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Everything posted by kafrosGR

  1. No. this is not the best botting areas. if u go to forgotten gaterway bot will die after 3-4min. 65-75 is still bad coz u cant bot. all are aggro and u are 100% dead. also this is repost. if u press at google leveling places. its the first thing it shows u at 40 different sites
  2. ti enoeis? ma vazis na kanei buff kai ana posi wra thes na kanei. kai exei apo default 20min gia na ta ksanakanei
  3. o apateonix sou edwse lisi sta buffs. episis ama de theleis gia party exei kai tab mono gia esena. oson afora to na epistrefi ekei p htan prepei na kaneis ena script. odigies gia to pws na kaneis ena script . search is your friend. eixa dei ena guide alla de thimame an htan edw H ama htan se allo site. search k google. good luck
  4. Den kserw ama isxii opos palia. alla prin kairo poli eixa pathei to idio. trws Dc alla xwris na kanei notify ton gm kai xwris na s petaksi minima. pio pithano ine auto nomizo diladi exei anti-bot
  5. lipon. periliptika. ston atlantis. alles fwres IG walker alles fwres OOG. enas prophet kai enas tyrant. buffari o prophet dini mapes o tyrant. e kai opote ormousan polla healare o tyrant. to thema ine. sthn arxh eniwthe healare otan eprepe. ospou se kapia fasi vlepw nekroi. lew ti fasi? giati htan 2 hit ta mobs. e tous ksanapaw dinoun mapes ola kala. vlepw se kapia fasi p pefti to life tou tyrant oti den ton healari. ekana diafora tetia piramatakia na tou katevaso to life, na valo na healari otan exei ligotero apo 100% k tetia. alla @@ den eniwthe. to IG htan to .05 k dokimasa meta to .13 alla kai pali tipota.kamia allagi. exete na protinete kati? na testarw kati?
  6. Gia kapion logo de kserw giati prwta eniwthe. alla meta stamatise na healari. gia thn akrivia vlepei oti na 'nai life. prin evlepe oti exei 2000/2400 kserwgw. twra vlepei panta full H vlepei 0/0 . kamia idea? na postarw kai sto english section?
  7. i was playing since c1-2 at interspot. then it closed and i moved to e-global till c4. then i gave up coz kamael was just a game's destroy and started now on random low rate =) so that must be around 4-5 years
  8. my hunter. ah.. such an old pic with epic head from kara :P
  9. well much people were saying that priests sucks coz they die easy cause of cloth, no dmg at all and many things. here are 10 reasons to make one. 1. Priests are very strong healers. Priests are able to cast protective shields, heals over time, use group heals, and many other types of heals that make them far superior to the other healing classes. 2. Priests have great survivability. Priests, especially if specialized as Discipline, are incredibly difficult to take down. They can mitigate a lot of damage for being a cloth wearing and can keep a lot of heals on themselves without actually having to channel heals. 3. Priests are the only class that receives special a bilities based on their race. Each race is granted a special ability at level 10 and level 20. These abilities range from dealing damage, special self-only buffs, or various utility spells. 4. Priests have two versatile ways of specializing. Priests can either specialize to be Holy/Discipline or Shadow. Holy/Discipline is for Priests who want to heal. Shadow is for Priests who want to deal damage. 5. Priests are able to be a very good caster DPS. If specialized as Shadow, a Priest can deal lots of damage, but more importantly give back health and mana to their group at a steady rate. This is a great perk for being a Shadow Priest and this is why there is such high demand for Shadow Priests on raids. 6. Priests are one of the few classes able to resurrect the dead. Inevitably, players will die in World of Warcraft. A Priest is one of a few classes able to resurrect these fallen players to return them to life. This is useful in almost every aspect of the game. 7. Priests are able to reach the armor class of leather and mail users. With Inner Fire, especially if a Priest has the talents, a Priest will have more armor class than a leather user and just shy of a well-geared mail user. This is very useful when fighting against physical damage dealers. 8. Priests are one of the few classes that become more rewarding as you level. At low levels, Priests are rather weak and may find it hard to solo. However, the higher a Priest’s level, the better they are at being able to heal, deal damage, and solo. At the max level, Shadow Priests are one of the best classes to solo as and Discipline Priests are virtually un-killable. 9. Priests are considered one of the main buffing classes. Fortitude and Divine Spirit are a Priest’s main buffs. Fortitude grants players with hundreds of health and Divine Spirit gives players an increased health and mana regeneration as well as increasing spell damage for casters. 10. Priests have great utility on raids and in groups. Whatever specialization a Priest may be, they bring lots of utility with them. They are incredible healers, great damage dealers with an addition of abilities that restore health and mana to their group, and are able to resurrect fallen players.
  10. epidi to na perno xima arrows kai xima SS einai poli varia ipothesi. epsaksa sto bot ama exei tetia epilogi alla de vreika. kseri kaneis ama iparxi H ama iparxi script? kitaksa trigiro ekana kai search alla tipota Euxaristo prokatavolika
  11. evala to patch alla den mpenei... kai me bot kai xwris bot.. HELP!!! ti na kanw? ekana ksanaekana reinstall alla tpt.. help
  12. 999
  14. iparxei out of game bot gia c6????
  15. isos ta vazeis se lathos meros h den energopieis to na range attack (h to melee attack) to prob m: dn exw xarti.. :@ ,pws geinete na ksanagirnaei ekei pou pethane?
  16. shmera katevasa to l2. patisa na kanei update apo tn off kai meta evala to patch tou la2crazy. pataw to l2.exe dixnei oti fortonei, vgazei kai to allo to parathiraki Lineage2 me to mparmpadaki kai molis fortoni tsoup klinei.. to l2 dn anigei.. meta prospathia me to bot.. sto path mpenw sto l2.exe mesa sto l2... pataw run.. kanei oti fortonei gia 2-3sec kai meta tpt... help!
  17. pia einai h selida tou server??????
  18. molis pataw na kanw login trww dc
  19. epidi m epriksan ta .. kati filoi katevasa to l2 c4 k otan paw na mpw trww dc kaneis kserei pws na to fix? p.s s ena net trww dc otan pataw ston fort eno twra otan pataw gia login. apo e-global mpenw kanonika ofc
  20. skt ekanes gt dn afineis na dixnei thn diefthinsi re? apla ekanes enan fakelo windows etc kai telos siga
  21. mpeite kai pateiste listen. tha sas zitisei an katevasete ena arxeio. kalhtera kanteto open (WINAMP NEEDED!!!!) testarw etc gia arxh :P akouste ligo k peite m piotita( an exei kalh h kakh :D) euxaristo EDIT:crashare k ton ksanasikosa
  22. loipon kai gw akribws to idio prama exw...nomizo peripou 20 lvl mage :P alla mlkia itan kai to stamatisa. gt re epidi exei TERASTIA diafora me to l2?
  23. exei liges meres p ksekinisa wow. eimai 12lvl mage k enas 14lvl warlock. Ti sas kanei na kegeste kai na treleneste gia to wow?dn lew mia xara game einai alla oxi kai na to vlepw kai na trelenome >.>
  24. Edw kaneis la8os.... Ama klinane kala to kapaki kai to kopanagane kato to boukali me ton kolo 8a ginotan piravlos... Ala oxi na kanei boom.. To exw kanei me filous kai exei trelo gelio... Mia fora petixame enan gero pou pernage :P dn prolaveneis na to kliseis me to xeri s mporeis an eisai arketa grigoros kai to petakseis kato tha ektoksefthei Apo oti fenete den to exeis psaksei to 8ema oso egw kai oi parea mou :P ... Den rixneis me to xeri tis mentos tis vazeis OLES mazi me to alouminoxarto (vgazeis dld to xarti pou grafei mentos)... To klineis me to kapaki meta to kounas kala kala mexri na vgoun oi mentos apo to alouminoxarto kai meta to kopanas kato... kiomos to exw psaksei... sinithizo na petaw poles mazi H olokliri sira p eisa isa kratiounte mazi ;) kai egw auto sto spiti m to kaname aplos exoume megalo mpalkoni :P
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