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Everything posted by CarmineAngelo

  1. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=26257 and http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=95692
  2. it's better without shadow and change text.
  3. we're not spanish. make it on english :)
  4. Τα buttons είναι μισά ή μου φαίνεται ;
  5. Hello Summoners With the launch of pre-season, we’ve noticed a couple problems with ranked queues that we’re going to be adjusting to help make sure that ranked games are fun and that the competitive ladder remains healthy. Firstly, we’ve noticed that the average Elo is off from where we expected it to be (around 1200). More specifically, we noticed that our reset calculations didn‘t take into account Elo decay in the system. To account for this deflation problem, we’ll be increasing the 5v5 Solo Elo of those players who played at least 5 ranked games last season by 15 points. Secondly, the Ranked Wins and Losses were not properly reset after we archived them during the Riven patch. We will be resetting these numbers to reflect the appropriate number of wins and losses players have accrued since the patch this week to reinforce the feeling of a new start. By the way , why i've got 2000+ elo more ?
  6. you can play him ap and ad . ad is better but kog is a piece of cake :D
  7. use correct subject. i thought you were looking for a l2 server. anyway , good luck
  8. Δεν νομίζω να βρεις acc με l2phx Εκτός και αν crack (dump) κάποιο db ενος server και συνεχίζεις με brute force. Μεγάλη διαδικασία .
  9. http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colors.asp hf
  10. lol. You can't judge if it's spam or not , only a moderator can. ;)
  11. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=37944.0 dead link + undig old topic
  12. Κατέβασε το , άνοιξε το .sql και δες template lol.
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