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Everything posted by mpj123

  1. you NEED to start l2asrv before you start lineage2. And you need to have your host file edited with the following. localhost vip.towalker.com vip1.towalker.com vip2.towalker.com vip3.towalker.com vip4.towalker.com vip5.towalker.com vip6.towalker.com vip7.towalker.com
  2. imo, start working on the ct1.5 l2OFF extender. Interlude is getting old... going to die soon enough. Pretty shitty how your datacenter treated you, I would contest their decision and not pay them for the last month of service. Its not the first time that I've heard about the data center being retarded. In all honesty, if your hook up your computers correctly, power issues shouldn't occur (gg datacenter once again).
  3. walker wont work on l2inc anymore, use l2.net alone.
  4. Is this an l2j server? Anyways, it should work on a ct2.2 regardless.... When your login process gets stuck at that point its one of two things. 1) Wrong protocol 2) bot protection ct2.2 should be using protocol 12 or 17. Give those a try.
  5. Not sure whats wrong... you could to install all the frame networks and update direct x... and reinstall l2.net. Apart from that, i'm not too sure what to do. Sorry.
  6. 231 is no longer supported... but inject should work, unless you are trying to send an unknown packet to l2.net? What does your packet look like? If you press continue, does everything still work? Does the packet send at all?
  7. your practically safe on retail, private servers are the ones you need to watch for.
  8. Lets put it this way, if some random programmers making l2j can detect you... a team of advanced software devs could certainly mimic it. But then have they ever in the past?
  9. Thats a lie, L2Walker can be detected on L2J servers via packets AND GG replys.
  10. download the datafiles and mapfiles.
  11. Its pretty obvious, just read the post. Copy the script, put it in l2.net once logged in (www.ltwonet.com) change the values in the first 30 lines of the script to your needs, and run it.
  12. no, just delete fire.dll.
  13. you just need to delete fire.dll, no need to kill GG.
  14. with the new update, this will get you kicked, use the newer script version by trixy or update the delays yourself.
  15. I would think you'd be able to run it. Depends on the specs of your comp. Might be laggy for the interface, but it'll mostly be fine for everything else.
  16. Edited your title. READ THE RULES PLEASE!
  17. its either the drivers, or if you are using a low quality video card, you might be running out of memory causing a client to crash.
  18. crashes your second account? Any error messages?
  19. use the autoupdater once the site comes back up.
  20. 370 up, new datafiles and core files.
  21. I hear the bitch from l2oracle is there as an admin to steal your moonies >< RAN RAN MANGS!
  22. edited your title, remember to put the software type in your title.
  23. did you set the path for l2.exe in setup? did you read up on the guides to connect with l2.net? L2.net dosen't hook onto the client like walker does, you'll need to do some mods.
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