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Everything posted by Ant0/FLaShaN

  1. interlude is the best w/o donations :S
  2. the most of the ppl in this forum is greek so they use to voted greek language. and thats not true. the most sopken language is english every body know that
  3. I think these post is useless . u can find more crests in hopzone
  4. I dunno if works but Im gonna test it now
  5. i never though that I could farm with a auto clicker nice one
  6. sure? the srv just started :S
  7. nosti nice signature xddd
  8. this is the best server I 've ever played join now
  9. I dunno whats so funny. Its a real record. 203 players the first minute
  10. To be honest Im not sure but take a look 1 min after server's opening , 203 online
  11. I fraped it just when server turned On. Hope u like it.
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