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Everything posted by kafrosGR

  1. Edw kaneis la8os.... Ama klinane kala to kapaki kai to kopanagane kato to boukali me ton kolo 8a ginotan piravlos... Ala oxi na kanei boom.. To exw kanei me filous kai exei trelo gelio... Mia fora petixame enan gero pou pernage :P dn prolaveneis na to kliseis me to xeri s mporeis an eisai arketa grigoros kai to petakseis kato tha ektoksefthei
  2. an kathe fwra p xalousame kati aksias p.x twra coca to lipomastan tha eixame pethanei apo katathlipsi :P
  3. peiname cocacola light mia fwra kai dn kserw gt eithela mentos.... trww merikes mentos mazi kai ta evgala ola... piramatistikame meta kai to psaksame lol
  4. ma kai fisika :P nai ontos san S soulshot miazei lol
  5. akomi ena peirama p kaname me ton filo m kai htan epitixes.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q9wpaE4lic
  6. egw kai enas filos eipame na traveiksoume video merikes dinatotites apo to krifo mas talento.... http://youtube.com/watch?v=VWOk2SJnKn0 ;D Enjoy xD ;D
  7. siga more 75euroulakia.. kai ontos einai parapoli megalo xD pelorio mporw na pw :P alla helparei arketa gia wow k diafora pramata
  8. ti malakia re marese para poli! para poli oreo :P ilikrina legontas mlkia enoo TELIOS OTI NA NE... ma k fisika dn einai mlkia xP
  9. dikio exeis :S analogos... p.x sto rz exw 1-2k posts 5-6fwres ban kai to exw paratisei xD
  10. piramatistika vreika kai ena mod k ekana thn mlkia texnh xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXT61vtZXGY p.s G15 IS PWNZ0RING!!111
  11. lag i think or just animation (only for see)
  12. distixos to L2 dn exei teteia fantasia mono to wow einai kalo gia videos ;P alla k pali L2 FTW... :P egw thn prwth fwra p to eida epesa apo thn karekla apo ta gelia sto telos me to lag xD
  13. to vidoe einai tromero idika to telefteo komati xD enjoy! :)
  14. exw peksei se poli megala onomata servers k exw faei poli xirotera ksenerwmata apo esena me apotelesma na kserw... p.s dn iparxei server p na min fas mpistola... oloi einai.... ;)
  15. egw lew oti tha ton fane mias k apo tous 200 oi 100 einai bugged k oi alloi 100 einai me top+10...
  16. egw pali eida skotadi kai mpeika :P
  17. egw pali ton kserw 3-4mines prin aniksei mexri 3-4mines meta pou aneikse EDIT: an exeis problimata me ton server kai dn ton goustareis APLA MIN PEZEIS! se anagase kaneis na pekseis? kai pali an exeis kapoia prob me ton server auta sto forum tou server kanta report oxi edw
  18. gia arketa pragmata eisai lathos... otan les bisma ti enoeis? gm panta exei botters dn exei exei poli perisoterous apo 140 players p.s sxetika me to edit twra kaneis ton maga?
  19. http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=2205.0 just use the damn search botton!
  20. dn eipa egw oti me anagazete. apla lew thn gnomi mou. an xereste eseis 1 egw xerome 10(gia esas):)
  21. it doesn't matter. u can add the IP of the server together with the walker's ip ;) try it
  22. egw pali to vrisko poli xazo kai anouso... oloi na varate ton allon monohita kai pia h ousia?einai xirotero k apo tous pvp servers p oloi einai gm
  23. that i sent is to make your own.. and that u sent is to leech.. and are not outdated EDIT:so sorry to say that gameburnworld is the worst... it have no games but many XXX spamming sites... To say the truth you are making a mistake here as you probably don't know the site at all!! And tell me for god shake where have you seen the XXX link and banners?are you blind>? And also tell me what game crack this site doesn't have?Maybe you can't just search? i don't mind about the site.that pack is to make your OWN not to leech as i said before
  24. if hlapex works it should be a way
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