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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. That's what i said too, 5-6k more ppl banned.
  2. All friends vips and etc will give karmas between them to join, all forum will be spammed for posts, and everything will be a nice mess. The result: 5-6k more banned members.
  3. Koita, egw otan kanw format to pc mou, dn kanw install to internet apo to cd, kanw install ena lan driver pou exw sta cd pou mou edosan me to pc, kai mpenei mono tou automata(:D). Otan les BaudTec enoeis to mikro to mavro pou grafei Conn-X Fast Internet Pack(Pou gia na exeis internet prepei na kaneis klisi kathe fora pou anigeis to pc?)?
  4. Ti router/modem exeis, kai pes mas ama exeis to cd pou sou dosan me to router/modem gia install. Ama sindeese me ethernet dokimase na kaneis install ena lan driver kai eisai ok... An katalaba ti problem exeis.
  5. It's the best way to do it, but it is client sided too. You can turn an existing item into a scroll of escape(but without using the soe skill). But you need to add restrictions and flood protector to it.
  6. Kalitera pare agliko biblio, gt exoun polles diskoles lekseis sta elinika. Katarxin tha mperdeuteis (stin java milaw) poli sta antikeimena/ipostaseis, meta tha exei kati lekseis opos prospelasi, nimata, broxoi, iperskelisi methodon kai tha trelatheis(egw mono me leksiko tis katalabenw :D). Kai ama matheis java apo eliniko biblio, meta tha diskoleuteis arketa sto na prosarmosteis ston programatismo se ala programata/games (opos sto l2), mono kai mono epidi tha exeis mathei tis lekseis, fraseis klp sta elinika kai meta dn tha ksereis pia einai sta aglika.
  7. Oh god, lock it rofl. 80 euro without source and with source 150 :D:D:D
  8. +1, alla tha diafwnisw sto oti sxedon ola einai basismena se java. I java einai pio eukoli na tin matheis, ala exei polla meionektimata, giauto oi perissoteroi epagelmaties xrisimopoioun C++. Ap'tis pio diskoles glosses alla me polles dinatotites. Sou sinistw ksekina apo Java.
  9. http://www.l2jserver.com/ mono koitakste ti kanoune P.S Omg, 1aprilia. :@ to pistepsa stin arxi.
  10. Dn xriazese gl apo alous, aplos ama thes na to kaneis afto kai sou aresei, perases. (Ala ama sou aresei)
  11. What exactly? :D It's l2jfrozen, and i don't see any unique features.
  12. Hmm, really this is annoying, what is going on, so difficult to answer pms? But ok, i understand Maxtor has a lot to do, but it won't take long. I am sure, that one of the following two happens: - Maxtor sees our pms and ignores them. - He doesn't even see them, and as result, 500 new messages. I don't really care for the competition, but for many other important staff too. At least, a yes or no answer would be good.
  13. Pff, it's not steal, he stole the files, and then he didn't know how to fix a simple thing.
  14. I know, I know, i just wanted to see 3-4 things in source. Anyway...
  15. So you want players to be able to use a command (.pvpreward example), and a window will open showing them their options?
  16. Pff, scam. Removed everyone from project on xp-dev. Junk it lol.
  17. I didn't understand Krash, what do you mean?
  18. I didn't understand, what do you mean with: Explain better please.
  19. hmm thank you, but stop spamming, not only in my post but in others too..... anyway...
  20. Matim, first of all, if someone could update this post, it would be nice. Also, Coyote said Setekh is still working on l2jarchid, but in private, and that l2jarchid is much better than shared one. Also, shared's one svn needs pass now, so it isn't really shared. Also it's good to hear that l2jfree will be back.
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