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Everything posted by ArkeyWave

  1. @offtopic:here our forum mod ? :D : D :D nice to see you around this places ^^ @ontopic: as now people still make comments about the pack they work on i think don't should be closed the topic ... at least not yet until spamers appear :/
  2. ._____. It is NEW It looks AWESOME It changes people's mind about L2 It is shared by mediafire too :D WTF!? at least i found the right topic for a good looking server ;D hahahaha xD! .. thanks for sharing bro :D i will test it for sure thanks again ^^
  3. Ahm .. i have played them all :D :D :D :D and to me .. L2 & AION :D :D OFC! .. because L2 has the actitud, the pvp, the graphics and AION .. it has that too BUT OVERFACKINGPOWERED, more crazy graphics to make your mind explote! :D :D :D all the possibilities to make a GOOD, REALLY GOOD PVP [on air maybe if you want xD! I THINK xD] Anyway .. if i had to make a list it should be the next one... 1| L2 2| AioN 3| Counter Strike 4| GTA 4 5| Island Defense [Warcraft III Map] 6| Dota [Warcraft III Map] . .. .. .. ... 999....| WoW [facking game for kids -4 (N)] :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  4. please don't double post :) @ontopic: 18 commints in one day .. hm .. what to think ? .. anyway .. i just wonder, why not make it for FREYA ? i think there would be better for you, and you would give people one more option at the moment of taking decitions about what pack to use ^^ Good luck.. and I EXPECT THIS PACK SURVIVE :D :D :D :D
  5. i know this is an old topic .. but it doesn't make me think it sucks... on the contrary this rocks :D :D :D thanks for sharing .. for ct2.3 :I i will see what can i do with them on epilogue xD! :D
  6. @offtopic: i am not sure ..but if it is true.. i am always high blood sugar :D i just reserve my ideas and all my expressions according to the theme .. for example here, makes me get excited the idea of discussin about themes i like :D :D :D :D :D @ontopic: really .. where is discussion ? To mods : i think people has lost the point of the topic .. so i ask please somebody close this topic .. but i'd like to know what lord setekh thinks about my way to think [about what i said on @offtopic :)] .. so after he says his opinion i ask please somebody close the topic ;D .. [Epilogue: consecutive points is the unfinished start of something big :D :D :D .. think about it, i dare you :D]
  7. @offtopic : i don't see where it starts to be creepie :D i always think on that way about almost everything, even my family and i am 17 years old yet xD! @ontopi : where is discussion? :D
  8. hahahaaha xD! .. me too e.e i started L2 7 years ago, and left it for 3 years, i was back for 2 years, and left 1 year and a half, now i am back learning how to make servers xD! .. anyway, C3 is the best chronicle if we say KAMALOLS, althought i like all races, Kamael too, i like them xD! .. ye ye ... and in my opinion i think that that people that doesn't like new features are people that don't deserve to be alive, we are human, we are alive to upgrade all we know :D however .. i am not who to tell anything to anyone, as anybody has enought rights to say someone is bad, someone is good, i always forget this XD! .. sorry if i said something wrong before ON TOPIC, outta here i don't really care about anything that much xD! and about packs, i don't like any of them really xD .. well not that much .. i just like servers x3, and FOR NOW there is no any pack L2J stable to start a server x3 I THINK xD! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  9. i liked the way you said that ^^ FOR ALL THE PEOPLE WHO READ THIS .. I EXPECT YOU CAN SPEAK THAT WAY OLYMPUS DID, JUST DON'T DISTURB, MAKE "COMMENTS" AS THEY MUST BE .. AVOID MAKING PEOPLE THINK YOUR WAY :D anyway i think comments you said them all are good :D .. making polemic.. the most i like xD! i will still keep reading how this is going on greets ^^
  10. ye ye i know it .. i tried 10 minutes ago while reading main post xD! .. anyway i am too boried here ಠ.ಠ trying to learn a bit of greek or rumanian xD
  11. wtf ? xDD! .. what is amre ?? may i join team say yes or i will follow you with this face ಠ_ಠ! xDDDDDDDDDDDD!
  12. yes ^^ althought i still don't understand why people most of them think that best work is only payed, mostly that's true, but not always, let's leave now packs show us what they can do, if they can hold what making a pack means ^^
  13. i loved what you said ^^ "LOVE HIS JOB" .. those words are difficult to find, when somebody loves his job, then effort will be rewarded .. i know it :D anyway i will stop spaming here and stay reading all the opinions ^^
  14. yes, a lot of people tried before, and i know people will still try to fix Interlude, and maybe never will be a PERFECT pack, but aCis idea is make pack the most clean as posible, bugless and GOOD well spelled
  15. i have no checked acis .. but for what owner sayed on acis project topic, they are focussed on making a pack cleaner than l2j, not adding custom shits, just cleaning pack ^^ i like it .. retail :D and really .. why ? [about "premium" archid]
  16. yep .. facking shocked he will be .. news with news, but if they THINK they can be better [i am talking about newbie, no projects] they must look for help "I CAME OUT BECAUSE I STAND ON SHOULDERS OF GIANTS" i follow that idea since ever .. anyway, i THINK, i am not sure, but i THINK that newbies are always curious, and ask WHY "L2J"xxxx? at least i do, and start reading, because if somebody opens a server obviously need to read a bit, reading make us go further :D .. whatever .. if i recommend something, i ask before two things .. - Are you serious ? - What kind of server ? [low . mid . pvp] - and talk a bit, just to know people's behave i guide myself from that .. if you tell me the right way, you are serious, and is a mid server for example, i would recommend you first start knowing how to compile and everything about java, and know all the basics of java [i don't know java, YET] i tell him, "could you please check l2jxxx svn?" and the same for some more and finally after that i ask one more thing "What pack do you choose now ?", i preffer people find answer bythemselves, not by somebody else, that one that recommends something, should guide, not say the exact name of project, TEACH TO WORK, NO TO BE LAZY That's my OPINION.. everyone with their own opinion, discuss not war this is ^^
  17. yes =$ .. sorry for that xD! .. i started a topic asking opinions when i didn't sayd mine xD what i think about NOW "PROJECTS" .. well .. most of them according to what i talked with owners of those projects, i think they start doing it due good intentions but .. this world is made by good intentions, am i right ? correct .. now, i can't say YOU SUCK or you YOU ROCK, starting from my way to think "think and let everyone else think" xD! .. yes, i preffer packs with retail features like C3 days in low rate servers x3 <3 but there are some people that like NEW STUFF because that people, most of them started playing L2 on new clients, i mean gracia, epilogue, freya .. now coming GoD; anyway if you ask me how to qualify all the projects i know i would make the next list - L2JServer || FTW - L2JBrasil || YOU NEWBIE! START WITH THAT - L2JTeon || YOU NEWBIE! START WITH THAT - L2JFrozen || Don't use it, not yet.. let's wait a while, only time and commits will say us if it worths - L2JaCis || Don't use it, not yet.. let's wait a while, only time and commits will say us if it worths - L2JXtreme || Leave L2 world :D - L2JArchid || WTF are you doing with that? it is dead cm'n ! This just talking about IL projects, and .. sorry if i was too bad or too direct ^^ I am sorry for you and i, because you read bad what i wrote wrong ^^ I say Brasil TRY to impress people with custom features "making people start good" < Sarcasm Maybe ? Customs don't make a server be better, make L2 die more and more .. we are about to finish killing it xD [really, i saw today a tank from 2009, if somebody add it on a live server L2 will die] I preffer L2 retail w/o custom features or any weird system.
  18. sorry for double post .. but when i was writing last one, people wrote 4 comments so now i have to say something about that 4 new opinions :) i don't THINK that we CAN compare both packs for that reason.. i would say that .. we can't because both them are focused on totally different points .. Brasil > add and add more and more custom features to make people start "good" aCis > this pack for what i read on it's topic i think it is focused on fixing missing stuff on L2 IL, mostly staying on retail and making people back to love retail servers. So one says LET'S UPGRADE THAT CLIENT the next one says FIX WHAT WE HAVE NOW AND AFTER THAT WE CAN START UPDGRADING TO NEXT LEVEL :D that's the way i think ^^
  19. //agreee facking true! asterios has showed us how a server must be when we talk about stable servers :D correct .. discuss .. if you affirmate something .. you have to say WHY :D .. if you don't say WHY, we get your SPAMING .. so continueing with what we were talking about .. we know java left some issues w/o full check.. the problem from now "projects" if we can call them so .. is that they don't take a look about that, they just add customs and i am not talking about items customs .. mostly people now worries about custom features, weird systems for server and that shitty stuff .. you say ACIS .. and i say WHY? ... you tell me dev. works awesome .. i back to wonder WHY? .. you say he fixes a lot of missing RETAIL FEATURES .. i ask WICH ONES ? .. that's the way to believe if a pack will rock hard! .. or tottally not :D I am a tester for another pack, but i won't mention it because they work mostly on adding custom features than fixing retail features, devs. are really skilled but .. never mind :) because everyone in his own world .. whatever i still wonder wich packs NOW ALIVE we can call them "projects" at least .. :D NOTE: Finish the chain .. i said WICH ONES? .. answer that [sorry if you think i am too lazy to check timeline]
  20. //totally agree why? because you can't make more white when somthing is already white, or you can ? ... i don't think so .. l2jserver on IL, we know they they left SOME bugs, i can't say if there are that much but for codes i COULD read not at all because i don't know java at all YET, i found just FEW bugs, minor bugs most of them, we can't think something is better than another when the another came from the mother pack, i mean L2JServer, every single pack that now exists, started by L2JServer that has a long time working on L2, years we all must say. Anyway althought i share coyote's ideas i preffer to read all the opinions from everyone can reach this topic, because the point of topic is know WHAT YOU THINK, no what IT IS... :) Thanks for replying ^^ and i expect you still keep sharing ideas :D P.S. Sorry for my english xD EDIT: Could somebody move topic to somewhere more visible, so we can have more amount of ideas and opinions sharing in post ^^ .. the idea of the post is sharing IDEAS .. well .. that was my plan xD! thanks MxC ;D
  21. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!! anyway .. with that tank i can say LET'S GO KILL REST OF L2!! really :/ anyway .. good share :D i think xD P.S. sorry for reviving so old post .. but i thought i had to do it .. i am sorry =$
  22. i am the kind of person that accepts any opinion from people, but .. this is really making me get angry because i don't know wth is crossing people's mind that they CAN'T accept new features.. i know some people like idea of OLD SCHOOL, but really, with that "opinions" if can call them so, they make more people leave L2.. people that can't accept new features say something like this >>>New features ? :S!! ... making L2 get worse and worse ¬¬! and a while later a newbie on game read it and says >>>L2 rockED, not anymore, that guy MIGHT be right so .. stop making that kind of comments, and as much say "i don't like that update :P" why do you have to say all the points you don't like, you want L2 grow and back to have the count of people it used to have, but with that comments you make people leave even when have no even know anything about L2 :( @On-topic : L2GoD will rock hard I KNOW IT! :D P.S : Sorry for my english, i am learning yet xD! .. is it good ? xD
  23. l2sexi > wtf!? xDDD @off-topic: my last server was l2 ties of blood :D .. but now it is closed xDD!
  24. Hi people :D we all know about last fad, right ? ye ye, i mean MAKING L2 SERVERS :D anyway, i like people enthusiasm .. but .. it started to bother all the people now, and well .. you all know what kindda people we all knew by that reason, MAKING L2 SERVERS xD! .. anyway .. now there is another FAD [crazy world ye xD] make l2j "Projects" mostly for IL i see until now, however you see it, it sucks hard :/ ; because we are humas D: .. and we are never confortable with anything xD! either do i .. but tell me what you think about "projects" if we can call them so :D Please i'd like to know wich one from all the TRUE PROJECTS that now exist for IL would be the best .. well i just wonder about that and i expect you can say a GOOD ONE :D Thanks ;D
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