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Everything posted by Benihime

  1. But enchant rate is nowhere to be found :3 Also,as seen in ur changelog,u have changed quite a few skills and not all to best. For example,adding all those skills to EE automatically made em an oly farmer,not to say outside oly too. Some other skills too like nobless skills (dunno what they require in ur srv), u better take a second look at em.
  2. 28 team members? What are u tryin to do there, pimp biz or smth? I hope those underaged teenagers' parents know what u doin with naked pics and all.
  3. Dats what was wrong before..u lacked a GM.. dat irony :D
  4. Will it be again clan ftw or solo players-smaller clans can farm platinum armors too w/o bein zerged?
  5. BnB (bits and bytes,lol) never used "core" as name of srv, get real. Anyways.
  6. Well I rly dont think so. See,classic bnb closed nearly a decade back, after few years u had a srv called l2core-bnb for some reason, which had nothin to do with original bnb. But then again,if u say u are old bnb, u do realize u admit bein dat corrupted as fack gm team. We all remember dat sweet Artek pic with his buddy killin baium solo.
  7. CoreBnB,enlighten me plz. Is dis original BnB x3 which was up like 10 years ago?
  8. Dis HAS to be da coolest feature ever.
  9. Those 6 rbs u love so much are ezily zerged by clans. Secondly, solo players should find a clan. If u think l2 is like Texas in its mid 50's and bein a lonewolf is cool, make an appointment to a shrink asap.
  10. I could post my ideas but,then again dat would require much time for me and I dont think Ill be able to do dat. Simply cuz u've posted many servers,a fact which shows dat u open-close servers and I dont wanna waste my time comin up with ideas for a srv dat wont last. No offence,so far I like it.
  11. Rly good specs,keep it up and inform us when u open it if u gonna open it.
  12. Seems cooler now,def worth a try altho reopenin on 2nd of October seems kinda far ;p
  13. Now dis seems interesting.
  14. U implied dat srv is runnin on Frozen,which means dat srv is bad and in doin so, u make fun of frozen :)
  15. Agreed with la memer master. Doesnt stand out whatsoever. Maybe tryin adding retail staff and remakin em into custom ones i.e make chests drop items such as ur custom currency,LS etc. U just need ur imagination.
  16. Yeah right,noticed on ur site "thnx to someone,member of absolute clan blabla". Nothing to do with u,right? And I believe dats written by u.
  17. So its a srv made from Absolute clam members...no corruption guaranteed!
  18. Oh yeah,1 of those old classy mid where in next day of openin u saw some blue bows and stuff... trusted! xD
  19. Yeah,yet another topic made by Krea. U got so much money as to hold so many servers?
  20. I rly cant see where u saw all dat. And u cant have much stuff in a l2 video so its pretty much de same for most servers.
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