Use reCaptcha. I use it and I didn't had a single bot, at least trash posting bot, since ~4months. Also, in configs set captcha for < 3 or 5 posts, so they have to pass it while posting as well.
Oh right it's [], so simply length > 0. Also, in your case you can't leave it empty (error otherwise) :P
Also, while the config uses lower case letters, you don't have to use st.toLowerCase(), simply st is enough.
He just want to add some customs, I HOPE.
Bha, who would press "create new file". I do it like a boss, I open random file in given directory, replace the code and "Save as.." :D :-beep- yeah:
It's always the best to use latest, but I heard that latest has some problems that 1004 <older one> has not, but.. 1004 has bugs/issues that has been fixed meantime. :D
So, I would stick with latest.
Try another FileEdit.
Old version -
More recent, for few chronicles -
Teleport is not a problem as the zone itself. The problem is, you can easily walk there in, for example, onEnter case. So, without having created zone, you can't check / prohibit this, at least easily.
Maybe a region check? Not sure.