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Everything posted by Ant0/FLaShaN

  1. when I started high rate pvp server with a GH Mj set and demon dagger +0 against 3 archers with red enchant effect glow so I suppose they were +16 or more. Well abviously I did UE . they got 2 lethals 1st hit and 2 half till death. Btw I must say I was lucky bcuz they blessed me twice 4k per hit xD I readed many replys... vry interesting pvps
  2. kamaels sux. when they appeared in HB all the ppl looked at them as aliens. they coulnt wear all kind of gears and to make subclass they couldnt made all the classes
  3. My first char was an ES and I didnt knew how to use it. I used to wear heavy armors and i wondered why my school mates were stronger and faster than me. :X
  4. i just tested and it works on l2.es but when starting game from updater file is deleted and downloaded again (original) so I can use it but once xD
  5. atm L2liberators but just stoped playing it. will start infinitel2 soon :P
  6. tallum is the coolest armor IMO. The black colour gives a mortal looking and his stats are awesome. Also can be used with the most of the classes (with heavy mastery ofc)
  7. old c4 times rolZ dudes... IMO c4 is the best chronicle. Nothing can compare to it. btw HB+++ chronicles are a fail. I would play c4 x5
  8. this question hurt my eyes... how could u even think that a rogue can wear heavy armor jezzuuz thats a crime!! rogue classes -> light
  9. in my opinion all reasons have sense but the most one is OP class
  10. i'll tell u why do we hate hellbound. HB chronicle is the end onf L2 bcuz talking about armors and weapons ... this is starwars , not L2. My will to play was the middleage environement and they fucked it up
  11. to change IP i always do it via router but btw this may work too. nice share dude
  12. jajjajajajajajajajajjajajajaja god bless youtube and L2 jajajjaja
  13. I did not found information about this so here is my question. Karma gives privilegies? What privilegies? If not, what is the sense of karma? TY for answers
  14. normal stuck system is alright... btw I dont know if its possible to make only 2 skills stuckable.
  15. I've never beed in jail. Im not a saint but how can i say... GM ban forever or dont catch me xD
  16. OMG awesome share. Im gonna try it and hope it works .
  17. baby kookaburra... just kidding xD I lived 1 year leveling up a dark avenger on a x1 srv btw dark panther the best
  18. 2 - gladi - Infogate - FLaShaN 3 - warlord - L2toxic - FLaShaN 1 - E.summoner - L2toxic - BloodyTolerance 3 - paladin - L2liberators - FLaShaN ... to be continued xD
  19. law easies is nuker ofc. The only this u should do is f1 f2. Its true that for exemple against tanks u must slow and run but in normal conditions nuker is the easier
  20. btb lvl 4 its ok, u dont have to lvl up crystals bcuz u can buy it on luxury but u must w8 for bs mammon to change C grade weapon for one another with possible btb SA. btw this w8ting is minimum 1-2 weeks :S
  21. maybe in low rate servers is very risky to play w/o btb... actually i understand that but in high rate servers in which soes isnt added to GM shop and nobody has it, u MUST play w/o btb.
  22. what do u do w/o soes btb? or if dont take the buff (bcuz is %) ? :X
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