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Everything posted by ArkeyWave

  1. hahahahahahaa xD! .. i am really sorry if you think i am spaming .. but i like reading a lot :D ... so i came here now i read this : "MAGICAL" .. i like how it sounds .. and i checked timeline also i help to another project, i wish you good luck, and keep with that idea "WORKING LOW AND GOOD FOR LOW SERVERS ;)" Ciao :)
  2. hahahahaahahahahaahaha xDDD! facking awesome .. ! :D i will try on server4you .. cheap .. but i read some comments saying it is a bad company since 2008, so .. i will try giving nothing, i don't want to spent wrong my money .. hahaha xD! hahahahahaahahah facking awesome .. really xDD!
  3. i did .. u.u i tried and phx worked normally .. u.u i am not that kind of people that speaks because they have mouth and have no idea xD! .. maybe you are that kind of person .. because you start a homemade server and don't event have the desence to buy a domain... I NEED TO CALL YOU PATHETIC. Don't take it personally .. but you need to close that server, start learning more about servers BASICS and get a life .. we all have our own lifes ... and if we suck doing something is not real, we will suck in life .. so .. your server suck, YOU SUCK :D!
  4. Fail .. ahm, fail right ? .. ye ye, totally fail .. ofc fail .. no way, it is FAIL .. do you care ? nah, but it is fail ... look at the comments .. if people speaks AT LEAST WHEN EVERYBODY SAY SAME THING IT IS NOT FOR NOTHING :D and one question .. why does 3 ways of using phx works ? :S warehouse, drop and buy =S! Fail for sure ;) join if you wanna have fun :D .. really .. if you wanna have fun using phx for newbies xDDD! P.S. LITTLE NEWBIE ? HIGHEST NEWBIE MAYBE xDDD! enjoy ;)
  5. //agree even better if it is C3 .. i am a C3 Lover .. it means a C4 HATER :@ anyway .. i voted for x500 GL :D
  6. you are russian and in your profile says JAPAN .. a bit weird xDDD! .. anyway .. might be better if this program be at least in english because most of us are english speakers :D Thanks for sharing, i will take a look and try to use it xD!
  7. naaaaahhhh .. C4 is SH1T!!! .. BULLSH1T! .. i would like to back old times on C3, because then it was L2, nowdays it is still L2 but with a bit crazy playgame mode :D hahahaha .. really .. at least all my friends that played C3 with me 7 years ago, we all detest C4 :| ... To finish .. TOO OLD, REALLY!
  8. add me :D .. i know you want to xDDD! arkey.17@hotmail.com ;)
  9. websites them all must go in OFFTOPIC forum ... anyway .. does it has psd ?
  10. congrats! .. now we will grow up because of down of forum .. now people will come to post all they couldn't this days xDD!
  11. Holy Sh1T!!! these are awesome ! ... the most i like are second and third xD! thanks for sharing .. and .. why "HighFive P4" ??
  12. i got it xD! .. now i keep reading that guides :P
  13. yes, but sometimes custom stuff makes problems and that's a bit a bothering .. now i started reading that java guides you said :P @offtopic::: for an OFF server, what do i need ? C or C++ ? because i am starting to learn C :)
  14. i will for sure :) .. thanks for recommendation .. and one question what is pack focused on ? Custom mods/configs/systems or Balance retail like. ??? @offtopic::: for an OFF server, what do i need ? C or C++ ? because i am starting to learn C :)
  15. yep .. checking what some other people failed and how fixed is a way to make a new thing better than others have expected :) [rev +2000 .. i didn't knew it xD! .. well i don't like c6 that much like being checking such chronicle's projects timelines xD!] EDIT: I finished creating my account on project forum :P
  16. //agree to me, C4 is fail and C3 ROCKS! .. only if we talk about old chronicles :) //agree Finishing .. your idea is the best since you choosed freya :), i EXPECT you don't go back and project dies like nowdays "projects", anyway GL and LIVE TO NEWEST CHRONICLES! P.S. People who hates hellbound chronicle till freya; should be dead or maybe living on caves [i think :)]
  17. i see what you think :) anyway IL is dead for most of us, 'cuz it has TOO MANY BUGS, and if you plan to open a IL server .. i NEED to say you won't get that community you expect .. althought that people IL Lovers will say you that IL is the best option, i think you should'nt hear their opinions, no matter what chronicle you choose, you will have a LOT OF WORK, so indeed of that you need to chose by yourself .. Go freya bro :) i expect you go up with that community you dream with :) P.S. Remember that on Freya you will have more support and more adicional stuff since nowdays some people are opening their mind and start working with events, systems, and new configs for Freya :D! Ciao & GL :D
  18. to me, you are right .. YOUR navicat is badworking or maybe your MySql .. i don't know .. but that i remember that problem we had a long time ago .. i didn't see that problem since around a month or maybe 3 weeks, now everything according to navicat/mysql works fine, obviously L2JFrozen has another type of cells anyway .. i invite you to go foroum and get all info.. because this topic is just opened to make people know about proyect, not to give support at all GO FORUM IF YOU NEED SOMETHING
  19. nice .. i will check this for sure Char Name ::: MERDA [Merda is italian, and on english we say SH1T :D ] Thanks for sharing ;)
  20. //agree that way to color it up .. make me remember Diablo 2 times .. :/ Creditos should be ::: Credits : d0ds™ | Redesign by:byorion even if you only changed color :/
  21. @spanish ::: rolinga broer, te recomiendo que mejor hables aquí en inglés, puesto que esta sección en las reglas está q debe estar en inglés .. asi que, mejor empieza ya a responder a la gente en inglés .. no español que no todos te entienden, y evita hacer respuestas incompletas @english ::: i just tell you, write on english .. this board is on english language .. not everybody is able to understand you like me and few more .. anyway .. change your prefix and translate your info to english .. :) P.S. write clearly these are mods, not pack .. matim was wondering about that .. if it has source or not ... cya :)
  22. WTF ? :D i don't really understand what this is for xD! ... anw i have to say good work :) meanwhile i try to understand what is this for .. i will look for some custom stuff you shared before :D :D :D cya buddy [in spanish i say FLACA, i don't know how to say that in english, if i knew i would say you that xD!] Thanks ;D
  23. DAMN! don't spam ... please next time [if you have] read whole topic ^^ @l2google ::: does it tells you something ?
  24. sounds good .. i will test it right now on freya rev 7749 Thanks for sharing :D
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