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Everything posted by zasadata

  1. CraftNation is a brand new minecraft survival server with a MMORPG skill based leveling system witch allows you to earn XP for mining,crafting,pvp, etc...,etc.... Our website: http://craftnation.enjin.com CraftNation is a brand new server off the bat with a new map and is in need of some OP's and helping hands. If you would like to fill a possition please leave me a PM or add me on skype: deamon234. Here is a list of plugins and some info about the server, WHITE LIST OFF OFFLINE MODE ON PLUGINS -bPermissions -WorldEdit [only used by OP's] -EasyEnchant [ Only used by OP's for event rewards] -Shelfit[so you can store your written books] -mcmmo[u can lvl up get skills] -WorldGuard[ Disables:Fire spread,tnt block destruction,] -FlyRestrict [so we dont have any speed,fly hackers] -Enjine [plugin for real time ranks uploaded in our website] EVENTS The CraftNations staff have build a giant maze with a underground underwater temple with a lot of booby-traps. We will be hosting some fun events in there. There will be an event calendar in the website.
  2. I need a anty captcha script for l2 sexi does anyone have to share ? I am using l2tower and l2net.
  3. neveer played there
  4. l2gold rush
  5. lame
  6. reinstall java
  7. witch webpage ?
  8. if u ask me u acomplish nothing from it
  9. maybe a guide on how to make one would be good too
  10. i think that is a good config
  11. how much will it cost ?
  12. yep wpe works with almost all
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