1. Open your Nightclub City account.
2. Earn some exp and coins.
3. Open cheat engine and select browser (Firefox) in process list.
4. Change value to Array of Bytes, Tick Also scan read-only mem, Tick Hex.
5. Scan "89818C0000008B41" 1 address returned.
6. Right click and Disassemble mem region.
7. Right click selected line and select 'Toggle Breakpoint'.
8. After a while, the game and browser and probably this page will freeze. So open the steps in another browser.
9. Change the value of both ESI and EDX to '99999999' (located in top right corner, red memory region)
10. Right click the selected line again (step 7) and select Toggle Breakpoint.
11. Click Debug > Play and the browser,game will unfreeze.
12. You will now be level 35 and super rich, as in SUPER RICH!!!!