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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. omg was his a 5 year old kid?
  2. both he could have easily die by falling by his bicyble
  3. we was unlucky
  4. it's not that goot too cartoonish,and text cannot be readen easily
  5. all of them are IL right?
  6. Gracia Epilogue in my opinion is the best L2J chronicle also,u can make 'miracles' in it almost bugless also,why prefer an IL environment who has no more than 2-3 months of live,from a gracia that has sure more months+ability to become Freya with new features in the future
  7. i thought u had died
  8. τοτε L2Pokemon!
  9. Τhat's my point IL+Java=Never better go to epilogue,or even Freya
  10. Reptant_

    [GR] Try It

    Δεν ειπα με τετοιες μαλακιες Δανια κτλπ ο αδερφος μου 2α ξερει την Δανια απο το EURO και απο το PES ,αν και οντως αυτα που καναμε εμεις 4-5η δημοτικου τα κανουν τωρα στην 3η
  11. Reptant_

    [GR] Try It

    αυτο θα ελεγα,το ηξερα απο την 3η δημοτικου
  12. should i sign this?xaxa P-P-P-POWER!!
  13. χαχαχα
  14. Good panda
  15. Never say 'No' to a Panda
  16. epic downfall...mxc server will be on flames but yeah,i would like 1 day with postcount of this section,9k posts xaxa
  17. epic is epic What do u think is GOST is moved to a board with post count?
  18. Xaxa forum can die from spam though
  19. meng,90% of shares CE does are not even his...
  20. for all of ya
  21. dl and test,it's CE
  22. 1. Open your Nightclub City account. 2. Earn some exp and coins. 3. Open cheat engine and select browser (Firefox) in process list. 4. Change value to Array of Bytes, Tick Also scan read-only mem, Tick Hex. 5. Scan "89818C0000008B41" 1 address returned. 6. Right click and Disassemble mem region. 7. Right click selected line and select 'Toggle Breakpoint'. 8. After a while, the game and browser and probably this page will freeze. So open the steps in another browser. 9. Change the value of both ESI and EDX to '99999999' (located in top right corner, red memory region) 10. Right click the selected line again (step 7) and select Toggle Breakpoint. 11. Click Debug > Play and the browser,game will unfreeze. 12. You will now be level 35 and super rich, as in SUPER RICH!!!!
  23. my avatar as reply
  24. δες την ορθογραφια του ατομου που το ποσταρε και μετα πιστευεται... btw,τιποτα σαν τον Spellhowler
  25. rly,let's don't talk about that
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