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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. oχι Μπορεις να γινεις ανθρωπος; μα εισαι πουστης logarw μετα απο 2 μερες και λεει λαθος pass
  2. Φυσικα μπορεις να μου δωσεις RS PREM free?
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=178730.0;topicseen
  4. or just use GOOGLE and search
  5. good animation normal use ur imagination and find some very good!
  6. yeah,but upload the damned into photobucket/Imageshack i can't damn see them!
  7. Μην σχολιαζεις την καθε γνωμη που ακους intopic: Θες μια ΠΟΛΥ καλη διαφημηση,balanced donations ,να αργησει καπως ο σερβερ να ανοιξει(για να τον μαθουν περισσοτεροι) και να ειναι ΚΑΛΟΣ σε σχεση balance/bugs/economy
  8. compiled ή preconf
  9. RaidFight Retail PvP if u don't like it,gtfo btw,Nekys a little mana pot (like DN one)would be da betta
  10. Πολλα κουταβια
  11. Prophecy Of Victory!
  12. you got dekarma'ed by a Global moderator what are u asking now?
  13. 10 continue posts of you were with quote and almost 25 of 47 of them
  14. fix How to connect or give a link at forums this is a big disadvantage
  15. from your 47 posts the 20-25 are quotes of others check them urself,i am bored to quote one by one
  16. Last one rocks
  17. Το μονο προβλημα ειναι στα Systextures
  18. isn't it a bit lame to ask it here and not in ragezone? :o
  19. good as idea,but i don't rly like the outcome
  20. LQ render overall i like it WHY THE HELL CAN'T I SEE INSTANTLY TINYPIC links!
  21. Οκ,but i think we must find a way to reward you???that was my point
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