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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. Not bad, nice features. However i didn't quite like the fact that you need to craft, but gl. Btw the .findbuy .findsell system is on L2Tales too, but on community board.
  2. Hadn't seen this ;p so first one cancelled ;p
  3. I'm thinking to code a mod that will give the players the possibility to start a task to auto enchant any enchantable item in their inventory. They will press .autoenchant and a panel will open up showing available items. They will chose one and then another panel will open up letting them choose between available scrolls in their inventory. They will set a number as a max enchant(if succeeds) and the task will run every 2-3 seconds calculating the success rate, and if it successes, then after 3 seconds it will happen again. There will be a button to stop the enchanting process if they want. If the item breaks it auto stops or if the item reaches max enchant. Also another mod i was thinking about is the same think, but with augments. The auto task stops when lifestones are over or when you get a skill. Ofcourse this will work with the necessary checks to avoid bugs. Don't ask me if i will share it or sell it, i just want to know if you would use such mods.
  4. Totally agree. I'm off il client after this, srsly.
  5. It's just that Interlude community are retarded stubborn kids, that cannot move on to new features and are only keen on player archer/mage op servers, with blessed 100% farmable.
  6. I don't get your point here, but ok. The rest are true for me too, specially this:
  7. Lol, i didn't mean to offend you it just sounds weird. Whatever, gl.
  8. Guys, this npc should work with special coins or something. Then you can trade those for items/services. It is a bad idea to make it work directly, unless you have added checks and support for every failure/misunderstanding.
  9. L2Off tauti? If this a Gracia Final extension don't try it.. If you managed to leak those, this should be interesting. GL.
  10. I have to say that most of the bugs/glitches have been fixed: - Augmentations stuck bug fixed. - Magic critical hits are now calculated by 3xnormal damage. So around 2,5-3k dmg. - Added 3vs3 matches at clan event. - Increased to 2000 points per survivor at clan event. - Added a screen message to show you how many ls you have at solo event. You should give a try to the server, you won't be disappointed :)
  11. People are impatient and greedy. This is a new server, it was launched today. What did you expect? With 15 testers on beta huge problems can't be revealed. Balance problems can be revealed at mass pvps, where a specific class would always survive. However we are trying to be as fast as we can, and you can't deny that, in order to fix all issues and make you able to enjoy a good gameplay. And what's the respond? 4-5 guys shouting phrases like 'close the server', 'fail balance' etc, without really having a clue of what they say or how hard we tried to achieve what is achieved till now (members that really helped by serious reports are always an exception). In conclusion, what i am trying to say is that patience is the key. If you follow any server you will see that day by day the gameplay becomes bugless, funner and better. Also about summoners, we are not planning to make them playable at pvps anytime soon, that's because it would take days in order to pick the right skills to be added/removed and the stats to enhance/nerf at pets.
  12. Project moved to Private Servers section, 1:30 hour till the grand opening.
  13. Have you edited any config regarding buffs/nobless?
  14. A new event that will give clan leaders the opportunity to gain reputation points has been made. Devlin will announce it in few minutes i guess giving a full description. We are thankful for your kind words. You have been really helpful during the beta phase. Be ready for tomorrow :)
  15. Metakinithike sto sosto section. Ftiakse kai to prefix kai na eisai pio analitikos otan zitas kati.
  16. Απλά θα γράψω τα αγαπημένα μου, τα άλλα δείτε τα μόνοι σας έχει πάρα πολλά:
  17. Logika epidi ta raid bosses einai scripted, prepei na ta rithmiseis sosta gia na litourgoun. Sigoura tha iparxoun ta analoga configs.
  18. What if this guy doesn't know how to speak English properly? Anyway.. Moved to client mod help section, you'll find better answers there(probably).
  19. It's easy but it's really boring to make these htmls and bypasses.
  20. :) Btw, it's going to be adapted for L2JPes, probably today.
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