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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. i will make a hard blue sign will u make me G,mod?
  2. learn greek :o xD btw Erol green colour doesn't suits u
  3. he is more clever than me
  4. i didnot know that when i was searching for this too,in many forums this way was suggested anyway,k
  5. i wanna Dark Elf DAGGER Vesper dagger Vesper(not the noble one)light+cloak Haircut like emo(the 4 or 5) text :Finito colour:Not flames,what looks nice in the signature(Try,since i donot know how the render real looks like and the pose itself) at Who i send the adena ?
  6. Ghost of Sparta is HolySmoke he is different?
  7. he cares about the fame of this acc it has 19 karma,2k posts and many shares
  8. Also,to get unban you should post the other PIC at maxtor via PM
  9. he gets VIP from friends/adena never paid for once as i know
  10. if u karma goes to -1 why not-but ur iQ is so low u will get stolen again
  11. only one?and every time these VIP acc get banned cz he flames them for not unbanning the main one
  12. Να σου βαλουμε τον δολοφονο αβρααμ παπαδοπουλο;
  13. every time with new acc he begs for unban and mods are here to ban him again if he flames If he flames now,just another acc banned if he flames with other one,deleted it's a better deal and mods are here for flames
  14. what's the reason to have him here with bot-acc and flaming? he wants to be back with normal one w/o any flame As i see the reason he flames now is cz you donot unban his acc
  15. Unban GodPowerTm he is looking serious this time
  16. he wants his stolen account back+unbanned cz he didn't make the actions that made it be banned
  17. Ηθελε να γινει πρασινος
  18. Kαι με καλο γινεται αν εχεις εμπνευση και δεν εχει κανενα περαιτερω fix o server για αυτο
  19. animated are bad,but better than before anyway,HOUSE MD starts soon
  20. You as Gmod+Ur avatar is fackin my eyes off
  22. Τhis is very important in servers w/o geodata(and with geodata sometimes)
  23. Morian had 45k adena and wanted VIP he repromoted and sent him/setekh 20k each
  24. That's my point every time i need to make this in order to see the name
  25. σχετικα με αυτο που ειπες για balance πρεπει να το δουλεψεις εσυ,οτι project και να εχεις εξαρταται απο rates/buffers/customs
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