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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. only spam team must have this sh1tty colour
  2. it's very usefull if u play L2Mafia
  3. Test...... ExTrEmEDwarf ExTrEmEDwarf ExTrEmEDwarf ExTrEmEDwarf ExTrEmEDwarf ExTrEmEDwarf first is better
  4. makes you show hard and make us terrified(Our eyes are terrified)
  5. yeah i know http://html-color-codes.info/ Suggest
  6. many people have problems with Gmod colours...Admin is ok ofc
  7. i agree,i have to put cursor in a way like taking the letters for copy(if u can understand me) to make it clear who he is
  8. donot be bitch and help WeirdSituation to get VIP too :)half adena to him and other to Setekh
  9. Are you donator or bugger?cz there is no other reason to play l2mafia(or 10yo kiddo)
  10. find someone to trade with bwin or other betting websites that support payment to paypal
  11. This guide is the old of me(a c/p of the greek one-bad c/p) This is the normal http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=165856.0
  12. tested and work? if work u have +1 karma from me
  13. i agree also there are so many ready websites here,take one open the server and then make an unique if this website has the correct FEATURES LIST even if it is ucoz style it will pwn
  14. You donot report anything(δεν εισαι καρφι)
  15. bam
  16. he is straight
  17. ι thought u reported GOST
  18. lol this is a quest this has been shared over 4 times this is c/p this is not a full c/p,the end is missing!
  19. me vs 12 ppl in one server,miracle,finally i have 200 life,their leader comes and i pk him
  20. ι will join to PK you maybe..but anyway i won't play any server that is more than 1-2 months old
  21. l2liberators ειναι αθλιος σερβερ τι συγκρινουμε τωρα..εκει πιανουν ολα τα bug ακομα και stuck augment(που δεν δουλευει σε κανεναν σοβαρ σερβερ απο το 2008)
  22. Δες το sign του Vaxil
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