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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. Usually I always lead the clan so that probably wasn't "us". And I'm part of the staff, but playing just like everyone else.
  2. Don't understand the question we played on many servers. too long to remember
  3. Some might know it, some might not. And frankly it isn't important at all. I'm a part of the Dreams Team from L2Dreams developed by Ghost. http://www.lineage2dreams.com/ I was thinking about making my own clan since none of the existing ones seem to attract to me at all. What is important to note though, is that I will play on L2D and L2D only. If the Syndicate clan should form up again, we shall stay there. Regarding the clan itself, it won't be anything serious. Solely for the fun of playing Lineage 2 together and have fun doing so. We won't be playing to dominate or anything stupid like that, we'll play to have fun, goof around and stuff like that. The only spoken language in the clan will be english. Whoever speaks another language will be expelled. Truthfully anyone can join, I only require you to: - have decent english - not behave totally retarded - be somewhat active I was curious if people would like or dislike this idea, so I made this thread. If I do not manage to gather enough people, then I guess I'll leave it be.
  4. Removed the useless posts. Read the rules.
  5. I dont see why the render is bad either :o Could have taken another font, yea, true I agree. But the render itself is fine :o Could blend it more tho. Make the text smaller maybe, take a font that isnt so "curvy"
  6. There's even more than a 1000 people online
  7. Well, lets stop discussing this, there's no use anyway. Talk about the entries instead, if you like.
  8. if im not responding, then because you arent talking to me :o add me: xdracc
  9. Rules are rules, yeah. Sorry bud, you know ur my brother from another mother lol.
  10. Participation closed. Expect the voting thread later today or tomorrow.
  11. The time to get something done shouldn't be a factor when considering if you like something or not though. I said I like it, it looks good. But it doesn't totally amaze me, doesn't blow me out of my chair, you know? :P But you should definitely stick to doing it Edit: if its a whole 3D environment that can be rotated and viewed by any angle, then kudos to you!
  12. Very specific artstyle :P Looks very... sharp. Personally, those three little red swirls on the render bother me a bit, I feel like that could have been done differently/better. But I guess it looks okay overall and it definitely stands out of the more ordinary stuff.
  13. It simply isn't fair. Besides you should judge it yourself and go after what you feel is right, then post it. If others see the signature in advance then the judging will be biased.
  14. If you want to advertise your services, then showing things off in the gfx section isnt the way to go about it. Then rather post it here: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=169.0 If however you just mean to showcase your stuff then its fine, just getting a bit confused with the added payment info at the end of your post. As for your photos, looks good though nothing that would really "wow!" me yet. :P Liked that L2JHelias thing the most, probably due to the scenery lol
  15. No, if you are talking about your entry then of course not
  16. This isnt a share guys, its a showcasing. Edited the title since its not a PSD so people dont get confused. As for the picture. Looks alright but you should have left out the slide show. As a logo it looks good, but this style embbed as a "webdesign" doesn't look all that good since it's too simple.
  17. What makes you think I had forgotten? So you'd rather it doesn't take place at all? There were none made because only few people would have participated. Not that the amount of users interested in GFX stuff is huge to begin with.
  18. "Still the same retarded people! Same, same, same. For that reason, MxC is dead."
  19. Wtf has this to do with graphics and GFX?
  20. Well, I asked Justice. Just so you won't complain. If it doesn't get used, I'll be the one saying "I told you so" though. And yea I am not very active because right now I am being ridiculously busy (only for 2 more weeks though). But you know that if you need help or have a problem you can always PM me and I will ALWAYS answer you and try to help.
  21. I can ask Justice, not like it'll make a difference anyways. If it doesn't get used it will just be deleted again.
  22. Poll won't change anything. To give guidance if needed because I know what I'm doing. Feel free to pm Maxtor or Justice for it but I dont think either will care. And imo its totally useless and uncalled for too. If you wanna do this, make a poll with your two sigs and let people decide. Simple as that, really.
  23. This isnt going to work either way. If you want such things, go get them on a true gfx forum. Who would 'battle' anyways? Total garbage imo.
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