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About hanzo

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    Chrom Planet
  • Interests
    In the art of conquer

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  1. When i saw this first time i was angry but actually it makes sense to noobs for not making useless threads and posts with alot of ??? and !!! or HELP BRO . xD
  2. ABout your guys question , , HOW ABOUT MAKING THIS THREAD A 100+ POSTS TO VIEW OR DOWNLOAD? isnt that hard....
  3. thE FACT OF THIS [gold mine for some of us ] beign shared , means there are ungratefull sinners without respect for the development and many hours spent on that CHAIR , i hope you burn under VALAKAS's @SS . Thank you for figure it out the "sellers"
  4. Everytime these guys opens a server , Lineage ][ DIES.
  5. So, give us a FREE no backdoors Full source files if you know the files. Oke ?
  6. pictures will come soon with the ip collected-lvl- etc.... i need some offers if any is intrested The District where i play are alot of english players! Update Link Img https://yadi.sk/i/CbgRRqZZgHUuP Login Screen Img https://yadi.sk/i/NBz7zj-vgHWjp My District https://yadi.sk/i/kEcMjVB-gHWxc Main Panel https://yadi.sk/i/qUiXzGCPgHXc5 and everything is the same but exept strategemas from each district. Players inside read your mooves everything is smooth. After Purchesing i will teach the desired buyer to change-keep their account that im selling by password protecting yourself. Cheers and dont spam if you dont have a serious offer!
  7. thank you . Supertare
  8. True to this becouse of the skilled developer Dwarf , has verry good Karma ;)
  9. how ca you ask for bugs when he shared his work and i belive he quit lineage 2 industry ....this supose to be a verry good server... i love everything you shared man..
  10. +2
  11. I sugest something maybe you all wanted to see or do, i hope i do my best here now. Here it goes LET GO TO THE PLAYERS TO JOIN WHAT THEY WANT !!!!!!!! STOP FOOLING AROUND AND MAKE STUPID PROMOTIONS-SAME MISTAKES. PEOPLE WAKE UP !!! We're in 2015. Lineage 2 time is over. There! xD
  12. Most special website dude, i'll join you fo show =D be sure u dont hav corruption gm...
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