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Everything posted by Iridescent

  1. an kerdiza to joker 8a eperna spiti ama3i 8a anoiga k ena magazaki epeishs 8a agoraza ton l2gold kai 8a xezomoun sto taliro telos:D
  2. wtf? kathe 12 ores ginete..
  3. thanosbel@hotmail.com add me in msn to talk about it
  4. an exeis akoma to source apo archid ennow to compiled pack prin klisei sto workspace tha mporouses na to kaneis c/p sto pack pou xrisimopiieis twra kai meta na sinexeiseis to compile kai gg...
  5. swstos HM5... idika an einai me ligo hp ton xwneis eukola kai grigora.. btw.. den pistevo oti einai agnwsto kai oti eprepe na anoikseis topic..:D:D
  6. Discovering the power of the Aion Sorcerer The Sorcerer The Sorcerer class follows a very natural path of progression from the Mage archetype. Rather than being saddled with the same old spells and a spiffy new pet like the Spiritmaster, you can now focus all of your efforts into bending the weave of the universe to your will. The destruction you were able to wreak as a mere mortal mage doesn’t remotely compare to the hell you’ll learn to unleash upon your foes as an immortal Sorcerer. Strengths Extremely high DPS (ranged) Multiple "Get out of jail free" abilities Less gear dependent than other archetypes Weaknesses Very slow auto attack Hobos have better armor Slow mana regeneration Words to still live by "Kill or be killed... quickly." Yay! I’m a Sorcerer… now gimmee. The first thing you’ll receive is your choice of a new weapon. Up until now, you’ve been forced to flip open a spellbook, waggle your fingers, and zap some enemies. Now you can choose between another spellbook and a new weapon type: an orb. Given all the information available to you in the description of both, it looks as though you would be a fool not to choose the Orb of Karma. The Orb does more damage, has better stats (minus the Magical Accuracy), and let’s face facts; everyone likes to play with something new. Sounds great, right? Guess what though. You should take the Spellbook of Karma instead. On paper, this looks like a boneheaded idea of the first order. There’s just one disturbing little fact the description of both items fails to mention. The Orb is a close range (as in melee distance) weapon. This works perfectly for a Spiritmaster, but for the Sorcerer, it’s a near-suicidal mistake. The Spellbook is a ranged weapon, just like you’ve been using all along, so grab it and be happy. Where Are My New Spells? Once the thrill and excitement of your recent ascension wears off, you’ll quickly begin to realize you’re little more than a glorified Mage at this stage of your development. While you may not get a lot of new spells, you have grown in power so don’t get too depressed. The treasures of the future are just around the corner. At level 10, your method of hunting should not vary at all from your days as a Mage. Even though you’re using the same techniques, you do have a couple of new abilities (Herb and Mana Treatments) to do it with. Flame Bolt II is an upgraded version of Flame Bolt I (duh!) and packs a meaner punch. It works exactly the same way and will also trigger your Blaze chain attack. The only new spell you get is Sleep I. Just as it implies, it forces a target to sleep for 20 seconds and damage will not wake them up. Don’t get too excited about being able to beat up on your helpless enemy as he snoozes though because it also greatly increases *all* of their Elemental Defenses and guess who causes absolutely nothing but elemental damage? That’s right… you. So what good is the Sleep spell at all then? This is the first viable crowd control spell you receive. It has a relatively low cooldown time (15 seconds) and is perfect for splitting those paired up mobs. Cast sleep on one target and then cool the heels of the other one to slow him and commence the beatdown. They may get a hit or two on you before they go down, but that’s why you have Stone Skin up. Don’t forget to keep your Mage hunting techniques going! By the time you finish the mob, the one you put to sleep should have just arrived. Put them to sleep again and get some distance between you. Once you’ve made it to your optimal range (25 meters most of the time), spin around and wait. There’s no sense in casting anything on Sleeping Beauty until your Sleep spell (and all those increased Elemental Defenses) have worn off. Sure, you’ll do some damage, but it won’t amount to anything worth writing home about, so use the few seconds you have to gain some mana while you wait. Once they wake, go proceed to lay the smackdown on their candy ass. Unleashing Your Inner Demon (or Angel) That’s all well and good up until this point, but where’s the *power*? Level 13 is where it begins, and it only gets better from there. The mantra I’ve tried to drill into your head is range, range, and more range. You are not a tank and are squishier than any other class in the game, including your counterpart, the Spiritmaster. With that in mind, Blind Leap I is going to become your best friend. It’s an instant cast 15 meter teleportation spell. For the Dungeons & Dragons pen and paper players of old, think of it as Blink, but with some direction. That direction is backwards. It sounds (and is) terrific, but always remember to be aware of your surroundings or you’re going to jump back into a bigger pack of monsters than the one you were trying to get some distance on. Along with Blind Leap, you’ll get a spell upgrade, a new buff, and my personal favorite in the form of a direct damage spell. Imagine being able to shoot your enemies with a harpoon. Now imagine that harpoon is made out of flames! Flame Harpoon I is just that and packs a mean punch to boot. 430 points of fire damage with a 2 second cast and only a 6 second cooldown time. Rawr. At level 16 and later you’ll start getting fire DOTs (Damage Over Time spells), water-based AoEs (Area of Effect spells), and a delayed blast fireball with Delayed Blast I. This is all before level 20. All this power and far, far more will be at your beck and call if you select the Sorcerer class. Let the Spiritmaster have his summoned lackey. You know the true meaning of death, destruction, and the pursuit of happiness. Now it’s time for the rest of the world to find out.
  7. One thing I find with a new MMORPG is how daunting it all is. You are thrown into this massive new world with thousands of other players and not everyone is waiting for you with open arms to offer assistance. Especially for those who are not avid MMO players, it can all get a little confusing. To save you some cash from those ridiculous online guides, I have compiled a short list of 6 tips for new Aion players. These tips are invaluable for those first 10 levels of game play and will even save you some time and money. What are you waiting for? Follow the jump. 1. Pre-Training One thing I didn’t do with my first few characters was pre-training and this turns out to be very helpful later on. As soon as you arrive in the world of Aion the first thing to do is to pick a few fights. Most of the mobs around here will give 100 experience points and it is worth levelling up at least twice before starting any quests. This will give you a good idea of the battle system. Using skills and picking up items such as Manastones to upgrade your training gear which you won’t be upgrading any time soon is also pretty vital. It also means that precious quest experience is not being wasted on lower levels that you could quickly do yourself. My advice is hit level 3 before starting any of the early quests, took me about 10 to 15 minutes to do depending on how many players there were in the area. If the area is over populated then head to a corner away from the crowds. 2. Gathering from plants Not many people concentrate on this skill enough and end up abandoning a lot of easy experience boosting gathering quests later on because they have not kept up with the skill. You will see purple headed plants around the area called Angelica; right click on them once to start gathering their essence. The first town you reach in both Elysea and Asmodae will have a ‘gather 10 Angelica’ type quest. If you can gather 10 prior to reaching the first town you are saving yourself a lot of time from running back. Gathering quests come up quite often. You’ll need to get the skill to at least 15 to do the last quest in the starting county but I’d personally recommend you don’t leave until you are hitting top 40-49. This will save you so much time in the long run with quests and also a lot of higher level plants and stones give valuable resources for yourself or to sell to crafters for a pretty penny. 3. Don’t buy armour Levelling from 1-9 is not tough at all and your training armour is more than sufficient to get you through the lower stages of your Aion life. Money, or Kinah, is hard to come by and it’s worth saving up as much as you can from the start. The only time you will be spending money is to save yourself on some running with the flight transport or on skill books. You won’t need to purchase potions or power shards as most quests and mobs supply a good deal of each. A lot of early quests give out food items and these are perfect for fast regen or strength boosts. As mentioned before, you can upgrade your armour with Manastones and new armour and weapons drop frequently. Keep your eyes out for green armour as you can sell this to passersby if it’s not suited to your needs. Green armour and weapons are more powerful than their normal counterparts so keep your eye on what you are picking up. 4. Expand cube space ou start off with 27 free slots in your inventory and as soon as you have over 800 Kinah it is worth upgrading it another 9 spaces. I personally like to grab as many quests as I can and tackle them all at once to save time on running back and forth between NPCs and mobs so having the extra space is a godsend. Having a full inventory also stops you being able to gather or even pick up quest items! It is not worth taking the risk and there is nothing vital you need to purchase right now apart from skill books. 5. Take on all quests This is a rather obvious tip which is not always executed. All the quests from 1-9 are easy to pull off on your own and you will even have some left over by the time you hit level 9. There is no rush to do them all as you can arrive back at any time via the teleporter. Most of the quests will be killing certain mobs for drops, clearing out an area, finding items and taking valuables from A to B. The experience and item rewards are well worth your time and can even make you some extra money. The main quest line, highlighted in yellow, follows the lore of Aion. While most of you will probably rush through the options I’d advice you try read these. When you hit level 25 and start to enter the Abyss, you will be quizzed on different aspects of Aions story, all of which are explained during various quests you have taken. 6. Hitting level 9 One easy mistake to make is to carry on with quests after you hit level 9. As soon as you level up to 9 go and check your quest book, there should be a class chance quest ready to be taken. Follow the steps and enjoy the cut scenes as you decide between the two classes offered to you. Once the cut scene is finished agree to travel to the main city even if you have quests left to do. After gaining your wings you will notice that the NPC has kindly gave you 99% of your experience required to level 10. Even if your experience bar was empty it would have been filled so there is no point gaining any experience during level 9. All you need to do now is teleport back to your first county and carry on your quests, saving you valuable experience points which would have been wasted. That is it for now. Let us know in the comments if you have any additional tips to offer or even extend on the tips already mentioned. With Love For MxC!
  8. here is from vbulletin:D http://www.minerskinz.com/portsmall/brazen.jpg it rocks
  9. no it sucks.. it takes a lot of money.. also if you want help just add me thanosbel@hotmail.com :)
  10. Text: StarLight SubText: TropiCaL Render:What ever you have with a black rapper:D Colors:W/e
  11. yeah sometimes i have problem too .. when i am trying to save armorgrp or weapongrp.. it pop ups a window with an error.. :/and i cannot save it
  12. Cmon..:D i dont leave in the same time!i have one house here and one house in france.. i visit france 3-4 times a month :D i leave in Marseille
  13. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=136330.msg966468;topicseen#msg966468
  14. hahahah..wraios!! k egw to tsakisa to kokoretsi :D:D eixame k splinantero xD
  15. Geia sas paidia!!:D Ti egine? psisame arnaki ? xorio katastash k etc? Pos ta perasate? Egw Epsisa Me ikogenia k etc..:D:D Perasa Polu wraia akousa k klarina axaxax:D
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