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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. +1 he has wrong sense of money worth,like selling 73lvl char on x50 server 15 euro MeVsYou prove us these cost more than 50 euro
  2. if Freya inventory view has changed no way to do it
  3. lol and i have warez vers of FIFA 2011 since yesterday and waiting PES for 2-3 more days?
  4. What's the minimum offer u take?
  5. i think the opposite :/
  6. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=178547.0;topicseen το Lineage II General Discussion [Greek] > [Request] Γενική βοήθεια
  7. so,go Arion,servers isn't that 'old' and u gonna have good gear faster
  8. Answer me Do you have friends in DEXTERNET that will put u in one of the best clans+items+xp+general help?
  9. in fact,it would be better if u have used a better render and HQ one
  10. αν και τζαμπα το βλεπω,καθως δεν ξερεις τα rules και πιθανοτατα δεν θα γλιτωσεις το ban
  11. Παλια υπηρχε εδω,δεν ξερω αν το εχουν κανει remove(ειδα ενα στο j/k) παντως,ψαξτο σαν NPC to POLYMORPH system btw η pic δεν δουλευει
  12. You know that's not good why simplier don't just try to make something that can be 'some' good,instead of posting here and hear comments u know u are going to hear ? ???
  13. i don't see a reason to start dexternet there is actually none,since community is old,more than 50% moved to arion,which is new I am waiting for a comment that says WHY to start dexternet instead of arion
  14. ATDHE.net just PERFECT,watch all matches(basket+football)running atm
  15. cause JavuS is GrisoM,this topic is gonna be deleted :o
  16. xaxa i was sure,from SErver from greece ucoz(means hosted in greece) and from that Sorry For Our Site It Will Be Fixed Soon SpeciaL Thx To xSweeTV1oLenCex nice web designer
  17. who is his friend? btw xaxa,pro
  18. αποτι καταλαβα,θα αγορασει skill,αρα ο σερβερ ειναι παραπληγικος,αρα unbalance αρα δεν θα δει τωρα,αν ειναι βγαζει το ενα agility active και βαζει shield,παντως ενα duel might πρεπει να το εχει
  19. Passive:Evasion Actives:Mbarrier Evasion Duel might( να κανεις damage,το shield δεν το χρειαζεσαι λογω τοσο evasion)
  20. LoL Nosfekain and Angel are the best karma abusers in mxc(as far as i know)
  21. σεντ πιεμ
  22. Dexternet=2,5 years server Arion=5 or 6 months obvious Arion,if u don't have teh best friends that will give u items in dexternet
  23. sure,maxtor will be very happy for this
  24. you have a big point here you help forum,but seeing the reaction of some people in here...i don't know
  25. ah ok...would u imagine a 20 year old guy falling on ya? btw,if it was a 20yo i would may say some 'racistic'things
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