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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. Can you post here the link please because i can't find it. Thanks.
  2. demit >.< Joking :P At least it's much better than the other crappy color systems, isn't it? I mean those coded in EnterWorld.java, and not even check after pvp kill or admin edit char.
  3. Yes, but maybe he can't every time write player's name when he wants someone to be hero forever. Dude, if i have time later or tomorrow, i will share it for you.
  4. Hi everyone. First of all i want to say that i hope this will be the end of stupid shares like: pvp color system 1 color pvp color system 2 colors pvp color system 3 colors . It's kinda advanced, just see the configs and you will understand why. Credits 100% to me, coded on aCis rev. 82. Here: http://pastebin.com/pkhWZ1z1 Btw tested and working... Have fun!
  5. You have to make a connection to the database, and execute an sql file that will set the character name and info to heroes.sql table, but via java. It's not difficult. Just search for other stuff that connect to database and edit them.
  6. Oh please, make it I'll wait(not that that's right but..). Btw if it works, gj.
  7. (Bump?) Updated: - All characters that are in a religion have as title their religion name(you must change this). Fixed some stuff at pvps. New feature, religion leaders. One leader for each religion, he is auto-chosen every 24 hours, also he can be chosen by admin, //setreligionsleaders. Religion leaders have a custom skill, super haste lvl 1 default. Also religion leaders have always as color name the color all the other religion members have while they are in war. If religion leaders are in war, they get black color name. Every time a religion member dies in a religion war, he is auto revived after 1 second, gets auto noblessed and if he is religion leader gets auto super haste lvl 1. Also after players are teleported to their base, they get nobless too and religion leaders super haste lvl 1 (just to avoid losing buffs). Religion wars have been (kinda) reworked, since i had many errors after i added religion leaders.
  8. axaxaxaxaxa Btw thanks, i hadn't seen this post before :P Oh locked pff.
  9. :P Sth with my name? xD I've requested several times from Maxtor a name change but he always ignores my requests. And indeed, that's why i posted this, it's really annoying when i see such posts. Specially if the posts are BIG. Do You Understand Now? :P
  10. Guys, i have a question, why most of you when you write a sentence you put in EVERY word the first letter capital? I guess you have all learnt that only the first word's letter in the sentence must be a capital. Here is an example: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=206036.0
  11. Imagine if i add vampire's idea about the pope axaaxaxa. :D
  12. Thx again. I have 1 question, should i add configs, or is it useless?
  13. Thanks vampir, i loved the first idea. The second is not bad too, but maybe in the feature, because it's sth like making the whole engine automatic(and i don't really like automatic engines :P). But still, it's not a bad idea. Maybe i will add different challenges, not religion wars, like 1vs1 pvp religion leader vs religion leader o.O :P For now, i have to make some corrections, improvements to the main code, and after these, i have to think how the religion leader will be chosen. Thanks again.
  14. Hi guys, I decided to share sth new I created. I got the idea from the old, shared religion system, but i created a new, completely different(actually the old one is almost same to GvsE, just changed names) one, and extend it with an unique feature. Now it's not VERY beta phase, and i suggest you not to use it in a live server. I posted it on beta phase, so you can suggest me ideas. It is coded on aCis rev. 76. Let me explain how it works: Every new character, can choose between 2 religions (you set the names in html included in data/html/religion/npcid.html) with an npc with type L2ReligionManager (i have created a html file with 65535 as name, so i suggest you to create a npc with id 65535, or rename the 65535.html file to your npc's id). He can't change religion in the feature. When admin wants, he can press //warnreligionwar, to warn with 2 announces the players that a religion war is about to begin. After he presses //startreligionwar, the players that are in religion 1 are teleported to their base, and the same happens with religion 2 players. They also get a name color. The default base is set to coliseum. When a religion war is active, all religion players can fight each other(if they kill same religion player, they don't get reward), and get as reward 2 pvps at each kill(instead of 1) and sth else(item, default is set to 1 gold bar). They don't get karma, only flag, even if case is pk(ofc if they hit players that are not in a religion they get karma). After admin presses //stopreligionwar, the war ends, and every player is teleported back to where he was before the war starts. Here: http://pastebin.com/gvgqDbFJ - CORE http://pastebin.com/eY5G9u42 - DP Credits are 100% mine. Btw it's tested... Have fun! Updates: - All characters that are in a religion have as title their religion name(you must change this). Fixed some stuff at pvps. New feature, religion leaders. One leader for each religion, he is auto-chosen every 24 hours, also he can be chosen by admin, //setreligionsleaders. Religion leaders have a custom skill, super haste lvl 1 default. Also religion leaders have always as color name the color all the other religion members have while they are in war. If religion leaders are in war, they get black color name. Every time a religion member dies in a religion war, he is auto revived after 1 second, gets auto noblessed and if he is religion leader gets auto super haste lvl 1. Also after players are teleported to their base, they get nobless too and religion leaders super haste lvl 1 (just to avoid losing buffs). Religion wars have been (kinda) reworked, since i had many errors after i added religion leaders.
  15. Hmm, i don't real think anyone would like to give 250$ + every month for a pc to hold his L2 server. Anyway, thanks.
  16. How to pm you with offer, since you say nothing about what does the pack contain.
  17. Hmm, Mr.Clever, that's my point... THERE IS NOT SUCH SHARE. And if you just think a bit, not difficult, just think, you will be able to make it and share it, so it will be useful. And there are shares that admin can choose the amount of pvps, but now as many colors/pvps as they want.
  18. If you want to share an unique pvp color system, make it with arrays, don't share with more, let the admin decide how many pvp colors he wants. It's not difficult.
  19. Bah, i'd say more that mxc is more like developing forum than cheating. Make it MaxDevelopers. :D
  20. Hmm then it's more complicated... Anyway, it will be fixed soon. As soon as Leluche releases it or someone else...
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