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Everything posted by Aggelos13GR

  1. nice job...It would be awesome in black tho
  2. im playing l2 for like 2 and a half years.I have to admit i've never got banned since im not a like the ones who enter a server and if they dont like it they start shouting:This server is full of retards/gays/noobs etc.The server i played the most on was l2revolt(about 13 months) and i didnt even get jailed once. p.s:im not a nerd or something :P
  3. galaxy to video pou ekanes upload esu to exeis ftia3ei?ennow autos einai o char s ston revolt?
  4. damn...2 more posts and i will be able to see this post.Anyways ty so much for helping me
  5. oloi goustaroun ta custom.Kaka ta psemata ta apla items ta xoume dei,ta xoume 3anadei.Apla an valeis custom prepei na doulepseis arketa panw sta stats gia na einai balanced o server.Epishs den mas les ti rates 8es na exei o server sou.Proswpikh mou gnwmh einai oti enas low rate einai kapws geloio na exei custom items(tonizw:proswpikh gnwmh).Enas mid-high rate pvp server omws einai wraio na exei items ta opoia 8a sou "gemisoun to mati"
  6. it looks really good.I would like it more if it was black
  7. try to improve your english and actually you are the one who failed.Read again what i typed and then repply again
  8. hello guys.I'm looking for some custom dusk shields(nephilim lord shield) for a gracia final client.I searched but i didn't find anything so i was hopping that someone could help me here thanks in advance
  9. the dagger/dual daggers and the bow look awesome
  10. loipon guys ston server pou anevazw me enan filo mou valame authn thn buffer kai antimetwpizoume ena provlhma.Otan kanoume kanonika ta buffakia mas,an 3anapathsoume se sugkekrimena buffs,anti na svhsei to arxiko kai apla na mas dwsei 3ana to buff,auto dinei diplo to effect tou buff.Px ama paroume haste to opoio einai 30%atk speed,otan 3anapathsoume panw 8a exoume 60% atk speed.Auto sumvainei kuriws sta(soz alla den 8umamai akrivws poia):haste,empower,acumen,dance of contrentration,dance of fury,berserker spirit,cov.Kamia lush kapoios? xilia sugnwmh gia to makroskeles repply mou kai gia tuxon typos
  11. when i tried that it said:Your skill has been interrupted
  12. guys ki egw to dokimasa se 2 server kai tpt
  13. to xei testarei kaneis auto re guys?sunh8ws autos pou fevgei ap'to stadio,autos xanei kai ta points
  14. polu xazoi opws les to kanoun afto kai kuriws se high rate pvp servers opou thn vlepoune oloi "kapoioi"
  15. the first and the second ones are perfect
  16. i tested this one but i got a weird problem.The "arrows" are normally in my inventory but when im trying to equip my bow(so that means the "arrows" also my client is crashing.Anyone have any solution to suggest?
  17. for which client is this for? great job in advance tho
  18. if the enchant glows working properly,they will be amazing gonna try them soon.Keep up the good work
  19. that looks really good well done
  20. well the screen shot is not helping a lot but anyway keep up the good work and keep sharing your goodies with us
  21. pikachu looks really good lol good job
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