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Everything posted by ServeSATAN

  1. siga min tromakso egw ta atoma me aftina tin vlakia sxedon to kseri oloi i Ellada.
  2. polu kalo share Iracundus mpravo gia tin doulia pou kaneis kai voithas ton kosmo :)
  3. den xriazete na kanis duble post eksigisemas kalitera ti thes me leptomeries.. gt etc opos to eipes dn katalava tipota.
  4. Nice Work Iracundus You Are Helpfull On This Forum! who cares about pixels..
  5. to protino kai egw na kani monos tou auta ta pragmata alla opos theli o kathenas se ligo kero tha kano pl kala guides Tutorials gia na voithiso kosmo analoga me ta gousta tou kosmou einai omos.
  6. gia na katalavw otan anigis ton svr s lei ping 999? kai den se afini na logaris?
  7. # Database info Driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #Driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver #Driver=com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver # Database Settings URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2Hero_interlude_db Login = root Password = c0n5%du$ct1n@g99! MaximumDbConnections = 10 # The timeout before a new connection to the database (in ms) TimeOutConDb = 0 # Maximum number of requests per connection MaximumDbStatement = 100 # Limit fast connections (input username / password) FastConnectionLimit = 15 # Time of the normal connection (in ms) NormalConnectionTime = 700 # Time fast connection (in ms) FastConnectionTime = 350 # Maximum connections with the 1st IP MaxConnectionPerIP = 50 gia chekare etc to exw egw ston server mou. an den ginei tpta stile mou pm otan mpw tha to dw kai tha se voithisw.
  8. δουλευω σε L2J αν ενδιαφερεσε πες μου προσφατα άρχισα να ασχολούμαι με HightFive,Freya,H5
  9. τίποτα φίλε μου έχεις κάνει πολύ σωστή δουλειά
  10. Theme: Lineage2 Human Fighter Text:Leki Thanks!.
  11. i have a idea : ) it will be perfect if you have some time to make an armor with flaming animations you made cool things. +Videos Tutorials How to Make Client Moding.
  12. Im Waiting More Works From You! you are perfect.
  13. πολυ χρησιμος οδηγος μπραβο για τον κόπο που εκανες (Fanky)
  14. :/ k lock Topic :'(
  15. yes leki have banip and join in forum from my pc with teamviwer sry for my English :)
  16. im not scammer im friend leki i have help leki for become vip member omg :S
  17. Im Friend Leki lol :s and me Speak Georgian lolz0r if you need told to leki need his skype??
  18. Kala les to dwkimasa ston l2meredith dn epiase :/
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  20. exis dokimasi esy aftian tin eteria esto gia na kseroume kai emis amma aksizi exi poles xamiles times
  21. Search Here :) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=62.0
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