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Everything posted by ArkeyWave

  1. i know this is old .. but you should update the guide .. althought this is in your wiki .. you should change only the SVN path .. because now you use googlecode SVN::: http://l2emu.googlecode.com/svn/ Greetings.. and long life for best Freya Pack ;)
  2. //agree then this server goes to fail list .. 6_6!!!
  3. i am starting to like server ... or maybe your videos ... anyway ..
  4. one more good share from you ;) This is the best of your shares since you started sharing stuff this week ;) Thanks ^^
  5. why do you delay that much uploading some evidence from your host .. about 40 mintes ago said you were going to upload it .. because upload a pic takes 1 - 2 minutes [with a shitty connection] and take photo less than 20 seconds .. you are TOO SLOW ¬¬! .. a server with a so slow administrator doesn't deserve to be played 6_6! P.S. add proper tag to your tittle.. add the image of Interlude .. don't write it 6_6!
  6. One more person who doesn't know to read ... go previews section to post this .. don't be that .. P.S. website is too pink 6_6!!!!
  7. There are too many reasons .. too many fail packs, too many fail servers, too desbalanced version [worse than C4, mage's Chronicle], Interlude will back to live when it be IMPROVED .. something that will never accept Old Chronicles Lovers .. with their stupid mind and handless way to play using bugs/exploits everywhere they see so they think they are the best, just for using stupid unfixeable exploits [i say unfixeable because using base codes from real interlude it can't be possible, only using last version's pack that will be possible, like Tryskell does in his/her pack to try to revive IL 6_6!]
  8. Best reply in whole post ;) P.S. life easier .. for that newbies who can't even turn on the server i think :P
  9. No, no one can help you in this section .. read a bit more and you will find the right place .. so go Request Section and post this there, and someone close this topic.
  10. Website .. w/e about that subject goes in OFF-TOPIC SECTION .. so go there and post this there.. and someone close this before topic's owner reply
  11. homehosted .. anyway at least you have a domain ^^ i bet you will get a lot more people when you move to a dedicated host .. Good Luck with your server ;)
  12. anyway ... P.S. tell your friend buy a domain .. start a server w/o is a joke for a lot of people [like me] EDIT: checking website .. i got this is a homehosted server so like its webpage ¬¬!
  13. use someany image hosters .. i use IMGUR.COM .. i recommend it .. anyway i already uploaded the image @Ontopic : i don't thing this is unique .. i think this is just DIFFERENT ;)
  14. ahhmm.. for IL i think yes .. but i don't like IL anymore 6_6! aCis' pack owner is doing a great job .. but i don't know what is wrong with me that i don't even think on ever use that pack xD!
  15. Althought this is easy to be found .. it is still good ;) Thanks .. and i will see if i can add into EmuProject [i think this is not added there 6_6]
  16. webpage is not working for me 6_6! 17:49 GMT -5 . . .
  17. 6_6! .. althought it be fullfilled of bots .. nvm .. Good Luck .. and add image of client in your tittle 6_6!
  18. [spanish] Creo que no me entendiste, te digo que la página web que usas, la haz editado, y si mal no recuerdo, es la web del L2Java [es un servidor] y la web tiene CopyRights [osea DERECHOS DE AUTOR] por lo que si los dueños del servidor L2Java ven tu web te pueden demandar porque ellos son los únicos con derecho a esa web, nadie tiene derecho a editarla ni nada . . . [/spanish] Nothing important xD!
  19. so .. server is back to live and no more DDoS attacks 6_6!?
  20. We have a problem here .. this is not preview's section .. you need to post your server there beacuse it is not open yet.. and one more thing .. you should add some more info because people is a bit too lazy to join websites xD!
  21. this sounds good .. good luck bro ;) Ah .. and one more thing ... you are using L2Java webpage, just edited .. you should change it because i remember i read it has copyrights, so L2Java can demand you .. i am not that sure .. but i think so it is ...
  22. ok, no problem .. althought there was only one reply where appeared the word equal.. i started this topic .. and i read whole posts .. but this is so old and that's why i wonder too why this has not been closed xD! Anyway ...
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