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Everything posted by `NeverMore

  1. στον θεό σου και εσύ , θέλεις ένα πρόγραμμα που να πατάει Φ5 ? 1) Το πιο λογικό είναι το να του έστελνες ένα ΠΜ και τελείωσε το θέμα 2)Μήπως να έδινες πιο πολλές πληροφορίες ?
  2. xD You cant see it BTW you dont have 15 posts ..! Anyway Thanks for Nice comments and for Spam
  3. ίσως τότε να μας έλεγες που δυσκολεύεσαι ?
  4. Πολύ ευχαρίστως να σε βοηθήσω φίλε μου , αλλά εάν έκανες τον κόπο να μπεις στο Ελληνικό Σέκτιον θα έβρισκες το σχετικό τόπικ αμέσως καθώς είναι πρώτο πρώτο ... http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=215453.0
  5. Μη έγκυρα links Αίτημα για κλείδωμα ...!
  6. greek section ..! Ωραία ιστοσελίδα φίλε μου ! Ευχαριστώ που την μοιράστηκες μαζί μας
  7. I know how to aply it [OMG]But it is not bad to explain it a litle bit ... About reputatoin if is it wrong a moderator will take it back ... Take care ...
  8. Έλεος όχι φυσικά ... Ίσως παλιότερα να καθόμουν αρκετές ώρες στο pc αλλά όχι σε σημείο να μην βγαίνω από το σπίτι μου για να παίξω ...
  9. Ok If you complete your topic i will reward you ..! For Example add : 1)How to aply it 2) and on what project did you test it ...
  10. OMG this is crazy ..! I love poker .. i will test it
  11. Hehe Nice idea to share a lite version ..! I will try it for sure and try to make it better ;) .. Thanks for Share
  12. I am glad to hear this ..! I hope that maxtor will read this ...
  13. All starts from Maxtor : He dont need only to be active ... 1) He should be more social with his members ( like other admins do ) 2)He should advertise the site or put some members to advertise Mxc to atract more "NEW" people 3)He should re-add features like Shop and more ... 4)Also he should re-make all boards Moderators : 1) Ofc they should lock/clean every topic that need to ^^ But their job is not only this ..! 2)They should Make Events 3)They Should Share things ( Yes why not ? ) I have to see share form staffer ages CS/WoW/L2 Moderatos : 1) They Should Help on Help Sections 2)They Should Share new and New Things 3)They should give reason to members to share more things ( rewards etc) Gold Member : In my opinion is useless -------------> /Delete it Also Lineage 2 OFF boards are really Dead ... Think about them ,what you can do with them ... As you see , the forum future depends on his Staff ...!
  14. 8eleis kapooin na s perasei kapoia stat pou exeis esi sto mialo s? 1) Pou to diskolo ... 2) Oso gia to balance dn nomizw pos mporei kapios na sto kanei 100 % ...
  15. [GR] 1) dn exeis Gr tag sto title sou .. 2) Pos edwses se ena agnwsto 50 euro ? OMG and 35 lol ...! Einai polla ta lefta re ... Alli Fora prosexe gt ta money pisw dn paizei na ta pareis..! Take care ..! [/GR]
  16. Kali peospa8eia ... Euxaristw pou tin ekanes SHare
  17. WoW ... Epsaxna mia periodo kati teio alla dn iksera pos ginotane..! Thanks 8a to testarw
  18. Thanks For posting this here , it might help newbies to open , noob servers and start developing l2 ;) ..!
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