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Everything posted by Akken

  1. I am still but i will let you know cause i will be full active only at weekends due to lack of time (Lessons and shits) thanks just add me on my contact mail or with pm
  2. if arcadia wont choose you then the project is fail Just you are perfect you must participate asap Arcadia invite him trusted,skilled crazy
  3. yeap he got scam but if he finds from other guys items he wil give them to you :D
  4. thanks dude people like you are rarely appear here.. My best for you bro
  5. Lol problems? nop nothing... no problems and i can get vps with 4gb ram for only 20E
  6. emm paei o tyrant k ayta? ti tha gini sto offi wipe? osoi pezoune official? mapa r ama ine mono t new classes
  7. add me on msn or pm me with yours sniffsniff@hotmail.gr
  8. exw tn oikonomiki anesi n parw machine tr gia server... dn kserw...
  9. very balanced and perfect pvp server suggested Join
  10. btw you should give me and finito 500 adenas for our work typing and searching is hard :D
  11. players on? you know? i got some friends that got items thats why i may speak to them to give you for free :D
  12. Why y ask on forums you tell that is gonna be on and gonna fail again as the last time with 20 on
  13. re piga gia t kinoxrista k itane monos mexri n paei sto dwmatio itane mprosta m t router k tsaf :D
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