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Everything posted by mpj123

  1. I used to do that stuff back in c2 days... its just a bug on the admin's part not editing the item slots correctly. Good find though, didn't think any admins nowdays were stupid enough to do it.
  2. Well, most L2J servers use the host redirect method because they dont know how to mod clients... so an L2OFF server can do the same if they wish, but they cannot have any antibot or w/e At first glance, I thought for sure this was an L2J server... but as you read through you learn its a Hybrid mod. Meaning... its either a decent l2OFF extender, or some shitty L2J extender. I tried logging in, but it seems like they aren't accepting more beta testers or something, says on their site newly created accounts wont work. I have a good way to tell if its L2J based or L2OFF based ingame, but I cant log in, wont know till I do.
  3. I'm just ganna link to our guides... makes things easier. http://ltwonet.com/showthread.php?t=76
  4. Include Version FUNCTION REPLYSCRIPTSET 23 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W PRINT_TEXT "Autoreply made by mpj123, this is the CALL_EXTERN version" PRINT_TEXT "Special thanks to d00d for the packet info from his Buff Awareness Script" PRINT_TEXT "Special thanks to galozeh, and Jeapordy for ideas, beta testing and code." PRINT_TEXT "And ofc slothmo for his hard work, making this possible :)" PRINT_TEXT "More scripts at ltwonet.com! JOIN US NOW! Be a part of the L2.NET community!" //Debug? 0 = off // 1 = on DEFINE_GLOBAL INT DEBUG <&A&> //How many seconds before another message can be sent? Calculated in SECONDS. //Recommended 10 to 60 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT DelayBetweenMessages <&B&> //Do you want to allow sound alerts for chat messages? 0 = off // 1 = on DEFINE_GLOBAL INT ENABLESOUND <&C&> //Do you want to allow sound alerts when being attacked by the same person? 0 = off // 1 = on DEFINE_GLOBAL INT ENABLESOUND2 <&D&> //Do you want to allow alerts for when a player attacks you DEFINE_GLOBAL INT ENABLESOUND3 <&E&> //Do you want to replys to melee (when a player attacks you) 0 = off // 1 = on DEFINE_GLOBAL INT MELEEREPLYTOGGLE <&F&> //Do you want to replys to any skills (when a player attacks you) 0 = off // 1 = on DEFINE_GLOBAL INT SKILLREPLYTOGGLE <&G&> //Do you want to replys to ANY chat? //WARNING, if this is turned off, no replys will be made to ANY chat channels! 0 = off // 1 = on DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHATREPLYTOGGLE <&H&> //Which channel should be monitored... /// 1 = enable // 0 = disable //All chat DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN0 <&I&> //Shout DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN1 <&J&> //Private message DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN2 <&K&> //Party chat DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN3 <&L&> //Clan chat DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN4 <&M&> //GM DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN5 <&N&> //Petition DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN6 <&O&> //Petition2 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN7 <&P&> //Trade DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN8 <&Q&> //Ally chat DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN9 <&R&> //Announcement DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN10 <&S&> //Boat chat DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN11 <&T&> //partyroom chat DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN15 <&U&> //PartyCommander chat DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN16 <&V&> //Hero DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN17 <&W&> //your nicknames.... for instance if you name is killerbeast, your nicknames could be Kill, Beast //WARNING, names MUST BE IN lower case! KILLERBEAST would NEED to be killerbeast to work. DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST MyName 0 MyName.ADD "#$kill" MyName.ADD "#$beast" MyName.ADD "#$killbeast" //add more if you wish //If somebody attacks you with a skill or melee DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST AttackReply 0 AttackReply.ADD "#$Yo buddy" AttackReply.ADD "#$Not nice :(" AttackReply.ADD "#$WAAAA" //add more if you wish //This arraylist is to define all the words you wish to reply to. DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST STRINGREPLY 0 STRINGREPLY.ADD "#$bot" //1 STRINGREPLY.ADD "#$noob" //2 STRINGREPLY.ADD "#$naab" //3 STRINGREPLY.ADD "#$<&CHAR_NAME&>" //4 //add more if you wish // //Start of replys // DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST Reply1 0 Reply1.ADD "#$Nope" Reply1.ADD "#$haha" //add more if you wish DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST Reply2 0 Reply2.ADD "#$Low." Reply2.ADD "#$I cant say :)" Reply2.ADD "#$No comprende BR mangs! JAJAJA" //add more if you wish DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST Reply3 0 Reply3.ADD "#$Low." Reply3.ADD "#$I cant say :)" Reply3.ADD "#$No comprende BR mangs! JAJAJA" //add more if you wish DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST Reply4 0 Reply4.ADD "#$Am I ^^" //add more if you wish // //End of replys // DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST PHRASEREPLY 0 //you will need to add more Reply(number) if you added more responses. PHRASEREPLY.ADD Reply1 PHRASEREPLY.ADD Reply2 PHRASEREPLY.ADD Reply3 PHRASEREPLY.ADD Reply4 //add more if you wish // // // // //END OF USER-SET OPTIONS // //DO NOT TOUCH // // // // //Arraylists DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST SAVELIST 0 //INT DEFINE_GLOBAL INT IsItPrivate 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT PhraseToSay 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT PhraseToSay2 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT HowManyLines 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT MESSAGEVAR 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT MESSAGESENT 1 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CURRENTNUMBER 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT TYPEMESSAGE 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT LASTID 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT GLOBALTIMER 10 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT TimeCalc 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT TimeCalc1 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT DONOTTALK 0 //STRINGS DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING PNAME "" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING MESSAGELOWER "" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING STRCURRENT "" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING MESSAGEREPLY "" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING MESSAGEREPLY2 "" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING HowManyLines2 "" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING SelfReply "-><&Char_name&>" IF MELEEREPLYTOGGLE == ONE //Melee Attack SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKET&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" Melee 51 ENDIF IF SKILLREPLYTOGGLE == ONE //Skill User SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKET&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" SkillUser 72 ENDIF IF CHATREPLYTOGGLE == ONE //Chat SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_CHAT&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" Reply //Canceled skill SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKET&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" NOTHING 73 ENDIF //Time Counter and Infinit Loop IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "TimeCounter thread started" ENDIF GLOBALTIMER = DelayBetweenMessages WHILE ZERO == ZERO SLEEP 1000 GLOBALTIMER = GLOBALTIMER + ONE IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "<&GLOBALTIMER&>" ENDIF WEND ************************************************************************************************************ ***************************************Functions************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************ // //FUNCTION REPLY // Function REPLY IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "in REPLY function" ENDIF MESSAGESENT = ONE MESSAGELOWER = MESSAGE.TO_LOWER_INVARIANT TYPEMESSAGE = MESSAGETYPE IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "This is the message: <&MESSAGE&>" PRINT_TEXT "This is the message in lower caps: <&MESSAGELOWER&>" ENDIF IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "This is a name to ignore: <&SelfReply&>" ENDIF IF SENDERNAME == SelfReply IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Self testing.... ignoring second PM" ENDIF RETURN VOID ENDIF IF ENABLESOUND == ONE FOREACH I STRING MyName PNAME = MyName.I //Print_text "<&PNAME&>" IF "MESSAGELOWER.CONTAINS PNAME" == TRUE PRINT_TEXT "PLAYING WAVE SOUND, <&SENDERNAME&> is calling us!" PLAYALARM ENDIF NEXTEACH ENDIF TimeCalc1 = GLOBALTIMER - TimeCalc IF TimeCalc1 < DelayBetweenMessages IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Can't be spamming like crazy. User set time until next message can be sent:<&DelayBetweenMessages&> and current time: <&TimeCalc1&>" ENDIF RETURN VOID ENDIF CALLSUB REPLYNOW RETURN VOID // //Melee // FUNCTION Melee IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "in Melee function" ENDIF DEFINE STRING TargeteeName "" DEFINE INT p_MSU_packet_type2 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_source_id2 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_target_id2 0 PACKET.READ_BYTE p_MSU_packet_type2 PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_source_id2 PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_target_id2 CHAR_GET_NAME TargeteeName "<&p_MSU_source_id2&>" IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "This is the name of the attacker: <&TargeteeName&>" ENDIF IF TargeteeName == "#$<&CHAR_NAME&>" IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "seems like this packet is from ourselves attacking, not replying to this" ENDIF RETURN VOID ENDIF IF TargeteeName == "#$-nobody-" IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "This is a mob attacking, no need to reply" ENDIF RETURN VOID ENDIF IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "attack coming from:<&p_MSU_source_id2&> Hitting: <&p_MSU_target_id2&>" ENDIF IF ENABLESOUND3 == ONE IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Melee function alarm activated!" ENDIF PLAYALARM ENDIF IF LASTID == p_MSU_source_id2 IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Hey, thats the same person trying to get us to talk again! What a douche." ENDIF IF ENABLESOUND2 == ONE IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "ENABLESOUND2 is ringing!" ENDIF PLAYALARM ENDIF ENDIF IF p_MSU_target_id2 == CHAR_ID LASTID = p_MSU_source_id2 TimeCalc1 = GLOBALTIMER - TimeCalc IF TimeCalc1 < DelayBetweenMessages IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Can't be spamming like crazy. User set time until next message can be sent:<&DelayBetweenMessages&> and current time: <&TimeCalc1&>" ENDIF RETURN VOID ENDIF IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "We are getting hit with melee or ranged." PRINT_TEXT "Our char ID = <&CHAR_ID&>" ENDIF CALLSUB TALKBACK ENDIF RETURN VOID // //FUNCTION SkillUser // FUNCTION SkillUser IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "in SkillUser function" ENDIF DEFINE INT p_MSU_packet_type 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_source_id 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_target_id 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_skill_id 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_skill_level 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_hit_time 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_reuse_delay 0 PACKET.READ_BYTE p_MSU_packet_type PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_source_id PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_target_id PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_skill_id PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_skill_level PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_hit_time PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_reuse_delay DEFINE STRING TargeteeName "" CHAR_GET_NAME TargeteeName "<&p_MSU_source_id&>" IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "This is the name of the attacker: <&TargeteeName&>" ENDIF IF TargeteeName == "#$<&CHAR_NAME&>" IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "seems like this packet is from ourselves attacking, not replying to this" ENDIF RETURN VOID ENDIF IF TargeteeName == "#$-nobody-" IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "This is a mob attacking, no need to reply" ENDIF RETURN VOID ENDIF IF ENABLESOUND3 == ONE IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Skill function alarm activated!" ENDIF PLAYALARM ENDIF IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Who the caster is targetting: ID = <&p_MSU_target_id&>" ENDIF IF LASTID == p_MSU_source_id IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Hey, thats the same person trying to get us to talk again! What a douche." ENDIF IF ENABLESOUND2 == ONE PLAYALARM ENDIF ENDIF IF p_MSU_target_id == CHAR_ID LASTID = p_MSU_source_id TimeCalc1 = GLOBALTIMER - TimeCalc IF TimeCalc1 < DelayBetweenMessages IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Can't be spamming like crazy. User set time until next message can be sent:<&DelayBetweenMessages&> and current time: <&TimeCalc1&>" ENDIF RETURN VOID ENDIF IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "We are getting casted on with magic by <&p_MSU_source_id&> in <&p_MSU_hit_time&> Milliseconds" PRINT_TEXT "Our char ID = <&CHAR_ID&>" ENDIF CALLSUB SKILLWATCHFORCANCEL ENDIF RETURN VOID // //Fucntion SkillCanceled // FUNCTION SkillCanceled IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "in SkillCanceled function" ENDIF DEFINE INT p_MSU_packet_type2 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_source_id2 0 PACKET.READ_BYTE p_MSU_packet_type2 PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_source_id2 IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "<&p_MSU_source_id2&>" ENDIF IF LASTID == p_MSU_source_id2 IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "User stopped his cast! We wont say anything!" ENDIF DONOTTALK = ONE ENDIF RETURN VOID FUNCTION NOTHING IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Function NOTHING fired up" ENDIF //does nothing RETURN VOID ************************************************************************************************************ ***************************************SUBS************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************ SUB REPLYNOW // //Pre message-code, do not touch unless you know what your doing. // IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "in REPLYNOW sub" ENDIF IF TYPEMESSAGE == CHANNEL_PRIVATE IsItPrivate = ONE IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "ITS A PRIVATE MESSAGE" ENDIF ELSE IsItPrivate = ZERO IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "ITS NOT A PRIVATE MESSAGE" ENDIF ENDIF SWITCH TYPEMESSAGE CASE #i0 IF CHAN0 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i0 BREAK 1 CASE #i1 IF CHAN1 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i1 BREAK 1 CASE #i2 IF CHAN2 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i2 BREAK 1 CASE #i3 IF CHAN3 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i3 BREAK 1 CASE #i4 IF CHAN4 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i4 BREAK 1 CASE #i5 IF CHAN5 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i5 BREAK 1 CASE #i6 IF CHAN6 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i6 BREAK 1 CASE #i7 IF CHAN7 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i7 BREAK 1 CASE #i8 IF CHAN8 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i8 BREAK 1 CASE #i9 IF CHAN9 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i9 BREAK 1 CASE #i10 IF CHAN10 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i10 BREAK 1 CASE #i11 IF CHAN11 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i11 BREAK 1 CASE #i15 IF CHAN15 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i15 BREAK 1 CASE #i16 IF CHAN16 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i16 BREAK 1 CASE #i17 IF CHAN17 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i17 BREAK 1 DEFAULT RETURNSUB BREAK 1 ENDSWITCH // //END of pre-message code // IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "<&MESSAGEVAR&>" ENDIF FOREACH W string STRINGREPLY STRCURRENT = "#$<&STRINGREPLY.W&>" SAVELIST = PHRASEReply.W MESSAGEREPLY = "#$SAVELIST.PhraseToSay" HowManyLines = SAVELIST.COUNT GET_RAND PhraseToSay 0 "<&HowManyLines&>" IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "HowManyLines = <&HowManyLines&>" PRINT_TEXT "MESSAGEREPLY = <&MESSAGEREPLY&>" PRINT_TEXT "STRCURRENT = <&STRCURRENT&>" ENDIF IF "MESSAGELOWER.CONTAINS #$<&STRCURRENT&>" == TRUE SLEEP 500 IF IsItPrivate == ONE SLEEP_HUMAN_READING "<&MESSAGE&>" SLEEP_HUMAN_WRITING "<&MESSAGEREPLY&>" TimeCalc = GLOBALTIMER SAY_TEXT "<&MESSAGEVAR&>" "<&<&MESSAGEREPLY&>&>" "<&SENDERNAME&>" RETURNSUB ELSE SLEEP_HUMAN_READING "<&MESSAGE&>" SLEEP_HUMAN_WRITING "<&MESSAGEREPLY&>" TimeCalc = GLOBALTIMER SAY_TEXT "<&MESSAGEVAR&>" "<&<&MESSAGEREPLY&>&>" RETURNSUB ENDIF ENDIF NEXTEACH RETURNSUB // //SUB SKILLWATCHFORCANCEL // SUB SKILLWATCHFORCANCEL LOCK SkillUser SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKET&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" SkillCanceled 73 SLEEP "<&p_MSU_hit_time&>" SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKET&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" NOTHING 73 UNLOCK SkillUser CALLSUB TALKBACK RETURNSUB // //SUB TALKBACK // SUB TALKBACK IF DONOTTALK == ZERO TimeCalc = GLOBALTIMER HowManyLines2 = "AttackReply.COUNT" GET_RAND PhraseToSay2 0 "<&HowManyLines2&>" MESSAGEREPLY2 = "#$AttackReply.PhraseToSay2" SLEEP 2000 SLEEP_HUMAN_WRITING "<&MESSAGEREPLY2&>" SAY_TEXT "CHANNEL_ALL" "<&<&MESSAGEREPLY2&>&>" IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "SENT MESSAGE!" ENDIF ELSE IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Fucker canceled his skill, trying to see if were bots, not replying." ENDIF ENDIF DONOTTALK = ZERO RETURNSUB RETURN VOID EXAMPLE OF INCLUDE VERSION //Put this at the beginning of your script THREAD AUTOREPLY WHILE ZERO == ZERO // //This is normally where you would enter your script // SLEEP 1000 SAY_TEXT "This is a test" WEND //Put this at the end of one of your scripts FUNCTION AUTOREPLY CALL_EXTERN "INCLUDE/autoreplyCALLEXTERN.l2s" REPLYSCRIPTSET VOID 23 #i0 #i13 #i1 #i1 #i1 #i1 #i1 #i1 #i1 #i1 #i1 #i0 #i0 #i0 #i0 #i1 #i0 #i0 #i0 #i0 #i0 #i0 #i0 PRINT_TEXT "SCRIPT ENDED" RETURN VOID END_SCRIPT
  5. Its finally here and finished. If there are ANY bugs, please report them (I worked on this script for a while, hoping theres 0...) The only thing needed to edit are settings, and word lists. Once you make your word list, you dont need to make em again, you can use them for every character. So its a one shot deal. Feel free to post your word dictionary. I've worked two releases... one which can easily be added into another script, and another which can be ran just like that. Here they are. Download link with everything http://www.filefront.com/13969901/AutoReply.rar/ README ****************************************************** Welcome, and thank you for the interest in this script. This script took a while to work out all of the kinks and bugs, as well as adding new features... well over 30 hours of work in this script. Testing is very time consuming :P... Theres been over 20 betas o_O ****************************************************** ***************HOW TO********************************* ****************************************************** Well, theres two versions of this script included, Version 1: Stand Alone script Its pretty simple, open up the script, read through and set according to your liking. You can put this file anywhere. Remember to add more word base :) Version 2: Include/add-on script First off, put the "autoreplyCALLEXTERN.l2s" script in L2.NET BETA\Scripts\Include Next, add the following line to the beginning of your script, may it be a simple shop script or an advanced custom autofighter script. (just make sure the script never ends) THREAD AUTOREPLY Next, scroll all the way down to the end of your script and add the following. FUNCTION AUTOREPLY CALL_EXTERN "INCLUDE/autoreplyCALLEXTERN.l2s" REPLYSCRIPTSET VOID 23 #iA #iB #iC #iD #iE #iF #iG #iH #iI #iJ #iK #iL #iM #iN #iO #iP #iQ #iR #iS #iT #iU #iV #IW PRINT_TEXT "SCRIPT ENDED" RETURN VOID Every letter after the number "23" represents a setting, here is the list. (replace the letters with your choice) A = Debug? 0 = off // 1 = on B = How many seconds before another message can be sent? Calculated in SECONDS. C = Do you want to allow sound alerts for chat messages? 0 = off // 1 = on D = Do you want to allow sound alerts when being attacked by the same person? 0 = off // 1 = on E = Do you want to allow alerts for when a player attacks you? 0 = off // 1 = on F = Do you want to replys to melee (when a player attacks you) 0 = off // 1 = on G = Do you want to replys to any skills (when a player attacks you) 0 = off // 1 = on H = Do you want to replys to ANY chat? WARNING, if this is turned off, no replys will be made to ANY chat channels! 0 = off // 1 = on //Channel settings I = All chat J = Shout K = Private message L = Party chat M = Clan chat N = GM O = Petition P = Petition2 Q = Trade R = Ally chat S = Announcement T = Boat chat U = partyroom chat V = PartyCommander chat W = Hero Stand Alone Version PRINT_TEXT "Autoreply script made by mpj123, this is the STAND ALONE version." PRINT_TEXT "Special thanks to d00d for the packet info from his Buff Awareness Script" PRINT_TEXT "Special thanks to galozeh, and Jeapordy for ideas, beta testing and code." PRINT_TEXT "And ofc slothmo for his hard work, making this possible :)" PRINT_TEXT "More scripts at ltwonet.com! JOIN US NOW! Be a part of the L2.NET community!" //Debug? 0 = off // 1 = on DEFINE_GLOBAL INT DEBUG 0 //How many seconds before another message can be sent? Calculated in SECONDS. //Recommended 10 to 60 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT DelayBetweenMessages 13 //Do you want to allow sound alerts for chat messages? 0 = off // 1 = on DEFINE_GLOBAL INT ENABLESOUND 1 //Do you want to allow sound alerts when being attacked by the same person? 0 = off // 1 = on DEFINE_GLOBAL INT ENABLESOUND2 1 //Do you want to replys to melee skills (when a player attacks you) 0 = off // 1 = on DEFINE_GLOBAL INT MELEEREPLYTOGGLE 1 //Do you want to replys to any skills (when a player attacks you) 0 = off // 1 = on DEFINE_GLOBAL INT SKILLREPLYTOGGLE 1 //Do you want to allow alerts for when a player attacks you DEFINE_GLOBAL INT ENABLESOUND3 1 //Do you want to replys to ANY chat? //WARNING, if this is turned off, no replys will be made to ANY chat channels! 0 = off // 1 = on DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHATREPLYTOGGLE 1 //Which channel should be monitored... /// 1 = enable // 0 = disable //All chat DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN0 1 //Shout DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN1 1 //Private message DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN2 1 //Party chat DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN3 0 //Clan chat DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN4 0 //GM DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN5 1 //Petition DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN6 1 //Petition2 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN7 1 //Trade DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN8 0 //Ally chat DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN9 0 //Announcement DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN10 0 //Boat chat DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN11 0 //partyroom chat DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN15 0 //PartyCommander chat DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN16 0 //Hero DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CHAN17 0 //your nicknames.... for instance if you name is killerbeast, your nicknames could be Kill, Beast //WARNING, names MUST BE IN lower case! KILLERBEAST would NEED to be killerbeast to work. DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST MyName 0 MyName.ADD "#$kill" MyName.ADD "#$beast" MyName.ADD "#$killbeast" //add more if you wish //If somebody attacks you with a skill or melee DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST AttackReply 0 AttackReply.ADD "#$Yo buddy" AttackReply.ADD "#$Not nice :(" AttackReply.ADD "#$WAAAA" //add more if you wish //This arraylist is to define all the words you wish to reply to. DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST STRINGREPLY 0 STRINGREPLY.ADD "#$bot" //1 STRINGREPLY.ADD "#$noob" //2 STRINGREPLY.ADD "#$naab" //3 STRINGREPLY.ADD "#$<&CHAR_NAME&>" //4 //add more if you wish // //Start of replys // DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST Reply1 0 Reply1.ADD "#$Nope" Reply1.ADD "#$haha" //add more if you wish DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST Reply2 0 Reply2.ADD "#$Low." Reply2.ADD "#$I cant say :)" Reply2.ADD "#$No comprende BR mangs! JAJAJA" //add more if you wish DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST Reply3 0 Reply3.ADD "#$Low." Reply3.ADD "#$I cant say :)" Reply3.ADD "#$No comprende BR mangs! JAJAJA" //add more if you wish DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST Reply4 0 Reply4.ADD "#$Am I ^^" //add more if you wish // //End of replys // DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST PHRASEREPLY 0 //you will need to add more Reply(number) if you added more responses. PHRASEREPLY.ADD Reply1 PHRASEREPLY.ADD Reply2 PHRASEREPLY.ADD Reply3 PHRASEREPLY.ADD Reply4 //add more if you wish // // // // //END OF USER-SET OPTIONS // //DO NOT TOUCH // // // // //Arraylists DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST SAVELIST 0 //INT DEFINE_GLOBAL INT IsItPrivate 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT PhraseToSay 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT PhraseToSay2 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT HowManyLines 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT MESSAGEVAR 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT MESSAGESENT 1 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT CURRENTNUMBER 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT TYPEMESSAGE 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT LASTID 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT GLOBALTIMER 10 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT TimeCalc 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT TimeCalc1 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT DONOTTALK 0 //STRINGS DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING PNAME "" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING MESSAGELOWER "" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING STRCURRENT "" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING MESSAGEREPLY "" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING MESSAGEREPLY2 "" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING HowManyLines2 "" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING SelfReply "-><&Char_name&>" IF MELEEREPLYTOGGLE == ONE //Melee Attack SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKET&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" Melee 51 ENDIF IF SKILLREPLYTOGGLE == ONE //Skill User SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKET&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" SkillUser 72 ENDIF IF CHATREPLYTOGGLE == ONE //Chat SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_CHAT&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" Reply //Canceled skill SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKET&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" NOTHING 73 ENDIF //Time Counter and Infinit Loop IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "TimeCounter thread started" ENDIF GLOBALTIMER = DelayBetweenMessages WHILE ZERO == ZERO SLEEP 1000 GLOBALTIMER = GLOBALTIMER + ONE IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "<&GLOBALTIMER&>" ENDIF WEND ************************************************************************************************************ ***************************************Functions************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************ // //FUNCTION REPLY // Function REPLY IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "in REPLY function" ENDIF MESSAGESENT = ONE MESSAGELOWER = MESSAGE.TO_LOWER_INVARIANT TYPEMESSAGE = MESSAGETYPE IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "This is the message: <&MESSAGE&>" PRINT_TEXT "This is the message in lower caps: <&MESSAGELOWER&>" ENDIF IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "This is a name to ignore: <&SelfReply&>" ENDIF IF SENDERNAME == SelfReply IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Self testing.... ignoring second PM" ENDIF RETURN VOID ENDIF IF ENABLESOUND == ONE FOREACH I STRING MyName PNAME = MyName.I //Print_text "<&PNAME&>" IF "MESSAGELOWER.CONTAINS PNAME" == TRUE PRINT_TEXT "PLAYING WAVE SOUND, <&SENDERNAME&> is calling us!" PLAYALARM ENDIF NEXTEACH ENDIF TimeCalc1 = GLOBALTIMER - TimeCalc IF TimeCalc1 < DelayBetweenMessages IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Can't be spamming like crazy. User set time until next message can be sent:<&DelayBetweenMessages&> and current time: <&TimeCalc1&>" ENDIF RETURN VOID ENDIF CALLSUB REPLYNOW RETURN VOID // //Melee // FUNCTION Melee IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "in Melee function" ENDIF DEFINE STRING TargeteeName "" DEFINE INT p_MSU_packet_type2 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_source_id2 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_target_id2 0 PACKET.READ_BYTE p_MSU_packet_type2 PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_source_id2 PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_target_id2 CHAR_GET_NAME TargeteeName "<&p_MSU_source_id2&>" IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "This is the name of the attacker: <&TargeteeName&>" ENDIF IF TargeteeName == "#$<&CHAR_NAME&>" IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "seems like this packet is from ourselves attacking, not replying to this" ENDIF RETURN VOID ENDIF IF TargeteeName == "#$-nobody-" IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "This is a mob attacking, no need to reply" ENDIF RETURN VOID ENDIF IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "attack coming from:<&p_MSU_source_id2&> Hitting: <&p_MSU_target_id2&>" ENDIF IF ENABLESOUND3 == ONE IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Melee function alarm activated!" ENDIF PLAYALARM ENDIF IF LASTID == p_MSU_source_id2 IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Hey, thats the same person trying to get us to talk again! What a douche." ENDIF IF ENABLESOUND2 == ONE IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "ENABLESOUND2 is ringing!" ENDIF PLAYALARM ENDIF ENDIF IF p_MSU_target_id2 == CHAR_ID LASTID = p_MSU_source_id2 TimeCalc1 = GLOBALTIMER - TimeCalc IF TimeCalc1 < DelayBetweenMessages IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Can't be spamming like crazy. User set time until next message can be sent:<&DelayBetweenMessages&> and current time: <&TimeCalc1&>" ENDIF RETURN VOID ENDIF IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "We are getting hit with melee or ranged." PRINT_TEXT "Our char ID = <&CHAR_ID&>" ENDIF CALLSUB TALKBACK ENDIF RETURN VOID // //FUNCTION SkillUser // FUNCTION SkillUser IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "in SkillUser function" ENDIF DEFINE INT p_MSU_packet_type 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_source_id 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_target_id 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_skill_id 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_skill_level 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_hit_time 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_reuse_delay 0 PACKET.READ_BYTE p_MSU_packet_type PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_source_id PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_target_id PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_skill_id PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_skill_level PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_hit_time PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_reuse_delay DEFINE STRING TargeteeName "" CHAR_GET_NAME TargeteeName "<&p_MSU_source_id&>" IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "This is the name of the attacker: <&TargeteeName&>" ENDIF IF TargeteeName == "#$<&CHAR_NAME&>" IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "seems like this packet is from ourselves attacking, not replying to this" ENDIF RETURN VOID ENDIF IF TargeteeName == "#$-nobody-" IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "This is a mob attacking, no need to reply" ENDIF RETURN VOID ENDIF IF ENABLESOUND3 == ONE IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Skill function alarm activated!" ENDIF PLAYALARM ENDIF IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Who the caster is targetting: ID = <&p_MSU_target_id&>" ENDIF IF LASTID == p_MSU_source_id IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Hey, thats the same person trying to get us to talk again! What a douche." ENDIF IF ENABLESOUND2 == ONE PLAYALARM ENDIF ENDIF IF p_MSU_target_id == CHAR_ID LASTID = p_MSU_source_id TimeCalc1 = GLOBALTIMER - TimeCalc IF TimeCalc1 < DelayBetweenMessages IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Can't be spamming like crazy. User set time until next message can be sent:<&DelayBetweenMessages&> and current time: <&TimeCalc1&>" ENDIF RETURN VOID ENDIF IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "We are getting casted on with magic by <&p_MSU_source_id&> in <&p_MSU_hit_time&> Milliseconds" PRINT_TEXT "Our char ID = <&CHAR_ID&>" ENDIF CALLSUB SKILLWATCHFORCANCEL ENDIF RETURN VOID // //Fucntion SkillCanceled // FUNCTION SkillCanceled IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "in SkillCanceled function" ENDIF DEFINE INT p_MSU_packet_type2 0 DEFINE INT p_MSU_source_id2 0 PACKET.READ_BYTE p_MSU_packet_type2 PACKET.READ_INT32 p_MSU_source_id2 IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "<&p_MSU_source_id2&>" ENDIF IF LASTID == p_MSU_source_id2 IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "User stopped his cast! We wont say anything!" ENDIF DONOTTALK = ONE ENDIF RETURN VOID FUNCTION NOTHING IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "Function NOTHING fired up" ENDIF //does nothing RETURN VOID ************************************************************************************************************ ***************************************SUBS************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************ SUB REPLYNOW // //Pre message-code, do not touch unless you know what your doing. // IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "in REPLYNOW sub" ENDIF IF TYPEMESSAGE == CHANNEL_PRIVATE IsItPrivate = ONE IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "ITS A PRIVATE MESSAGE" ENDIF ELSE IsItPrivate = ZERO IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "ITS NOT A PRIVATE MESSAGE" ENDIF ENDIF SWITCH TYPEMESSAGE CASE #i0 IF CHAN0 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i0 BREAK 1 CASE #i1 IF CHAN1 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i1 BREAK 1 CASE #i2 IF CHAN2 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i2 BREAK 1 CASE #i3 IF CHAN3 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i3 BREAK 1 CASE #i4 IF CHAN4 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i4 BREAK 1 CASE #i5 IF CHAN5 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i5 BREAK 1 CASE #i6 IF CHAN6 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i6 BREAK 1 CASE #i7 IF CHAN7 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i7 BREAK 1 CASE #i8 IF CHAN8 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i8 BREAK 1 CASE #i9 IF CHAN9 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i9 BREAK 1 CASE #i10 IF CHAN10 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i10 BREAK 1 CASE #i11 IF CHAN11 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i11 BREAK 1 CASE #i15 IF CHAN15 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i15 BREAK 1 CASE #i16 IF CHAN16 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i16 BREAK 1 CASE #i17 IF CHAN17 != #i1 RETURNSUB ENDIF MESSAGEVAR = #i17 BREAK 1 DEFAULT RETURNSUB BREAK 1 ENDSWITCH // //END of pre-message code // IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "<&MESSAGEVAR&>" ENDIF FOREACH W string STRINGREPLY STRCURRENT = "#$<&STRINGREPLY.W&>" SAVELIST = PHRASEReply.W MESSAGEREPLY = "#$SAVELIST.PhraseToSay" HowManyLines = SAVELIST.COUNT GET_RAND PhraseToSay 0 "<&HowManyLines&>" IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "HowManyLines = <&HowManyLines&>" PRINT_TEXT "MESSAGEREPLY = <&MESSAGEREPLY&>" PRINT_TEXT "STRCURRENT = <&STRCURRENT&>" ENDIF IF "MESSAGELOWER.CONTAINS #$<&STRCURRENT&>" == TRUE SLEEP 500 IF IsItPrivate == ONE SLEEP_HUMAN_READING "<&MESSAGE&>" SLEEP_HUMAN_WRITING "<&MESSAGEREPLY&>" TimeCalc = GLOBALTIMER SAY_TEXT "<&MESSAGEVAR&>" "<&<&MESSAGEREPLY&>&>" "<&SENDERNAME&>" RETURNSUB ELSE SLEEP_HUMAN_READING "<&MESSAGE&>" SLEEP_HUMAN_WRITING "<&MESSAGEREPLY&>" TimeCalc = GLOBALTIMER SAY_TEXT "<&MESSAGEVAR&>" "<&<&MESSAGEREPLY&>&>" RETURNSUB ENDIF ENDIF NEXTEACH RETURNSUB // //SUB SKILLWATCHFORCANCEL // SUB SKILLWATCHFORCANCEL LOCK SkillUser SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKET&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" SkillCanceled 73 SLEEP "<&p_MSU_hit_time&>" SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKET&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" NOTHING 73 UNLOCK SkillUser CALLSUB TALKBACK RETURNSUB // //SUB TALKBACK // SUB TALKBACK IF DONOTTALK == ZERO TimeCalc = GLOBALTIMER HowManyLines2 = "AttackReply.COUNT" GET_RAND PhraseToSay2 0 "<&HowManyLines2&>" MESSAGEREPLY2 = "#$AttackReply.PhraseToSay2" SLEEP 2000 SLEEP_HUMAN_WRITING "<&MESSAGEREPLY2&>" SAY_TEXT "CHANNEL_ALL" "<&<&MESSAGEREPLY2&>&>" IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "SENT MESSAGE!" ENDIF ELSE IF DEBUG == ONE PRINT_TEXT "-beep-er canceled his skill, trying to see if were bots, not replying." ENDIF ENDIF DONOTTALK = ZERO RETURNSUB
  6. Same line and it should be 3rd, and not 3th
  7. You dont need to donate. And it might work... depends on their protection.
  8. go to ltwonet.com theres guides there.
  9. insomniac is a fail, 26 people online.... they had 2000 at the start... but they suck balls and burned a HD and had massive bugs everywhere. Shoulda just kept the server in beta for another month if anything. 2x wipe = fail.
  10. read the guides. Yes, you can talk to npc's with OOG... just not multisell/gmshop/buy/sell
  11. I can show you my aggressive side if you'd like, but we were just trying to get the facts. Not insult you.
  12. which server is that? Chronicle and shit. post in l2.net forums.
  13. at least he tried... I'll just edit his title.
  14. sites down or something... and I highly doubt its l2off.
  15. turn on dump mode, get the restart packet and character choose packet. WHILE ZERO == ZERO COMMAND "/TARGET YOURNAME" SLEEP 1000 //enough time to target yourself COMMAND "/rec" SLEEP 1000 //inject restart packet SLEEP 1000 //inject login packet SLEEP 2000 WEND
  16. Hes no mod ><... just some donator with wannabe powers :)
  17. IL is not supported by l2.net anymore, you'll have to find an alternative, sorry.
  18. Are you retarded? The very same script in this topic does this... ziol, are you running l2.net 370 or 371? If not, download the datapack, mappack, and update then try again. (run the web updater!)
  19. ip is * C4 - 645 * Interlude - 746 * Kamael - 831 * Hellbound - 831 * Gracia ct1 - 851 or 828 * Gracia ct2.1 - 851 * Gracia ct2.2 - 12 or 17 * Gracia ct2.3 - 83 http://ltwonet.com/showthread.php?t=76
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