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Everything posted by CarmineAngelo

  1. you men taoght mi dat
  2. iz it nuuuu albanian it iz ingkrish
  3. tenks kurma aftir dis? tynks men if yoy nid praktis of inglkrish piem mi
  4. I saw a guy with name toosexyforyou. in the whole game he wrote with caps and flaming everyone and still he doesn't take ban. wtf he must pay riot ::)
  5. okei hf you nid ani advais pliase piem mi
  6. men he wil open laintz tow maxs bekaz hi nid komunitz lainetz mxs iz x1000 pivipe server whth gm ites adn abuzez
  7. Omg fail guide. i just got loled with runes (Y) and mana pots (Y)
  8. protocol version Επίσης external νομίζω βάζεις no-ip (δεν θυμάμαι)
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3YIbDQDda4
  10. Ναι θα σου βγάζει αρκετά errors οπότε καλύτερα με το χεράκι :)
  11. INCLUDE StdLib\inventory.l2c // =================================================================================================================== // START OF EDITING PART (YOU SHOULD CHANGE THE SETTINGS FROM BELOW TO YOUR NEEDS) // =================================================================================================================== DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING item_name "Homunkulus's Sword" // Here you need to change with what item you want to enchant DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING normal_enchant_name "Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C)" // The exact name of your normal enchant scroll DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING blessed_enchant_name "Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C)" // The exact name of you blessed enchant scroll(only for blessed enchants) DEFINE_GLOBAL INT type_of_enchanting 1 // The method of enchanting you want set from 1-7 (see below): // 1 - Normal enchant each One by One; // 2 - Normal enchant each One to Top; // 3 - Blessed enchant only one item; // 4 - Blessed enchant each One to Top; // 5 - Blessed enchant each One by One an keep the highest; // 6 - Normal enchant each One by One and stop to Top; // 7 - Blessed enchant each One by One and stop to Top; DEFINE_GLOBAL INT keep_items_num 1 // How meny items you want to keep when enchanting One by One (for One by One enchanting + blessed) DEFINE_GLOBAL INT enchant_to_top 1 // The top level witch enchantig should stop at (for One to Top enchanting + blessed) DEFINE_GLOBAL INT enchant_safe 3 // Safe enchant level on witch normal anchant stop and continues with blessed (for Blessed enchanting) DEFINE_GLOBAL INT min_little_delay 205 // min_little_delay should be always lower than max_little_delay - these two are for random delay between the values. DEFINE_GLOBAL INT max_little_delay 327 // max_little_delay should be always higher than main_little_delay - this two will add some delay so carefull what you set. // =================================================================================================================== // END OF EDITING PART (DON'T CHANGE NOTHING FROM BELOW) // =================================================================================================================== // // AIO Auto Enchant v1.2 - have 7 methods of enchanting and is safe for auto kick // (don't cancel the enchant window when ingame) // Fully working with L2NET v370 and on L2J Gracia Final (ct2.3) servers. // // special thanks to: slothmo, mpj123, rocket666, easy2k4, trixy and everybody working for l2net project // made by iosc // =================================================================================================================== // =================================================================================================================== DEFINE_GLOBAL INT min_delay 2118 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT max_delay 2533 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT rand_delay 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT some_loop 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT item_uid 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT enchant_result 9999 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT n_scroll_id 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT b_scroll_id 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT n_scrolls_count 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT b_scrolls_count 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL Inventory n_enchant_scroll 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL Inventory b_enchant_scroll 0 DEFINE_GLOBAL ARRAYLIST full_inventory 0 ITEM_GET_ID n_scroll_id "<normal_enchant_name>" ITEM_GET_ID b_scroll_id "<blessed_enchant_name>" GET_INVENTORY full_inventory PRINT_TEXT "10 seconds ========================" PRINT_TEXT "== AIO Auto Enchant Script v1.1" PRINT_TEXT "================================" SLEEP 1000 //SLEEP "<little_delay>" ITEM_COUNT n_scrolls_count "<n_scroll_id>" ITEM_COUNT b_scrolls_count "<b_scroll_id>" FOREACH x Inventory full_inventory IF full_inventory.x.name == normal_enchant_name n_enchant_scroll = full_inventory.x ENDIF IF full_inventory.x.name == blessed_enchant_name b_enchant_scroll = full_inventory.x ENDIF NEXTEACH IF n_scrolls_count == ONE PRINT_TEXT "You don't have <normal_enchant_name>" JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF SWITCH type_of_enchanting CASE #i3 CASE #i4 CASE #i5 CASE #i7 IF b_scrolls_count == ONE PRINT_TEXT "You don't have <blessed_enchant_name>" JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF BREAK 1 DEFAULT BREAK 1 ENDSWITCH SWITCH type_of_enchanting CASE #i1 PRINT_TEXT "== " PRINT_TEXT "== You chosed the One by One method" PRINT_TEXT "== Enchanting: <item_name>" PRINT_TEXT "== Keeping: <keep_items_num>" PRINT_TEXT "== " PRINT_TEXT "9 seconds =========================" SLEEP 9000 CALL EnchantEachOnebyOne BREAK 1 CASE #i2 PRINT_TEXT "== " PRINT_TEXT "== You chosed the One to Top method" PRINT_TEXT "== Enchanting: <item_name>" PRINT_TEXT "== Enchant till: +<enchant_to_top>" PRINT_TEXT "== " PRINT_TEXT "9 seconds =========================" SLEEP 9000 CALL EnchantEachOnetoTop BREAK 1 CASE #i3 PRINT_TEXT "== " PRINT_TEXT "== You chosed Blessed Enchant one item" PRINT_TEXT "== Enchanting: <item_name>" PRINT_TEXT "== Enchant till: +<enchant_to_top>" PRINT_TEXT "== Safe enchant is set to: +<enchant_safe>" PRINT_TEXT "== " PRINT_TEXT "9 seconds =========================" SLEEP 9000 CALL BlessedEnchantOne BREAK 1 CASE #i4 PRINT_TEXT "== " PRINT_TEXT "== You chosed Blessed Enchant each One to Top" PRINT_TEXT "== Enchanting: <item_name>" PRINT_TEXT "== Enchant till: +<enchant_to_top>" PRINT_TEXT "== Safe enchant is set to: +<enchant_safe>" PRINT_TEXT "== " PRINT_TEXT "9 seconds =========================" SLEEP 9000 CALL EnchantEachOnetoTop BREAK 1 CASE #i5 PRINT_TEXT "== " PRINT_TEXT "== You chosed Blessed Enchant each One by One" PRINT_TEXT "== Enchanting: <item_name>" PRINT_TEXT "== Keep enchanted: <keep_items_num>" PRINT_TEXT "== Safe enchant is set to: +<enchant_safe>" PRINT_TEXT "== " PRINT_TEXT "9 seconds =========================" SLEEP 9000 CALL EnchantEachOnebyOne BREAK 1 CASE #i6 PRINT_TEXT "== " PRINT_TEXT "== You chosed each One by One and stop to Top" PRINT_TEXT "== Enchanting: <item_name>" PRINT_TEXT "== Keep - <keep_items_num> - items or stop to +<enchant_to_top>" PRINT_TEXT "== " PRINT_TEXT "9 seconds =========================" SLEEP 9000 CALL EnchantEachOnebyOne BREAK 1 CASE #i7 PRINT_TEXT "== " PRINT_TEXT "== You chosed Blessed - One by One and stop to Top" PRINT_TEXT "== Enchanting: <item_name>" PRINT_TEXT "== Enchant till: +<enchant_to_top>" PRINT_TEXT "== " PRINT_TEXT "9 seconds =========================" SLEEP 9000 CALL EnchantEachOnebyOne BREAK 1 DEFAULT PRINT_TEXT "Bad option chosen at Type of Enchant" ENDSWITCH LABEL THE_END GET_RAND rand_delay "<min_little_delay>" "<max_little_delay>" SLEEP "<rand_delay>" full_inventory.clear GET_INVENTORY full_inventory GET_RAND rand_delay "<min_little_delay>" "<max_little_delay>" SLEEP "<rand_delay>" PRINT_TEXT "===============================" PRINT_TEXT "== Thanks for using AIO Auto Enchant Script ==" PRINT_TEXT "===============================" FOREACH x Inventory full_inventory IF full_inventory.x.name == item_name PRINT_TEXT "== <item_name> +<full_inventory>" ENDIF NEXTEACH PRINT_TEXT "=======================iosc======" END_SCRIPT FUNCTION EnchantEachOnebyOne DEFINE ARRAYLIST current_items 0 DEFINE INT total_items 0 DEFINE INT enchanting_level 0 DEFINE INT lag_flag1 0 DEFINE INT lag_flag2 0 DEFINE INT lag_flag6 0 DEFINE INT bless_start 0 LABEL A_FLAGS current_items.clear full_inventory.clear GET_INVENTORY full_inventory GET_RAND rand_delay "<min_little_delay>" "<max_little_delay>" SLEEP "<rand_delay>" enchanting_level = #i65535 total_items = ZERO ITEM_COUNT n_scrolls_count "<n_scroll_id>" ITEM_COUNT b_scrolls_count "<b_scroll_id>" IF ( type_of_enchanting == #i5 ) && ( bless_start == ONE ) FOREACH x Inventory full_inventory IF ( full_inventory.x.name == item_name ) && ( full_inventory.x.enchant > ZERO ) total_items = total_items + ONE IF full_inventory.x.enchant < enchanting_level enchanting_level = full_inventory.x.enchant ENDIF ENDIF NEXTEACH ELSE IF type_of_enchanting == #i6 FOREACH x Inventory full_inventory IF full_inventory.x.name == item_name total_items = total_items + ONE IF (full_inventory.x.enchant < enchanting_level) && ( full_inventory.x.enchant < enchant_to_top ) enchanting_level = full_inventory.x.enchant ENDIF ENDIF NEXTEACH ELSE IF type_of_enchanting == #i7 FOREACH x Inventory full_inventory IF full_inventory.x.name == item_name IF ( full_inventory.x.enchant < enchanting_level ) && ( full_inventory.x.enchant < enchant_to_top ) enchanting_level = full_inventory.x.enchant ENDIF ENDIF NEXTEACH ELSE FOREACH x Inventory full_inventory IF full_inventory.x.name == item_name total_items = total_items + ONE IF full_inventory.x.enchant < enchanting_level enchanting_level = full_inventory.x.enchant ENDIF ENDIF NEXTEACH ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF FOREACH x Inventory full_inventory IF full_inventory.x.name == item_name IF full_inventory.x.enchant == enchanting_level current_items.ADD full_inventory.x.id ENDIF ENDIF NEXTEACH IF current_items.count == ZERO lag_flag1 = lag_flag1 + ONE IF lag_flag1 == #i3 PRINT_TEXT "No more items to echant." JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF JUMP_TO_LABEL A_FLAGS lag_flag1 = ZERO ENDIF FOREACH y INT current_items IF type_of_enchanting != #i7 IF total_items <= keep_items_num lag_flag1 = lag_flag1 + ONE IF lag_flag1 == #i3 PRINT_TEXT "We are done here. Your items number is <total_items>" JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF JUMP_TO_LABEL A_FLAGS ENDIF ENDIF IF n_scrolls_count == ONE lag_flag2 = lag_flag2 + ONE IF lag_flag2 == #i3 PRINT_TEXT "You are out of <normal_enchant_name>" JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF JUMP_TO_LABEL A_FLAGS ENDIF IF ( type_of_enchanting == #i5 ) || ( type_of_enchanting == #i7 ) IF b_scrolls_count == ONE lag_flag6 = lag_flag6 + ONE IF lag_flag6 == #i3 PRINT_TEXT "You are out of <blessed_enchant_name>" JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF JUMP_TO_LABEL A_FLAGS ENDIF ENDIF lag_flag1 = ZERO lag_flag2 = ZERO lag_flag6 = ZERO item_uid = current_items.y IF ( type_of_enchanting == #i5 ) || ( type_of_enchanting == #i7 ) IF enchanting_level <enchant_safe> ZERO IF type_of_enchanting == #i5 total_items = total_items - ONE ELSE JUMP_TO_LABEL A_FLAGS ENDIF PRINT_TEXT "Enchanting <item_name> faild at +<enchanting_level>. (<n_scrolls_count>/<b_scrolls_count> scrolls left)" ELSE PRINT_TEXT "Enchanting <item_name> succeeded from +<enchanting_level>. (<n_scrolls_count>/<b_scrolls_count> scrolls left)" ENDIF ELSE CALL Enchanting VOID 1 n_enchant_scroll.id ITEM_COUNT n_scrolls_count "<n_scroll_id>" IF enchant_result > ZERO total_items = total_items - ONE PRINT_TEXT "<item_name> was cristalized at +<enchanting_level>. (<n_scrolls_count> scrolls left)" ELSE PRINT_TEXT "Enchanting <item_name> succeeded from +<enchanting_level>. (<n_scrolls_count> scrolls left)" ENDIF ENDIF NEXTEACH JUMP_TO_LABEL A_FLAGS RETURN VOID FUNCTION EnchantEachOnetoTop DEFINE INT enchant_level 0 DEFINE INT lag_flag3 0 DEFINE INT lag_flag4 0 DEFINE INT lag_flag5 0 LABEL B_FLAGS full_inventory.clear GET_INVENTORY full_inventory GET_RAND rand_delay "<min_little_delay>" "<max_little_delay>" SLEEP "<rand_delay>" item_uid = ZERO enchant_level = ZERO ITEM_COUNT n_scrolls_count "<n_scroll_id>" ITEM_COUNT b_scrolls_count "<b_scroll_id>" FOREACH x Inventory full_inventory IF full_inventory.x.name == item_name IF full_inventory.x.enchant < enchant_to_top item_uid = full_inventory.x.id enchant_level = full_inventory.x.enchant ENDIF ENDIF NEXTEACH IF item_uid == ZERO lag_flag3 = lag_flag3 + ONE IF lag_flag3 == #i3 PRINT_TEXT "We are done here. No more items to enchant." JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF JUMP_TO_LABEL B_FLAGS ENDIF IF n_scrolls_count == ONE lag_flag4 = lag_flag4 + ONE IF lag_flag4 == #i3 PRINT_TEXT "You are out of <normal_enchant_name>" JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF JUMP_TO_LABEL B_FLAGS ENDIF IF type_of_enchanting == #i4 IF b_scrolls_count == ONE lag_flag5 = lag_flag5 + ONE IF lag_flag5 == #i3 PRINT_TEXT "You are out of <blessed_enchant_name>" JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF JUMP_TO_LABEL B_FLAGS ENDIF lag_flag5 = ZERO ENDIF lag_flag3 = ZERO lag_flag4 = ZERO DO IF n_scrolls_count == ONE PRINT_TEXT "You are out of <normal_enchant_name>" JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF IF type_of_enchanting == #i4 IF b_scrolls_count == ONE PRINT_TEXT "You are out of <blessed_enchant_name>" JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF IF enchant_level <enchant_safe> ZERO PRINT_TEXT "Enchanting <item_name> faild at +<enchant_level>. (<n_scrolls_count>/<b_scrolls_count> scrolls left)" enchant_level = ZERO ELSE enchant_level = enchant_level + ONE PRINT_TEXT "Enchanting <item_name> succeeded to +<enchant_level>. (<n_scrolls_count>/<b_scrolls_count> scrolls left)" ENDIF ELSE CALL Enchanting VOID 1 n_enchant_scroll.id ITEM_COUNT n_scrolls_count "<n_scroll_id>" IF enchant_result > ZERO PRINT_TEXT "<item_name> was cristalized at +<enchant_level>. (<n_scrolls_count> scrolls left)" JUMP_TO_LABEL B_FLAGS ELSE enchant_level = enchant_level + ONE PRINT_TEXT "Enchanting <item_name> succeeded to +<enchant_level>. (<n_scrolls_count> scrolls left)" ENDIF ENDIF LOOP enchant_level < enchant_to_top JUMP_TO_LABEL B_FLAGS RETURN VOID FUNCTION BlessedEnchantOne DEFINE INT enchant_level 0 DEFINE INT lag_flag8 0 LABEL C_FLAGS full_inventory.clear GET_INVENTORY full_inventory GET_RAND rand_delay "<min_little_delay>" "<max_little_delay>" SLEEP "<rand_delay>" item_uid = ZERO enchant_level = ZERO ITEM_COUNT n_scrolls_count "<n_scroll_id>" ITEM_COUNT b_scrolls_count "<b_scroll_id>" FOREACH x Inventory full_inventory IF full_inventory.x.name == item_name IF full_inventory.x.enchant < enchant_to_top item_uid = full_inventory.x.id enchant_level = full_inventory.x.enchant ENDIF ENDIF NEXTEACH IF item_uid == ZERO lag_flag8 = lag_flag8 + ONE IF lag_flag8 == #i3 PRINT_TEXT "No item to enchant!" JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF JUMP_TO_LABEL C_FLAGS ENDIF lag_flag8 = ZERO DO IF n_scrolls_count == ONE PRINT_TEXT "You are out of <normal_enchant_name>" JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF IF b_scrolls_count == ONE PRINT_TEXT "You are out of <blessed_enchant_name>" JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END ENDIF IF enchant_level <enchant_safe> ZERO PRINT_TEXT "Enchanting <item_name> faild at +<enchant_level>. (<n_scrolls_count>/<b_scrolls_count> scrolls left)" enchant_level = ZERO ELSE enchant_level = enchant_level + ONE PRINT_TEXT "Enchanting <item_name> succeeded to +<enchant_level>. (<n_scrolls_count>/<b_scrolls_count> scrolls left)" ENDIF LOOP enchant_level < enchant_to_top JUMP_TO_LABEL THE_END RETURN VOID FUNCTION Enchanting 1 scroll_id enchant_result = #i9999 some_loop = ZERO GET_RAND rand_delay "<&min_little_delay&>" "<&max_little_delay&>" SLEEP "<&rand_delay&>" SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKET&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" InsertItem 124 DEFINE BYTEBUFFER use_scroll_buffer 256 use_scroll_buffer.write_byte #i25 use_scroll_buffer.write_int32 scroll_id use_scroll_buffer.write_int32 #i0 use_scroll_buffer.trim_to_index INJECTBB use_scroll_buffer DELETE use_scroll_buffer WHILE some_loop == ZERO SLEEP 50 WEND LOCK A SLEEP 50 UNLOCK A RETURN VOID FUNCTION InsertItem LOCK A some_loop = ONE SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKET&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" BlankFunc 124 SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKETEX&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" ClickOK 129 GET_RAND rand_delay "<&min_little_delay&>" "<&max_little_delay&>" SLEEP "<&rand_delay&>" DEFINE BYTEBUFFER use_item_buffer 256 use_item_buffer.write_byte #i208 use_item_buffer.write_int16 #i76 use_item_buffer.write_int32 item_uid use_item_buffer.trim_to_index INJECTBB use_item_buffer DELETE use_item_buffer RETURN VOID FUNCTION ClickOK SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKETEX&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" BlankFunc 129 SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKET&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" EnchantComplete 135 GET_RAND rand_delay "<&min_delay&>" "<&max_delay&>" SLEEP "<&rand_delay&>" DEFINE BYTEBUFFER confirm_enchant_buffer 256 confirm_enchant_buffer.write_byte #i95 confirm_enchant_buffer.write_int32 item_uid confirm_enchant_buffer.write_int32 #i0 confirm_enchant_buffer.trim_to_index INJECTBB confirm_enchant_buffer DELETE confirm_enchant_buffer RETURN VOID FUNCTION EnchantComplete SET_EVENT "<&SCRIPTEVENT_SERVERPACKET&>" "<&SYSTEM_CURRENTFILE&>" BlankFunc 135 DEFINE INT result_byte 0 PACKET.READ_BYTE result_byte PACKET.READ_INT32 enchant_result DELETE result_byte UNLOCK A RETURN VOID FUNCTION BlankFunc SLEEP 25 //e = mc^2 nonsence RETURN VOID hf
  12. In cybernets they have same IP. theres no way to do smthng like that if server has protection
  13. what is that? search web = keyloggers
  14. Λάθος. Για τώρα αν δεν θες να μπλέκεσαι με τράπεζες κτλπ , παίρνε τις psc και κάντες exchange σε trusted άτομα για paypal και πλήρωνε dedicate , website ktlp
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