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Everything posted by yakuza

  1. They are indeed very good more good than the first ones and the curently ones. At the start i wasnt agree with this ideea but... you totaly changed my opinion. Like InTheEnd say's they are OP!
  2. Type: (Signature) Size : 400x190 Theme : Anime Text : Yakuza Subtext : Family Style : you chose mr. artist. Render: This Any other information for the designer : Some JP symbols. Good Luck.
  3. This is my conversation with the fake Flash... how he trying to scam me. [01:42:52] Flash: Trading L2jAvengers High Five with 1 High Five Pack. Value 100+. Limited. [01:44:04] FLORYN: Hello man [01:44:15] Flash: hey [01:45:25] FLORYN: you sell project? :O [01:45:37] Flash: Selling + Trading [01:45:54] FLORYN: You dont wanna own l2jaevngers more? [01:46:26] Flash: I am the owner but i will trade it with a project who cost $150 [01:46:35] Flash: I will start a new project soon [01:46:47] FLORYN: But you will still give me support? [01:47:18] Flash: Ye [01:47:18] Flash: s [01:47:23] FLORYN: Hiu ok [01:47:34] FLORYN: man i have a problem with balanced system [01:47:38] FLORYN: that mage give to much dmg [01:47:42] FLORYN: and i go to balance system [01:47:46] FLORYN: mage to fighter [01:47:51] FLORYN: and doesent change anything [01:47:59] Flash: hm i can fix it in 30 minutes [01:48:07] Flash: i need to do some changes on it [01:48:15] FLORYN: the problem is i cant make update [01:48:21] FLORYN: cause i added already to much customs cripts [01:48:28] Flash: hm do you know to make a rar file? [01:48:32] FLORYN: that will not fit with a newer [01:48:34] FLORYN: version [01:48:38] FLORYN: rar u meana rchive? [01:48:48] FLORYN: archive* ? [01:49:13] Flash: yes [01:49:17] FLORYN: why? [01:49:38] Flash: make it and send me to edit it since i cant use teamviewer on my laptop [01:49:52] FLORYN: i make archive to what? [01:50:09] Flash: make a archive of pack [01:50:17] FLORYN: i have payd [01:50:21] FLORYN: scripts on my pack mate. [01:50:52] Flash: i have all them i will not scam you [01:50:56] FLORYN: and im pretty sure u are not real Flash [01:51:19] Flash: lol dude [01:51:22] Flash: let me pm you [01:51:25] Flash: on maxcheaters [01:51:37] FLORYN: 1. Sicne when you learn so good english? [01:51:48] FLORYN: since* [01:52:29] Flash: are you kidding me? [01:52:37] FLORYN: no man [01:52:43] FLORYN: since i talk with "you" [01:52:49] FLORYN: u dont spell so good xD [01:52:54] FLORYN: but its np i understand you [01:52:57] FLORYN: and flash never log [01:52:59] FLORYN: on available on skype [01:53:01] FLORYN: only busy [01:53:09] FLORYN: and he never ask me for pack [01:53:12] FLORYN: to give him [01:53:17] FLORYN: idk is just strange [01:53:18] Flash: my teamviewer [01:53:21] Flash: expired [01:53:24] Flash: thats all [01:53:35] Flash: and i was busy thats why i had busy my status [01:54:08] FLORYN: well you can help me with mage problem [01:54:14] FLORYN: give me the solution and i will do it [01:54:45] Flash: i dont have time atm can you wait until tommorow? [01:54:54] FLORYN: i can wait [01:54:55] Flash: i will fix teamviewer [01:54:58] Flash: good [01:55:10] FLORYN: what is your paypall address? [01:55:51] Flash: sifis369@live.com [01:56:00] Flash: why? [01:56:08] FLORYN: i just ask [01:56:11] FLORYN: xD [01:56:21] FLORYN: anyway i will wait untill tomorow [01:56:27] FLORYN: but an detail for fixing it you cant give? [01:56:45] Flash: can you explain me the problem? [01:56:52] FLORYN: it just doesent work [01:56:57] FLORYN: i put the [01:56:58] FLORYN: numbers [01:57:02] FLORYN: and doesent worlk [01:57:05] FLORYN: defult its [01:57:06] FLORYN: 1.00 [01:57:07] FLORYN: i add [01:57:08] FLORYN: 2.00 [01:57:11] FLORYN: and still same dmg [01:58:09] Flash: wait i will create for you a file extactor [01:58:17] Flash: to exctract files on you pack [01:58:20] Flash: let me create it [02:03:41] *** Flash sent Mage class fix L2jAvengers.rar *** [02:03:44] Flash: here [02:04:11] Flash: updated the l2jconfig.jar on it [02:04:21] Flash: now its working [02:05:08] Flash: if you have problem PM me [02:05:08] Flash: :) [02:05:28] FLORYN: thanks for trojan horse xD [02:05:45] Flash: lol its the API of the source of the exe dude [02:05:52] Flash: try to close your antivirus [02:06:05] Flash: its false positive from some antiviruses [02:06:53] Flash: it will extrack .propeties + .jar files [02:06:58] Flash: you need to select your folder [02:14:01] FLORYN: send me a MP [02:14:02] FLORYN: on mxc [02:14:04] FLORYN: PM [02:14:06] FLORYN: * [14:29:28] FLORYN: Hi Flash, I'd like to add you as a contact. FLORYN And he blocked me after... Flash never block his clients.
  4. Hello ICEwave (Good render also very good effects) 8)
  5. Very good features and promising server gz for it! :dat:
  6. Hello man i need suport i have error eclipse
  7. I cant wait for the opening server seems very good and very good features!
  8. Very nice LOGO ICEwave !
  9. Cool video :D... to bad on this server :)
  10. Will this server open? it was a 20 seconds rr and now... Pause i wanna check it.
  11. I have this problem what fix do i need for it? I wait for some replyes... thanks!
  12. Thx for share is goud i test it on h5 work perfectly some modification in Html Mobinfo
  13. Amazing share bro keep up the good job... Develop Client section seems not more dead with your new shares, i hope for more ! GL
  14. Nice share... NeverMore i was searching for something like that
  15. oo Good Share man :) thanks
  16. Name : Florin Age :32 Country : Romania Skype : pparazytu
  17. Nice work man Good Job :)
  18. Nice features... waiting for the opening. Good luck !
  19. yakuza


    Super fail server, Super fail community. I dont recommend this... i cant call it server !
  20. Good luck with your server !
  21. LF very stable Hi5 source...
  22. Well this server its really good... with some changes will be better... i dont vote for 100% enchant rate i vote for something like Normal scroll 66% / Blessed 66% Items dont broke untill +10 / Divine Scroll 100% from +10 to +12 ! And server will rox
  23. This is for Hi5 to?
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