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Everything posted by ArkeyWave

  1. now there is the info i wanted to see .. 6_6!!! soz, now i shut the mouth .. just make me angry that idiots who post something and don't even give minimun info 6_6! .. cya :P P.S#1 someone notified me about this on msn, that's why i back to reply here xD! P.S#2 when he added that info, shouldn't he have changed ferya for freya xDDD! .. just kidding, these are not my problems :P
  2. i do NOT like enchant rates T.T!!! This is a bit weird for pvp servers xD! .. anyway .. this looks different .. maybe i will give a try 6_6! P.S. Good Luck ;)
  3. you must be kidding .. what is this ? ... another fail server ? at least it looks like that.. anyway Good Luck .. you will need it 6_6!
  4. :o .. i don't what it is xD! [i think L2DC Project ..] anyway .. good luck .. i see a lot of changes/fixes 6_6!.. few of them call my attention 6.6
  5. How many online now ? .. 6_6! .. i expect over 100 because of so good replies 6_6!
  6. hmmm .. nothing what to say .. just thanks, i will try to use this .. i don't get in russian T.T
  7. fix facking frefix ... WHAT THE FACK IS FERYA? ¬¬! .. instead of missing important things .. this is shit for sure 6_6! .. try again in 1 or 2 years ;) Anyway .. GL .. you will need it 6_6!
  8. will fail for sure .. home hosted + free subdomain .. this is not a server .. this is a joke 7.7
  9. Like tvt aura .. ok there is no problem .. this is something different and weird ... so, PERFECT ^^ Thanks for sharing it with us :) I think there are another colors, not only blue and red, but ... nvm ^^
  10. ok, then you had a bad start .. anyway i expect you in future success .. and don't be another fail server 6_6! Good Luck .. i expect you success ^^ P.S. change your website's template, is so bad see a L2 server with a WoW template 6_6!
  11. get a domain ;) and someone delete that fucking reply advertesing someany shit .. i didn't even read it ¬¬! .. just saw DVD and i know it ¬¬!!! FACKING SPAMMERS D8!! anyway .. add some more info, or be a bit deeper, reading only that info, no one feels like entering your server 6_6! However .. good luck .. i think you will need it :/
  12. ¬¬! .. he is wondering of the amount of people ON right now in your server 7.7 Anyway .. good luck .. since octover i see .. and is not dead yet .. well i expect server live longer than time i think ^^
  13. hahahaa .. this is not a pvp server this is a fun/shit server ^^ Anyway .. even webpage doesn't open 6_6!
  14. webpage claims CLOSED and by ip it is off so, this is a fail shit
  15. so ? from that 30% .. at least 95% is fail and have low population .. asterios has 25k people online [sometimes] and that is most than all the IL players population .. when aCis be finished Sido's statistics will come truth And the amount of good IL servers will not be good yet 6_6! .. and population if it grows, won't be significant so ... ?
  16. i found this first in another forum ...and it was made by him too maybe human english ?
  17. in 8 months .. is still playable i think ^^ i will give a try later . . .
  18. ¬¬! failed twice .. i don't think this would have future T.T
  19. Anyway .. so this should go previews section 6_6! and one more thing.. server won't have webpage ? .. i only see forum 6_6!
  20. wait a minute bro, the fact of having 100% enchant rates always in pvp server makes you say such things .. The fact of a PvP server is pvp with everybody and when you see some people starts to bother/kill you, then you start enchanting to keep being the teacher .. P.S. server x45 enchant rates are safe 3 max 16; normal enchant rate: 55%, blessed enchant rate: 70%/75% ;)
  21. Colors T.T You did great shares .. now i see you are losing your imagination 6_6! [or however it must be written] Anyway .. thanks for sharing ;D
  22. so ? there are some kind of people that are a bit slow learner and don't learn by the same guides that some others use to learn too .. so, having more options or ways to learn is a bit better ;)
  23. Not really Only good for IL, a so old chronicle, i don't think one of the most important L2 forums support so old chronicle projects 6_6!
  24. //agree i didn't need to reply to see topic 6_6! Anyway ... you should use something different for your forum .. that skin sucks hard xD! .. i am just saying my opinion .. try using IPB too .. looks better ;) and there are better skins ;) Cya and good luck with your server :D
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