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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. παιζει pvp;μπενω
  2. when beta is over?
  3. it's beta..i donot think u would be after opening too
  4. LOL FAIL!
  5. no i went to connect with L2Akin patch to server and i connected to L2lostfighters
  6. no connected to L2lostfighters.tk that's why UnholyPoweR was gm
  7. epic is epic i tried to login to l2Akin and guess what
  8. Mafia has many fixed bugs.Almost nothing is working if we forget the GeoData bugs,the critical error and the bug with stuck buff in sub-class change
  9. @Intrepid:What is L2Eloxim pack based on lol...i am now starting realising that L2Mafia is a very good server
  10. it worked only in C4 L2Off servers lawl
  11. it's not avaliable in my country too
  12. i believed the same as SoFi...before check the archidi pack
  13. in this forum u came to advertise ur L2 server! you will have flying while each time u kill a mob u stuck?this is fail
  14. http://l2jarchid.com/index.php?archid=sBug Should i start?;D(if give me a clean server to check)
  15. Why not make a test a clean l2jarchid vs a clean other project for IL
  16. imagine something i go to primeval island i hit 1 mob,i kill it and it freezes will dead.I cannot attack(no server lag some others had the same) after that,i die go to village and tadam!Battle force-Spell force-Capture a State buffs stayed is that omg or not?
  17. As sofi told me ,there were many bugs before even Intrepid touch this pack
  18. still...make this suggestion to sofi about GE-it's good idea I am really dissapointed,i expected atleast a pack w/o so many bugs. Even the server Nosfekain opened had less bugs
  19. Reptant_

    HB ED !

    ♥ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ ΤΟΥ ED Nα μην ξεχνιομαστε(τζι αρ)
  20. starting a new server at freya is a risk however...
  21. that's what i am talking about if Sofi wants,cooperate u will put the knowledge and pack and they the deticated/host Still L2Akin Just like this now,but instead of IL shitty pack and epilogue one
  22. so you are making a whole new core?lol so akin will be ready after xxx time... i suggest u co-operate with Sofaki-coyote and open a high rate epilogue server with ur work..
  23. as i saw it,i have a suggestion that i would never say it better use L2jteon(LOL)
  24. Reptant_

    HB ED !

    ♥ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ ΤΟΥ ED Mutho better Να μην ξεχνοιμαστε(gr]
  25. Aυτο το NPC θα ηταν χρησιμο αν υπηρχε αναλογο code για restriction wear only no grade in tvt
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