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Everything posted by Trance

  1. In any case, this isn't a reason. :okey:
  2. 'cause they're "solved" :happyforever:
  3. Topics locked? really?
  4. Nu cred ca foloseste ;D.
  5. I'm proud of you. :forever alone like a boss:
  6. I heard you're better than James Gosling.
  7. Unfortunately he refers to you. :troll:
  8. Observe system is kinda old and implemented in l2j since years ago. Also you can do the same thing w/ a simple html, bypass -h npc_%objectId%_observe X Y Z except your extra features.
  9. You know, you should try CatNip sometimes.
  10. Sunt vechi si forjate.
  11. Nu pot gasi romanii topicul.
  12. Your mom would love meh. :-(
  13. Raule, baga un rename la topic ;-D
  14. I rather get high.
  15. I'm having fun.
  16. That's the difference.
  17. Besides the fact that you're stupid, you are also blind. http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/707/bc8856191f924edbac402ee.png
  18. Disappointing... :okey:
  19. All girls are the same, it doesn't change the truth. Of course they're everywhere, greek girls don't even leave the house because of the ugliness, but you're telling me about prostitution in the world. Have you ever seen a real girl?
  20. Some greeks got hopes and dreams to drink a coca-cola and you're talking about paid whores. Bitch please.
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