DanceMpConsumeRate Hp. Consume Rate - HpConsumeRate Mp. Consume - MpConsume Soulshot count - soulShotCount Skill mastery: Skill mastery - skillMastery Other: Breath - breath (more time you can swim in water) ORDERS: 0x08 - to set 0x10 - to add/sub (weapon, armor, jewelery) & (STR, CON, DEX, INT, WIT ,MEN) 0x20 - don't use it (used by hard coded formulas) 0x30 - to mul/div (masteries, buffs, debuffs, SA's, Armors_bonus) 0x40 - to add/sub (masteries, buffs, debuffs, SA's) 0x50,0x60 - not need
  16. Well , i wanna change some autoannouncements like autovotereward auto events e.t.c I use l2jfrozen and this is what i want now is like this : http://prntscr.com/5g6b7b and i would like to change to this : http://prntscr.com/5g6bm9 but for votereward and auto events the meaning is to remove "Announcements" and write only VoteReward and CTF for example. Code now is like this: Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll
  17. I add it and when i have 2 Questions , What vote link i should add? http://l2topzone.com/vote.php?id=8703or http://l2topzone.com/lineage2/server-info/8703/L2ExtremeCustomPVP.html? and 1 Bug when character make vote he must restart in order to other char make vote. Something like stuck. Any help?
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