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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. While the player auto picks up, the trade window is still active?
  2. I am not sure if i have understood well, but if did, i have to tell you that in the exploit axaxa(i'm not laughing it's his name :D) doesn't say sth about picking up. Except if the OID thing stands for pick up or sth(?).
  3. ??? I can't understand lol. Maybe you mean when you have something +17 you can talk to an npc and make it +0?
  4. Oh god, i thought you'd never be back.
  5. Ε λέω οκ να γράφουμε ελληνικά, αλλά όχι και τις αγγλικές λέξεις, φαίνεται κάπως γελίο.
  6. Oh god. First of all, it is coded on interlude, so as you can understand, you can't just apply a patch on different chronicle. You have to add it manually. Actually you have to 'adapt' it manually. Also you must change 3-4 things. I could adapt it, but not now. P.S I hate Freya... :D
  7. [GR]To katalaba lol :P[/GR] Good luck again.
  8. It's not working? Did you test it or just say that? On what pack did you add it? Also give more info, do you mean you have eclipse errors?
  9. Actually , But feedback is always welcome :) Thanks.
  10. Yes. [GR]superclass sta elinika einai iperklasi[/GR] Also if L2PlayerInstance is L2PcInstance's superclass, L2PcInstance is a subclass of L2PlayableInstance :D A class can only have 1 superclass (in java, because in c++ it can have more).
  11. setPvpKills() method is in L2PcInstance. Hmm, if you want to find a method's source, you must search first of all in the class that you call the method(only if you have not created an object of another class and call it lol :P). If it is not in this class, search in it's superclass. You can locate the superclass here: Ex: public final class L2PcInstance extends L2Playable In this case, L2Playable is the superclass of L2PcInstance, so you search in L2Playable. If it is not there too, search in L2Playable's superclass, in this case L2Character.java and keep going. For example in EnterWorld.java, you call methods from L2PcInstance, with activeChar object. So you go search in L2PcInstance for their source. If it's not there, you go in L2PcInstance's superclass and keep going ;). I hope i helped...
  12. :), first of all i have to tell you that activeChar is an object of L2PcInstance. That means that you can call ANY public method/variable from L2PcInstance. Here is how you use it in EnterWorld.java: if (activeChar.isHero()) { activeChar.setPvpPkKills(500, 1500); } Just add it after: L2PcInstance activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar(); You have to understand objects so you can understand methods dude.... Also another note, not only for you, activeChar, is sth the creator of EnterWorld.java chose, you can name it as you want, even gayChar, or stupid. Just change this: L2PcInstance activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar(); To: L2PcInstance HEREWHATYOUWANT = getClient().getActiveChar();
  13. Hmm, not difficult. You can make it anywhere you like, this is not the point, you can make a different class too with it. But in L2PcInstance it should be more easy. Look: public void setPvpPkKills(int x, int y) { setPvpKills(x); // Set the pvp kills of the character to x. setPkKills(y); // Set the pk kills of the character to y. sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); // Just make the changes 'seeable' to the user. } This is our method. If you want to call it, do it like that: setPvpPkKills(500, 1500); This will set the pvp kills of the character to 500, and the pk kills to 1500. If you want it more complicated, i will show you a method, that will set the pvp kills of the character to current pvp kills + x and current pk kills + y: public void setPvpPkKills(int x, int y) { setPvpKills(getPvpKills() + x); // Set the pvp kills of the character to current + x. setPkKills(getPkKills() + y); // Set the pk kills of the character to current + y.. sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); // Just make the changes 'seeable' to the user. }
  14. Hmm l2jarchid xrisimopoieis? Kati errors exei ap'oti blepw sto na dinei ta items stous new characters... Gia checkare kalitera pote s bgazei to error, px otan mpeneis sto game, otan ftiaxneis char, i prin anoikseis l2.
  15. Hmm... When i code i don't really have sense of time, so i think more than 4-5 hours with the tests (95%). :D
  16. Sorry i modified my post after my reply, check the last part:
  17. Well look, first of all this exists and has been shared before, but anyway. With hero aura, thinks are a bit more complicated, because it works like an effect(but the character has it always and it doesn't get removed). It's not the best example to do it, but since you picked it i will tell you how. There 2 ways. The simple one: Index: java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/CharInfo.java =================================================================== --- java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/CharInfo.java (revision 71) +++ java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/CharInfo.java (working copy) @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ writeD(_activeChar.getClanCrestLargeId()); writeC(_activeChar.isNoble() ? 1 : 0); // Symbol on char menu ctrl+I - writeC((_activeChar.isHero() || (_activeChar.isGM() && Config.GM_HERO_AURA)) ? 1 : 0); // Hero Aura + writeC((_activeChar.isHero() || (_activeChar.isGM() && Config.GM_HERO_AURA) ADD YOUR CONDITION HERE); writeC(_activeChar.isFishing() ? 1 : 0); //0x01: Fishing Mode (Cant be undone by setting back to 0) writeD(_activeChar.getFishx()); Where i say ADD YOUR CONDITION HERE, you should add your condition, when do you want the character to have hero aura. Example: _activeChar.isNoble(). If you add this after all the other conditions, when the character is noble, he will have hero aura. You have to do the same here too, so it will be 'seeable' not only by you or only by the others, but and for you and for the others: Index: java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/UserInfo.java =================================================================== --- java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/UserInfo.java (revision 71) +++ java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/UserInfo.java (working copy) @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ writeD(_activeChar.getClanCrestLargeId()); writeC(_activeChar.isNoble() ? 1 : 0); //0x01: symbol on char menu ctrl+I - writeC((_activeChar.isHero() || (_activeChar.isGM() && Config.GM_HERO_AURA)) ? 1 : 0); //0x01: Hero Aura + writeC((_activeChar.isHero() || (_activeChar.isGM() && Config.GM_HERO_AURA) ADD YOUR CONDITION HERE); //0x01: Hero Aura writeC(_activeChar.isFishing() ? 1 : 0); //Fishing Mode writeD(_activeChar.getFishx()); //fishing x Now the more tricky way(i will just post you the link of the shared one, because the more complicated way is not created by me): http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=34044.0 . Just check the code in L2PcInstance. Also i forgot to mention that it's not possible(if i have understood well) to create 1 seperate method for hero aura, you need more than 1. GL. But if you are newbie dev, i suggest you work on pvp custom stuff, they are really easy. That's where i started too. For example try to think of an existing/new idea, simple not complicated, and try to make it true. Try to rework stuff as pvp color system, killing spree, make them better for admins and for users, with more configs, use FastLists(more difficult) to create 'array' configs(ex. Reward: 57,1;3470,5) etc. GL.
  18. Hmm, i can understand what you mean. I had the same/almost same "problem". There are other methods, that will make checks if the (boolean) variable _invisible is true(this _invisible is just a variable name, you can name it as sh1t, there won't be a problem, since you rename it to sh1t everywhere else the system calls/checks it), and if it is, make the character invisible(by calling other methods, adding effects/abnormal effects to the character). Don't ask me where are these methods, maybe in the same class as setInvisible() method, or in other skills methods(?). If i find an example i will post it here, so you can understand better. GL. Btw if you want to understand a specific code, just tell us which one, so we can be more specific.
  19. Hi guys. I decided to share a new event engine i created. It took me a lot of time with tons of tests, but i think i completed it. Let me explain you the event: If admin wants, he can press //warnallplayers, to warn all players that event is about to begin, with a html that is in data/html/pvp/warning.html. When admin presses //startregistrations, all players will be able to press .registerpvp, to join the event, or they will be able to go speak with the npc with type L2PvpEventManager to register. Players can remove their participation only if they are not in a match, by pressing .leavepvp, or simply by speaking to L2PvpEventManager and removing their participation. They can also press .infopvp or speak to the npc to see information about the event. When 2 players have participated, no more can participate, and admin is able to press //nextmatch so the next match can begin. After he presses //nextmatch, those 2 players are frozen(paralized), and after 10 seconds they are teleported to pvp spot(s). After they are teleported to their pvp spot(s), they lose all buffs, targeting with other non participated players is blocked(for non participated players too), and after 10 seconds they are unparalized and begin to fight. The fight lasts 3 minutes. After 3 minutes passed, the system checks and finds the player that has died, and it rewards the winner. After, it teleports them back to where they were, and sets their name color to white again(forgot to say that they get color name too). After the player list is cleared, and players are able to join again, and admin can press //nextmatch again. If he wants the event to stop, he can press //stopregistrations. L2PvpEventManager's html file is in: data/html/pvp/idofyournpc.html. Some notes: - Everything is configurable. - The event is created 100% by me. - The Semi auto thing stands for //nextmatch command. If you are a bit experienced java dev, just check nextMatch() method, and you'll understand ;). - Everything is tested and working. Fixed errors: - Report them so i can fix them. NOTE: In the core diff, there is also voiced commands code, because i coded it on aCis rev. 75, and they don't exist there. So i added them. In the dp diff, i create also an npc with id 65535, as L2PvpEventManager. Here: CORE: http://www.4shared.com/file/w1gsxcsD/PvP_Event.html Password: Anarchy Have fun! P.S I am Anarchy. So don't say leecher or Anarchy shared it.
  20. Hmm. If you posted your npc instance for dm manager and html it would be better...
  21. Your pack/project read style: - Open configs. - Open every properties file that has name event, mod, custom, feature, reward. - Say: BEST PACK ALL CUSTOMS HERE. GL. I agree with HighOne btw.
  22. Explain better... You want hero weapons to become +7 when? With 1 scroll? Or max enchant for hero weapons +7?
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