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Everything posted by `NeverMore

  1. its 60/66 i quess according to their forum
  2. you need to be 60 or more level go level up and try again later
  3. Java fighting :O Well lets get real , for sure it will work without the second check. On the other hand i will agree with But i thnk there's no reason to fighting for such stupid things.
  4. :alone: :alone: :alone: mono egw ekana nai vote :alone: :alone: :alone:
  5. good luck dude :) hope the best for the server.. i am already in and checking some stuff
  6. or just made them unlimited :O same result i quess
  7. Finally something new and unique. I only doubt about balance with this Ulti skills ( Its a cool idea tho but you should made them a way to keep balance between classes ;) ) Other features looks awesome. I will be there on Grand Opening to check it. Good luck with this Crystalia
  8. ναι το έβαλα cloudflare τώρα και φαίνεται κομπλέ
  9. Ακριβώς. Είπα πως το αφαίρεσα μόνο και μόνο για να μην έχω θέμα με εδώ αλλά δεν ξέρω ... Ο Trance είναι πολύ μαντ για να το αποδεχθεί .. Στο μεταξύ σύμφωνα με τα νέα rules το mxc δεν φέρει ευθύνη για copyrights σε όποιον δεν έχει το προβλεπόμενο award. Φυσικά ο hnoke δεν το έχει . Απλώς όλα αλλάζουν όταν μπαίνουν συμφέροντα στην μέση. Κάνανε τι κάνανε δεν είπα τίποτα και τώρα αυτό. Δεν θα τους περάσει οκ αγόρασα ήδη προστασία. Απλώς οκ δεν είναι ωραίο γιατί ποτέ δεν πείραξα κανέναν ...
  10. Τόσο πολύ μαντ γίνατε που εκτός από το τόπικ μου, το οποίο δεν είχε κανένα λόγο να γίνει junk ,το κάνατε και στην συνέχεια βαράτε με DDoS το φόρουμ μας? Κάποιος από εδώ είναι .... Κρίμα αλλά αυτά που κατηγορείται μην τα κάνετε αγαπητοί ...
  11. έφυγα για ποπ κορν
  12. έχω πάει εκεί ... προτείνω ιδιωτική σχολή όπως --> http://www.thessalikoiek.gr/eidikotites_info.php?timicat1=42064&timicat2=42640&timicat3=0&timicat4=0&timicat5=0&timicat6=0&timicat7=0 έχει και στα Γιάννενα και πάει ένας φίλος μου ... Τώρα βρίσκεται Κρήτη στα Μάλια( σε ένα ξενοδοχείο) για την πρακτική του! 2 χρόνια είναι από όσο ξέρω αυτός φέτος ξεκίνησε
  13. Just to avoid all this shit. The problem of this forum is that guys like Trance got e-power and using it against others just to harm them. You dont even know the situation and acording to the new rules theres nothing wrong with my topic! He just want to annoy me as he said I am still waiting for a final move/action from someone!
  14. Whatever dude ... I need to go to sleep for now ... I will say it one last time. Even if it wasnt Nexus Engine but Reunion's Engine we already removed it! Our previous customers still have it (Reunion Engine) and we cant do anything about that! If my previous topic dont come back i will create a new one selling the pack without "reunion engine" ( to be honest on my current i dont sell it neither i deleted them) Also i dont really care about this but since rules are rules
  15. I dont see there any preview or a proof that it is nexus engines. Its just simple texts Also dude you misunderstood something i don't try to fool any1 , facts are facts I deleted the whole topic on my forum who was related to Reunion Engine At least i get some free traffic :D
  16. I misunderstood the image ... And what that prooves? A customer of mine that have Reunion engine i used to sell before months with my files ( also luffy is my second customer ) I stated 100 times that this engine is removed even if it wasnt nexus!
  17. Finally to much drama for that shit! I will wait for a responsible and valid move from other staff members! If with current proofs ( an image saying nothing ) ,since i said it 50 times that i removed them even if it wasnt nexus engine, think it should be junked ti will be okey to me . End of story. Every1 understood how pathetic you are :poker face: Sad but true ... Bye from me!
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