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About Megas

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. omg its epic hahahahahahaha nice 1 i would like to see more heroes :D
  2. this is a forum too right? im bored to create an acount there so i post it here whats the problem? gm got a life right thats why there are many staff and not only 1 idiot there should be many gms so there will be 100% on to help the people and roll back is not some think that deletes exp -,- and when the server roll back that should be posted on the website did any think like that hapened? and its not that easy to exp a dwarf smart guy
  3. i like the server BUT!!!! today at morning i farmed till 55 lvl and i got out from clans academy (means got circlet) at the night i am 33 lvl and im in the clan (dint loose items i still have the circlet and the clan kept its rep) that made me say .. what a waste of time..... and somethink more when you open a server the staff should be online all day i got this problem and i cant find staff to tell this........ dont join its just a waste of time
  4. in the sites that you sell are still writen l2 core and this names on the sites?
  5. many people ask this and no you cant add cloacks in interlude if you trie you will see somethink crazy becoze in interlude there are no animations for cloacks so the cloack will fly without moving ... :D
  6. its good for a starter to make a full set good job keep sharing :D
  7. as title says i need naruto headband (its shared in here) but i lost the link and the search is not working so if some one has the link and can give it to me i will be happy :D about chroincles i dont realy care but i prefer interlude
  8. wow its great but this will not work on interlude :(
  9. i would say l2 especialy the goddess of destraction :D lol cannot be compared with l2 resons : graphics , items , gameplay , maps (in lol there are 2) , in lol you are doing every time the same thing but in l2 there are much more things to do like in official there are too many quests ....etc... l2 is better :D
  10. assassins creed (all the series this game rocks) F.E.A.R 3 Darksiders Jericho these are my favorite fear and assassins creed have multiplayer but as always you need to pay single player rocks :D
  11. a video whould be great does he loose his adena or you just take them
  12. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=75758.0 here ya go
  13. i dont know why i liked it even if i havent testedi think its the best out there..... and i would agree with others give us some more info
  14. in old file edits when you make an error and save it the itemname-e file is auto deleted so better use l2-lige and becarfull to your changes as critical error said 413 save
  15. emena pali tha m arezan ola afta p ipes ala to enchant rate 20-35% safe 3 max apirw (kanis dn tha bori na pai panw apo +10 efoson einai low ala tha ginete kai aftw to kani pio gamatw) :D pvp server me hard enchant rate kai diskolw farm einai gamatw gt sinithos oli i server exoun x10000 rates kai min 3 max 20 80% rate liladi se 1 mera dinese full
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