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Everything posted by dag0

  1. works on classic ? thanks and nice1
  2. very seroius seller , 100% reliable !
  3. Hello, recently i get banned for use l2adrenaline, my question is, why they now im using adrenaline, they can see that i connected adrenaline or only for dont answer and style-game ? sorry for my poor english i hope that all of you understand my question thanks and regards
  4. any1 has a script for lvl ? im playing on classic and i would like to have some script to bot rogue/th with cleric/pp and other for dwarfs, 2nd class changue quests will be aceppterd too :P if not , what zones you rec for bot safely ? i have problems, always get die because ng items , classic is too hard :P if any1 wants play with me the server start a few time ago thanks and regards
  5. i will try it tomorrow if someone plays send me pm please i preffer play with ppl :P
  6. i get this error, im following the steps and run it by administrator thanks
  7. i get connection error when i try to connect in log screen :S
  8. i cant open too, thanks for check it
  9. http://l2delirium.com Server Chronicle: Interlude Server Rates: Xp: 30x Sp: 50x Adena: 20x Item: 10x Spoil: 10x Raid: 10x Quest drop: 10x Quest reward: 5x (not all) Party Xp: 1.5 Party Sp: 1.5 Seal Stones: 2x Enchant Rates: Normal enchant: 56% Blessed enchant: 65% Safe enchant: 3 (full +4) Max enchant: 16 Raid Bosses: Queen Ant 20 + 4 hours Orfen: 20 + 4 hours Core: 33 + 4 hours Zaken: 60 + 4 hours Baium: 112 + 8 hours Antharas: 180 + 12 hours Valakas: 192 hours Tezza 48 + 8 hours Mos, Tayr, Hekaton and Shadith: 12 + 6 hours Barakiel: 6 + 2 hours Others: 12 + 24 hours Added information: Subclass free Main + 4 subclass Offline shop. Maximum 2 days (sell and leave game) 2 hours buffs 22 buffs + 4 (divine inspiration) + 6 debuffs Buffer with schemes + pet buffs (not for necromancers summons) GM shop until B grade Global GK No penalty by leaving clan Automatic events Shop to buy items with Event Coin NPC to change the title color Donator Item: double xp, drop and spoil for 7 days Anti-Bot system Dedicated server. Friendly Staff. In game commands: .deposit (change adena for gold bar) .withdraw (change gold bar for adena) .online (online players number) .xpon / .xpoff (activate/deactivate experience) .repair (use to repair other character in the same account)
  10. i was looking in forums for bugs or exploits i could use in dragon network but nothing.. so if someone know some, we could me a dedicated post for this servers :D
  11. woo i'll try it, in dragon network im tyrant+hawkeye so.. could be funny :P i hope it works
  12. but the question is: if you put in trade, other people see too enchanted item and when u have it has the same bright for the others? it could be nice to scam if works :P
  13. it looks nice but i can't do it work in dragon network :S anyone knows how? no nophx.dll in system but phx doesn't get packages from game :S
  14. i will try it on dragon network server when i see ss lag, here is common jaja but is the only server where i saw that >.< so to other servers this trick i think wouldn't work
  15. it says "error while starting/injecting l2.exe" :S any idea?
  16. hummm.. if i have l2walker for win7, how i active it? i click and the process appears but i don't find the l2w window :S
  17. ruins of despair! I farm a lot there when I start in Ultima-Alianza, the server where I started to play, it was 1x jaja
  18. im gonna try it, it might be usefull
  19. I have an error when I open L2Interlude in my laptop, it haves a version of Windows 7 called biowindows and its 64 bits, I can play hellbound without any type of error and I havent this one before. http://yfrog.com/j7errormmj Thx!
  20. http://foros.abcdatos.com/viewtopic.php?t=16671
  21. I try with VMware Workstation 6 and it doesnt work O.o
  22. I will try with a virtual machine but I dont know if it will work :/
  23. any solve to criticals ?
  24. mmm usefull for new people... but here all are old l2 players i think, or know how to do it xD thx
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