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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. Thanks. I will ;) In a while, V2 will be out with the features mentioned on my first post. So on V3 you will see some interesting things :) P.S. V2 is out. Preparing my next steps list... List is ready.
  2. I think i'll add configs about viewable. I will add configs with restrictions here too. So some classes wouldn't change their target. But i will add a message too. I'll think about that :) Thank you very much again :)
  3. Amazing, really thanks. What do you think, this leaders' channel should be able to be viewed by all members and only leaders talk, or just leaders? Also about party matching, i don't think it's possible on interlude l2j since party matching isn't implemented :/. And i don't really know how it works to create something similar, if you could explain it would be great :) About assist thing, i could make something else, like if main assister attacks someone, every member would target him automatically. What do you think? Also about gear, something like alt+g on gms? Like being able to view inventory?
  4. Bump. V1 is out. Check the CHECK IT in my main post.
  5. Lol dude, if you vote once you can't vote again that day. There's no need to save something at database, since it checks if the vote count is increased, so if he votes once, he can't increase it again.
  6. You have to work on scripts folder, or on anything for the pack, even post bugs or suggestions(or even videos from official lineage) to get access. Actually Tryskell uses this system, because otherwise he would work alone on the project. It just became more difficult to get access, because of the leakers :/ GL.
  7. I hope there will be no corruption again. Good luck, i am going to join.
  8. Hello everyone. Yesterday i started working on a new mod, party control. Every party leader can press .partycontrol and a window pops up. There, there will be some options for the party. What is implemented so far: - Leader can set his party in and out of pvp mode. - When in pvp mode, his party can be detected by any player with the command .showpvpparties(it shows all parties in pvp more, near which town they are checking where most party members are and how many members at each party i might extend this one more, need ideas). - He can recall all his party members. - I have created a static FastList in L2Party that contains all parties in the server. Each time one is created, it is put there and when it is deleted it is removed. - He can teleport all his party members to another zone. Zones are setted by the admin in the htmls. - If party is in pvp mode, all members have custom color setted by the admin on their name/title. - A channel for the party leaders, where only they can talk there and it can be viewed by all party members. - Party's main assister. When in pvp mode, leader can set the main assister. When he attacks a player, all party members, except if they have a class mentioned in the configs, change their target automatically to the player he attacked. Also a text informs everybody which is the main assister's target. - Possibility to view each party member's inventory. Works exactly like alt+g with gms, the only difference is that it is done with the .viewinventory command. It only works for party members. I have tried to code it as simple as possible and i am going to improve it more. Also it's fully configurable. It is coded on Interlude l2j. Don't ask me to code it for newer chronicles, i hate them. Do it by your self. Here: http://pastebin.com/CE5rLjAz CHECK IT I need ideas to improve it, not only for pvp mode, but to add general party control features too. My next steps(green=done, orange=undone): - Rework the main assister thing, based on vampir's idea. I think i'll keep both systems. How will the new one work: Leader will be able to set groups at his party with group leaders. For example, he will be able to set all the tanks in one group and one of the tanks will be the leader. If he attacks someone, then every member of his group will target him automatically. Also a message will be sent too. It's much cooler this way. Some pics(i'll update them on next update i decided not to upload new pics, it's boring, v1 pics are enough :) ):
  9. Strange, it should say: Cracked by NightKhaos from the scumbags of Initiative-Project depending on the GameServer.java you posted ( _log.info("Cracked by NightKhaos from the scumbags of Initiative-Project"); ). Instead it says: Developed by NightKhaos (mavndox@yahoo.com)
  10. An4rchy


    Zoidberg woop woop woop
  11. An4rchy


    EPIC. I don't like the okay face, but ok. :D
  12. target.sendSkillList(); This should be after the for loop in removeCurrentSkills method. In giveAioSkills method too. + if(isAio() && (isInOlympiadMode() || isOlympiadStart() || inObserverMode())) + { + sendMessage("An AIO buffer can't use his abilities in olympiad."); + return; + } But an AIO can't join olympiad :/ + if(activeChar.isAio()) + { + activeChar.sendMessage("AIO can't use unstuck command."); + return false; + } Not needed, since unstuck teleports you in town... The connections for setting aio column in characters table to 1 or 0 in AioBuffHandler aren't needed, since it is automatically updated through the storeCharBase method. Last thing, the methods in AioBuffHandler could have been static; there's no need of creating useless objects.
  13. Not really. Setekh tried many times to work on L2JArchid (IL), but for several reasons each one 'failed'. Matim worked on Sigmo too. Actually these 'big developers' will just work for money and they will work on the chronicle that sells most.
  14. I prefer the old ways of enchanting, a high max enchant (for example 25-30), low safe enchant (4-7) and a mid rate of enchanting (75%-85%). This way you enjoyed enchanting and if you enchanted something at max you were really happy :) But DON'T add donates with enchants over max...
  15. This seems more like an advertisement for the hosting 'gift' to be honest, judging from your main post.
  16. Pioi? Tha borouses na apofigeis to task, alla einai ligo eksopragmatikos o tropos pou skeftika :D.
  17. NEW! Bumping rules: You are allowed to BUMP (Bring up your topic/post) your topic only 24 hours after your last post. If you try to bump your topic before 24 hours pass, your bumping post will be deleted.
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